Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1435: reaction

For a military fan, the flames generated when the RPG rockets hit the target and explode are very charming.

But for the injured, it is not so wonderful. As the king of weapons alongside the AK-47 in the 20th century, this single-soldier anti-tank weapon that has been played out is irresistible to humans. The big killer.

Not to mention sitting in an ordinary SUV, even sitting in a thinly armored tank can not hide from the damage of RPG.

Because of Hansen and Yang Cheng, the Mercedes-Benz they were riding in was not so lucky, but the SUV behind them was not so lucky. Although they heard Hansen’s reminder, the brain accepted the information and converted to the next one. Instructions also take time to respond.

At a distance of just 50 meters, for RPG rockets with a firing velocity of more than 100 meters per second and a maximum speed of about 300 meters per second when the projectile engine starts, they can hit the target before the blink of an eye. Rao is a group on the battlefield. The Bing King who had avoided countless stray bullets, at this time, could only resign.

Unfortunately, God did not stand beside them. The rocket easily penetrated the fragile body of the SUV and successfully ignited the gunpowder in the medicine room. There are 5 people in a car, all of whom are the elites of the Yangcheng bodyguard team. , Before they even had time to let out a wailing, they were caught in a fierce explosion flame, and they were dead.

The sudden change caused all ordinary people who had not experienced the test of life and death into infinite panic.

The vehicles evaded all around, some rushed out of the road shoulder and hit the haystack, while others directly hit the guardrail and flew directly into the opposite lane.

Yang Cheng sometimes wondered if he had committed a crime with his life, but now it is the 21st century, and has been attacked several times in just a few years. It's an assassination again, and it's a sniper rifle again. Now even RPG is used. It is clearly an urban life script. It is a military novel of fighting and killing. Does it make people live?

At this time, according to Hansen's teaching and training in the past, he kept his head tightly, curled up as much as possible, and hid in the gap between the back seat and the front seat. As for Burns' life or death? He can't control it!

The front of the car just hit the guardrail, and the violent turbulence caused serious shock to his internal organs. His head was dizzy, his stomach felt nauseous, and he was nauseous, but these were nothing to save his life.

Hansen and Andrew reacted the fastest. Almost the next second after the car crashed, they both jumped out of the car and drew their pistols to fight back. If the opponent had an RPG, staying in the car was a live target, and we had to go down. car.

The two have a clear division of labor, without saying a word. After tacitly shooting a bullet, Andrew took a double gun and used the cover of the car door to find the target for precise shooting, while Hansen rushed to the back door, pulled open, and shot Yang. Orange dragged out of the car and shouted, "Boss, we are attacked, let's get out first!"

Yang Cheng didn’t say anything nonsense. He was obediently guarded by Hansen. How uncomfortable his body is now, his mood is just as angry, but revenge is something after running out safely. Right now, nothing is more important than running to safety. Thing.

Just as they were about to withdraw, they heard a faint call from the car, "Help me, please help me~"

Who else but Burns?

The shock wave of the RPG rocket explosion, unfortunately swept her side, she had never been trained, and even fell into a brief faint.

Fortunately, the vibration caused by the car crashing into the guardrail woke her up again, but she was still dizzy.

But in front of life, she showed super willpower, and when she was dizzy, she did not forget to ask Yang Cheng for help.

Yang Cheng and Hansen heard the call for help, and they stopped at the same time.

Hansen looked at Yang Cheng and didn't speak. Obviously he was waiting for Yang Cheng's instructions. Yang Cheng said that there is no other way to save him. If you can't save him, you will assume that you haven't heard the call.

The most taboo thing on the battlefield is the Virgin’s heart attack. The prerequisite for saving people is to save his life, so Hansen will never feel that Yang Cheng is cold-blooded. On the contrary, if he can, he wants to speak up. Let Yang Cheng ignore the call for help, but unfortunately he can't. His duty is to respect Yang Cheng's orders.

Yang Cheng knew that he couldn't think too much about it at this time, and after hesitating, there might be no chance to escape.

In less than half a second, he quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and said to Hansen, "Pull her up and let's go together."

Hansen flew back like a conditioned reflex, violently pulled Burns' bloated body out, and thrust it into Yang Cheng's arms, "Boss, you support him, I want to be on guard at all times."

Yang Cheng nodded, put his arms around and half stroked, following the way of Hansen, bowing his waist and quickly walking through the gunpowder smoke.

After running a distance of about 10 meters, Hansen yelled from behind, "Andrew, withdraw!"

At the same time, he was still on the walkie-talkie, calling the surviving bodyguards. He must gather the strength of the bodyguard team in the first time, so as to have a chance to resist the next wave of attacks.

Usually RPG is responsible for opening the road, followed by a intensive rain of bullets. For these unsuccessful militants, this level of tactics is already very advanced. Hansen really can't think of what they would have to start him in a cold sweat. Tactics.

Yes, so far, Hansen's mentality is still very calm, as long as he escaped the RPG attack and the subsequent shootout, he has the confidence to protect Yang Cheng well.

At this time, Andrew grinned, and ran back excitedly, showing off his attack to Hansen, "A bunch of trash, I fired in two rounds and suppressed their charge. Finally, it was a big scene. The opponent was too irresistible. beated."

Hansen said irritably, "Don't patronize the fun, have you seen who the other party is?"

Andrew changed his bullet while shaking his head, "I don't know, they are all covered with their faces and their clothes are mixed. They should be Nigerian reactionaries."

Hansen thinks this guess is reliable, "Then they should be from Boko Haram? I just don't know how they will aim at us?"

After a brief adjustment, Burns's brain gradually recovered sober, and he interjected, "If Jason and I die in their hands, it will definitely cause an uproar in the world, and their goal of engaging in terrorist attacks will be achieved. They are all willing to do the embarrassing thing about ZF in Nigeria."

Then she took a vicious sip, "Damn reactionary~"

Yang Cheng glanced at her faintly, and told Hansen, "It's not the time to investigate their identities. Are our people? Are they all safe?"

Hansen paused in his footsteps, "Oops, Miss Su Su is still in the car~"

Yang Cheng cursed, "fuck, go back, we must rescue her~"

Andrew volunteered, "Boss, let me go, you and Hansen will withdraw first~"

Yang Cheng looked around and pointed at the weeds, "I'll go there and wait, when you come back, we will withdraw together~"

His tone was beyond doubt, Andrew didn't say much, and ran back, while Hansen guarded the two of them to the back of the grass.

At this time, the exploded SUV had burned into a skeleton, and the people inside could no longer die. The scene was in chaos, with the sound of gunfire intertwined, and the whole world was purgatory.

The bodyguards in the SUV in front are already retreating in an orderly cover. With their military qualities, dealing with a group of indigenous people who use guns as fire sticks makes it a bit difficult to destroy them all, just like playing a family. To retreat, the opponent is still really unable to stop.

Yang Cheng hid behind the bushes, breathing fresh air greedily, and said to Hansen, "We must not run on two legs. We have to find a way to ask for help."

Hansen checked the remaining magazines, his face solemn, "Yes, but we are not familiar with the land, who can we call for help?"

Burns immediately said, "I have to find a way to get a phone call. As long as I can contact the office, I can have people pressure Nigeria ZF to send troops over."

Yang Cheng touched her body and said dejectedly, "shit, the phone fell on the car."

Hansen took out a bunch of fragments from his pocket, from a mobile phone that couldn't see the prototype, and said with a mournful face, "It should have been rolled and crushed when he jumped off the car."

However, he quickly pointed to a vehicle that had been attacked and forced to stop not far away. There were two civilians shivering in it. "I'll go to the vehicle and check it out. They should have mobile For the time being safe, Yang Cheng nodded and said, "Be careful, go and come back soon~"

When Hansen cat rushed out, Yang Cheng smiled bitterly at Burns, "This trip to Nigeria is really exciting~"

Burns leaned against the grass and rubbed her ankles. She wore a half-high heel on her foot. One of the heels had been separated. "I can consider making a movie later, there must be a market~"

This woman had a big heart, and she was still in the mood to make jokes at this time, but she had to say that it was still effective. At least Yang Cheng laughed out, she was making fun of her hardship.

Burns rubbed for a while, and solemnly said to Yang Cheng, "Thank you for coming back and saving me just now~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand and deliberately said that he was very ridiculous, "I saved you for the sake of profit, and save your life. If you don't give up a little share, you won't have the face to see me in the future~"

Burns still looked upright, "Don't worry, I will always remember this love."

I didn’t hear the fierce gunfire, and Yang Cheng felt more intensive. The AK’s gunfire was still easy to distinguish. Fortunately, these elders hadn’t been trained, and at least half of the bullets shot out flew into the sky. Really may not be able to safely run out of the war zone.




A few loud noises interrupted Yang Cheng's thoughts. Under what circumstances, a grenade suddenly appeared?

Just when he was preparing to probe out to check the situation, Hansen hid behind the grass with a sliding shovel, followed by a few bullet craters that hit the ground, "Boss~ someone touched it, we have to withdraw quickly~ "

Yang Cheng didn't say anything. He picked up Burns and waited for Hansen's prompt. He said that when he ran, Yang Cheng didn't look back, pulling Burns, and ran forward with his head down.


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