Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1439: Play a good show

(Coding while having a meeting, is there someone like me who is hardworking? ^_^)

"Richard, I suffered a terrorist attack in Nigeria~"

"What? The people from Boko Haram did it?"

You can see Richard Debin’s shocked expression on the phone. Even if it is pretending, Yang Cheng feels relieved. After all, people are still willing to pretend to be concerned. This means that you still have use value. He didn't bother to pretend to pretend, and he didn't need to be brothers and sisters.

"What the **** is going on? How are you now? Are you injured?" Richard Debin said quickly and with concern.

"Thank you, it is indeed a terrorist in Boko Haram. I have now returned to the hotel where I stayed safely. Apart from the embarrassment of being chased, I was not injured."

Richard Debin breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good~"

"But with me is the director of Exson Mobil, Ms. Ursula Burns, she was shocked not lightly."

"Ms. Burns is there?" Richard was surprised again.

"Yes, but she was not injured, but she was a little weak, and her mental condition was quite poor." Yang Cheng said truthfully, pulling out Burns to make up for Richard Debin.

If he only asks for help himself, he might shirk the relationship between the two, but there is an outsider who is also a director of ExonMobil. Even if it is for the purpose of canvassing votes, he should do his best to help.

Sure enough, there is no need to talk nonsense by Yang Orange, Richard Debin said directly, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will immediately hold a press conference to strongly condemn your experience in Nigeria.

In addition, the United States has a 900-man garrison in Niger. They will immediately rush to the Nigerian border to launch a new round of cleaning missions to the jihadist organization. "

The United States has a total of 6,000 troops stationed in Africa. On the surface, the main goal of the United States' military operations in Africa is to fight against the "jihadist" organization Boko Haram with the assistance of the French army.

France has even more soldiers stationed in Africa than the United States.

But under this coat, the secret mission of the US military is hidden from the outside world.

Of course, Yang Cheng is not interested in their true purpose, as long as the US troops are dispatched to exert pressure on Boko Haram.

"Thank you, please give me a specific time. At that time, the Nigerian military will also launch related exercises."

Richard Debin thought for a while, "Just pull the French, and use the name of the exercise to join a large-scale military operation?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Uh~ Is this okay?"

He was already excited inside, but on the surface he still didn't want to participate too much.

Acting, after you sing, I will appear on stage. I can’t let all the good plays be performed by one person!

Richard Debin righteously said, "What's wrong? I think this opportunity is very good. The overseas military garrison consumes a large amount of taxpayer's hard-earned money every year. Naturally, they have to pay back with brilliant results, otherwise Just go back to the country."

Feeling the power of the donkey party’s powerful figures again, Yang Cheng is also very sensible, "Well, I recently invested in a charity project in Nigeria. Taking into account the hard work of the soldiers in the garrison, I decided to privately sponsor 1 million US dollars for this exercise. The troops are used to improve their living environment in Africa so that they can better protect American citizens.

I am not familiar with the affairs of the army, so I have to trouble you to help deal with this donation. "

Richard Debin smiled brilliantly on the other side of the phone. He likes trading with Yang Cheng this little fox the most. He considers everything in front of him. He doesn't need to bother at all. The more things like this, the better. He doesn’t do anything at all. Too much trouble.

So he said abruptly, "Well, on behalf of the soldiers of the army, thank you for your generous donation. I believe that if they live in a better environment, they will definitely put out more sweat and blood in training and use the most on the battlefield. The dazzling results return the expectations of the people of the motherland."

The two people talked about each other for five minutes, and nothing was repeated!

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng exhaled heavily, and finally arranged it, and the rest depends on Hansen's performance.

He was half lying on the sofa, and there was a burst of tiredness. Just now, he had been struggling to support his energy. He was already a little overdrawn. He wasted countless brain cells just now. At this moment, he really can't hold it anymore. He just crooked. Fall on the sofa and fall asleep!

Because no one was bothering me, I woke up in the middle of the night with a splitting headache, rubbed my sore shoulders, subconsciously turned on the phone, and saw more than a dozen news items pushed by the Toutiao app.

After clicking on, Yang Cheng couldn't help but laugh, and at the same time gave Richard Debin a thumbs up in his heart. This is very efficient!

The news that Yang Cheng and the directors of ExonMobil suffered a terrorist attack in Nigeria swept across the North American continent. On this morning, what Americans are most concerned about in the morning is not last night’s NBA playoffs, let alone the Hollywood movies with a big box office. , But two business leaders in West Africa.

At 9 a.m. Eastern time, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press conference and launched a fierce and serious condemnation to the global media regarding the attack on American businessmen in Africa. Of course, there were also the deployment of troops. Declaration!

The spokesperson faced dozens of spears and cannons with a serious face, and said in a painful tone, "Tell everyone a very unfortunate thing."

Yang Orange clicked on the video playback, and she was a little dumbfounded when she heard this sentence. Isn't this tone used when a person is dead?

"Yesterday, the Chinese citizen, the well-known entrepreneur, Mr. Jason Yang, founder of New Times Media, and Ms. Ursula Burns, the director and operating officer of Exxon Mobil Corporation, were on their way back after conducting an inspection of charity aid projects in Nigeria. Suddenly attacked by reactionary armed men!

According to the person’s narrative, we have reason to suspect that the terrorists are related to Boko Haram, the West African jihadist organization. They hide in the bushes on the side of the road. They have about 50 troops and ride on 10 armed pickup trucks with large-caliber machine guns, and 20 Many motorcycles, motorcyclists carry RPG rocket launchers on their shoulders.

Open fire to our citizens!

Because the ordinary cars used by several entrepreneurs were not bulletproof, several cars caught fire almost instantly under the rain of bullets. The RPG rocket hit one of the SUVs in the team. The four bodyguards of Mr. Yang in the car Unfortunately, they passed away without responding. They were all great guys who had served in the army. They all had their own families, beautiful wives and lovely children.

But at that moment, the four perfect families were broken because of the brutal acts of terrorists.

This kind of behavior is infuriating. After discussion, the green berets stationed in Niger, together with the Nigerian military and the French foreign army, will carry out joint military operations against terrorist organizations in the region, all for peace! "


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