Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1437: Pig Gang

Nigeria is the most severely deforested country on the planet. The forest coverage rate has dropped to less than 5% in just a few years. Large tracts of virgin forests have been violently destroyed by people, leaving many wild animals homeless and migrating. Migration, of course, is more of a target for poaching.

Therefore, when a group of them enters this dense forest, they are least worried about encountering dangerous behemoths, because at the scale of this forest, it is basically impossible to hide large carnivores.

Of course, the existence of some poisons cannot be ruled out. These things are impossible to guard against. Yang Cheng and the others have not been professionally trained, so it is difficult to guarantee that they will escape, only luck.

And Andrew walked in the forefront, also in order to detect the danger in advance, in order to promptly warn.

At this moment, Andrew hung at the front of the team alone, his raised fists never let go. He half-kneeled on the rotten leaves, his body motionless, as if he had been casted with a hold spell, which made the team behind. Panic.

Hansen, who had been guarding Yang Cheng's side, was also half-kneeling at this time, staring at Andrew's back unblinkingly. He didn't worry about the safety of the other party. His most trustworthy brother teammate had enough. Ability to deal with all dangers.

Yang Cheng calmed down Susu who was a little uneasy, and asked Hansen with his eyes, hoping that he could give an answer, but to his disappointment, Hansen also knew nothing.

Suddenly, the bushes a few meters in front of Andrew shook frantically, as if something was ramming in the bushes, accompanied by vivivi's piercing cry.

Yang Cheng and Hansen's expressions changed. Damn, it's really bad luck to get home. Misfortunes never come singly. They actually met a wild boar at this time. This thing went crazy and even scared the lion. How could they be touched by them.

The United States is the country with the most wild boars in the world. Yang Cheng, who often hunts, is very familiar with the call of Marshal Canopy, not to mention Hansen, who has rich experience in wild survival.

The two yelled at the same time, but Hansen shouted, "Wild boar", and Yang Cheng shouted, "Pig Gang Li"!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a huge wild boar with short but unusually sharp fangs and a thick mane on his back, rushing out of the bushes and charging towards Andrew.

Looking at the size of the wild boar, it looked like a refined water tank. It was nearly 2 meters long and looked more than 300 kilograms in weight. The ground trembled when charging.

Everyone who sits in the office has seen this thing all the year round, covering their eyes and screaming.

Andrew took out his dagger very calmly, and suddenly flashed away when the wild boar was about to approach, holding the dagger in his backhand like a barricade, and the extremely sharp blade cut across the wild boar's thick soil armor.

However, the blade that can easily pierce the skin of creatures, but at this time, it was like a hardened steel. Not only did it not scratch, but it also angered the beast. He slammed the brakes and was frightened without seeing it. The crowd quickly turned around and continued to charge towards Andrew.

Now Andrew couldn’t calm down either. He screamed and ran away, but he chose a very particular escape route. He focused on the cracks in the trees to run, and his feet kept flickering, but he didn’t walk in a straight line. Otherwise, with the wild boar at a speed of 4 or 50 kilometers per hour, Bolt is useless when he comes, and he may break a bone when he crashes into it, and sorrow when he hits it.

If unfortunately you get a bite and a comminuted fracture does not run away, the bite force of the wild boar is not a joke, let alone a wild boar who has gone mad for no reason.

Seeing the figure on the side of Yigao gradually disappearing, Yang Cheng prayed for Andrew in his heart for half a minute, and then listened to Hansen, "Let’s go quickly. It is not suitable to stay here for long."

"What about Andrew?" Yang Cheng asked anxiously, he didn't want to throw Andrew away.

"I'll leave a mark, boss, don't worry, the wild boar can't survive that kid's life, he will definitely catch up."

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, too, no one killed Andrew, let alone a beast?

With chasing soldiers in the back and wild boars in front, an ExonMobil staff member had a nervous breakdown, sitting on the ground and rolling around and refused to leave.

In the face of this situation, Yang Cheng decisively stopped those who wanted to continue to persuade, and no one would stop them if they wanted to die, so don't delay everyone's escape.

Of course, Yang Cheng has enough tolerance and patience for his own people. A person who can't beat him without a second of kindness.

But Su Su was kind, and wanted to persuade Yang Cheng to take the person, but she was coldly rejected. At this time, a small number of people might not be a bad thing. Maybe the militants found him, but they were angry. It.

I continued to walk for a long time. I obviously felt that the temperature of the sun was slowly weakening, and the sky was getting darker. No one wanted to spend the night in the forest, but there was nothing he could do. Seeing the woods became sparse, it was estimated that they were about to reach the forest boundary. Now, what can we do? When we reach the desert or grassland, without the cover of the woods, isn't that a target for people to shoot?

It may be that God thinks this group of people should not be Just when everyone's mood fell to the bottom, there was a sound of "DaDaDaDaDa~" from far to near.

Yang Cheng is now hungry and thirsty, and his strength is about to be exhausted. For fear of hearing hallucinations, she can only look forward to it, as if she has been shut down for decades, looking at Hansen with the same hungry eyes as she saw a woman again, and she straightened this brawny man. Look straight hair.

Hansen shivered and raised his ears. In fact, as early as the sound appeared, he knew that today's escape route had finally come to an end. At this time, the helicopters that can appear in this wilderness, except for the Nigerian ZF Army, could not find them. The second one.

But seeing the look in Yang Cheng’s eyes, Hansen seriously determined for a few seconds, and finally said very positively, “The boss is the sound of a helicopter, and there are more than one. One of them should be AW109, codenamed Pathfinder. Military version."

Yang Cheng's dry and cracked lips turned up slightly, and she fell on the ground. All the way to escape, he was mentally and physically exhausted. He finally couldn't hold it back when he heard the rescue helicopter arrived.

Susu's situation is even worse. The small face that was originally tender and watery is now extremely pale, there is no blood at all, and it is a bit paler than white paper.

Burns behind him accidentally fell to the ground head-on and fainted completely.

Plops, and as Burns fainted, it was like pressing a switch. The nerve that everyone had been supporting could no longer be supported. One by one fell to the ground. This time no one finally took it. They pulled up and continued to run.

Hansen looked at everyone with emotion. In his military career, he has seen countless times more embarrassing and miserable than today. Only today, he has a trace of excitement in his heart. This is also the biggest change since he retired from the army. There is a touch of human touch in my heart~


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