Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1438: Revenge never stay overnight!

(After a one-day meeting, only 4000 words can be added. The weather is too cold and the temperature has dropped below zero. Friends in the north should keep warm~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)

Back at the resort hotel in downtown Lagos, Yang Cheng did not sleep at all. After taking a hot bath, she sat on the sofa in the living room with a dead face. Abu and Conrad had been waiting for a long time.

Before he could speak, Abu said with an angry look, "Too rampant, these terrorists are too rampant, we must teach them a lesson!

Jason, tell me, what are you going to do? As long as you speak, I can find all the members of the Polar Bear special combat team for you! "

Conrad's complexion was also unhealed. Although Yang Cheng happened to be unlucky this time, he was also afraid of being hurt by the fish. No one wanted to walk on the street. He didn't react, and he was shot and headshot!

"Yes, Jason, revenge must be taken, none of these **** scumbags can stay."

Yang Cheng still held his face and said in a deep voice, "Thank you for your kindness, but you must do it yourself for revenge. Otherwise, I can't get the bad breath in my heart, and I will easily get sick."

"Find out who did it?" Abu concerned.

Yang Cheng nodded and shook his head, "I can't be sure, but it should be a reactionary in Nigeria called'Boko Haram.' I'm just a target they used to demonstrate against Nigeria's ZF."

"I will call and put pressure on Nigeria's ZF through the embassy. They must send troops to suppress it, otherwise they don't want to have any trade deals with the United States!"

Yang Cheng is now Konrad Koch’s most important business partner. The loss of Yang Cheng’s life means that Conrad will suffer huge economic losses. This is a matter of cutting off money. Conrad is so angry. Not surprising!

Regarding this, Yang Cheng did not refuse. At this time, it is always advantageous to have one more boss to help and put pressure on it. What's more, Yang Cheng might do something extraordinary in the future, and he also needs the support of the bosses.

Yang Cheng wasn't in the mood to talk to them more, and after a few simple conversations, she saw off the guests on the grounds of rest.

After the people left, Hansen, who had also changed into dry clothes, came in and said, "Boss, I will take someone to the other side's nest now."

Yang Cheng pressed his hands and said, "It can't be so simple and rude. After all, we are on other people's territory. Nigeria is also the third largest country in Africa. We do it directly. It is not easy to slap their ZF directly. This is not conducive to the next cooperation. "

After thinking about it, he gave a serious order, "To contact the Nigerian military, we will say that we are an international rescue organization. Based on the belief in humanitarian peace, we will fund a batch of weapons free of charge. The only requirement is that the other party must be in our designated area. Inside, to conduct an exercise, everything must follow a regular pattern.

At that time, you will go deep in the name of a supervision group, an inspection group, or whatever you want, and clear the bosses of the "Boko Haram" at designated points! "

Hansen gave a weird smile and gave a thumbs up, "I know how to be a boss~"

I couldn't help but added, "You're still a boss, you're dark enough!"

Yang Cheng had a black line, not blaming Hansen for his joke, and asked instead, "Is Nigeria planning to purchase fighter jets?"

Hansen hesitated, "I heard about it, but I don't understand the specifics. The United States has always paid great attention to Nigeria. After all, Nigeria needs better and more advanced weapons in combating armed organizations like Boko Haram!

Especially fighters or armed helicopters with excellent low-altitude and low-speed performance, advanced airborne equipment, and capable of using multiple guided weapons.

The current fighter aircraft of Nigeria’s ZF Army is an improved J-7 model purchased from country Z. Such a high-altitude, high-speed fighter is not suitable for ground attack. In addition to its small ammunition load, limited combat radius and suspended time, the most The main thing is that its low-altitude and low-speed performance is not good, and the inability to use precision-guided weapons results in too low accuracy of bombing. In terms of light attack aircraft, country Z lacks similar equipment, so Nigeria began to consider US-made weapons. "

Yang Cheng nodded, "Very well, just ask for something. Think about it, what kind of equipment Nigerians need most now in the world? It doesn't have to be American. I want to get it and sell it to Nigerians as soon as possible. The equipment, fighter planes and helicopters, are all fine!"

After all, he is not a professional arms dealer, let alone an army fan. He knows too little about weapons and equipment. The weapon models that have been promoted in Hollywood movies are catchy, but Nigeria don’t need it. Give them a bird of prey. It is estimated that there will be no meeting in the whole country, let alone driving to the sky, driving a lap on the track is considered a success!

But is there a second-generation machine sold in the United States?

Hansen couldn't figure out this question either. "Maybe there can be a batch of F-4 ghosts in the airplane cemetery?"

Ghost? Can that thing fly? Yang Cheng looked surprised, "Ghosts? Even if you find one that can fly, Nigeria won't want it? Besides, aren't ghosts a type of fighter plane that favors air combat?"

Hansen touched the back of his head, "That's right, light ground attack aircraft, it seems that there is no surviving model in the world? The third-generation aircraft is not available in Nigeria, or should I sell them helicopters?"

"Forget it, don't consider heavy equipment, but consider ground weapons. Selling them a few self-propelled artillery is enough to deal with a group of guerrillas."

Hansen straightened up, "Yes, I will do it now."

Not long after he left the house, Andrew knocked on the door and came in. Yang Cheng immediately got up to meet him, and said with concern, "How is it?"

In order to avoid the collision of a wild boar, Andrew was accidentally scratched by a branch of the flesh and blood around his waist, which looked very oozing.

Andrew barked his big white teeth, patted his chest and said, "Boss, I am in good health. This little injury is nothing."

Yang Cheng smiled and patted him on the shoulder heavily, "Thanks for your hard work, go and rest. I will allow you to not be on duty until the injury is recovered."

Andrew was anxious, "Boss, I have no problem at all, I won't delay work, I still want to take revenge!"

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. This guy is a war monger. Wherever gunshots were heard, he immediately went to GC, more excited than giving him two beauties.

"All right, then you can do it yourself. If you think there is no problem, you can go with Hansen, but don't be aggressive, life is the most important thing. I don't want to take your corpse back."

Andrew grinned, "Don't worry, boss, just relying on the savages of the other side to provide me with enough ammunition, I alone can make them regret coming to this world!"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "You guys know how to put your mouth on it. Okay, let's go and rest. Listen to Hansen's arrangements and get ready to kill a few more for me. It's so miserable for me. Have a good time!"

Andrew's smile was bloody, "Leave it to me, I won't let them die easily!"

Sent away, Andrew and Yang Orange thought for a while, and called Richard Debin, who was far away in Washington. Some things needed the support of the donkey party leader.


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