Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1448: Boyfriend said the same

This ordinary night, because of the IndyCar racing, the father and son Yang Sen found a rare and warm time, drinking and chatting, cheering at the speed and passion on TV together, in the end, the father and son were both drunk.

Liu Yun, who was after the massage, saw this scene. Although she blamed her, she couldn't hide the smile and happiness in her eyes.

These are the two most important men in her life. For a woman, her family is harmonious, and she never has to worry about material problems. She has her own career and has a very free leisure time. For her , This life can no longer be perfect.

Even occasionally I worry that I will have such a good life in my next life.

. . . . . .

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng went to the company after breakfast.

Su Su was temporarily recovering his spirits at home because of the attack. To Yang Cheng's surprise, the person who temporarily appeared as an assistant outside the office in place of Su Su turned out to be his cousin Liu Junyu.

And the other party came earlier than Susu.

When Yang Cheng got out of the elevator, she froze for a moment. Liu Junyu wore round black-framed glasses, a normal white shirt and a black uniform skirt. His hands were overlapped on his abdomen. Seeing Yang Cheng walked out of the elevator, Weiwei said hello, "Good morning boss~ "

After froze, he waved Hansen and the others to rest, smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

He did not call his cousin, this is the company, not the home.

Liu Junyu also didn't care about the issue of addressing. From the moment she took the initiative to call Yang Cheng boss, she knew that she was mentally prepared.

Besides, in front of her cousin, Yang Cheng, she couldn't put on the air of her cousin. She was originally introverted. How could she force Yang Cheng to call her sister?

"I received a call from Assistant Lin yesterday, telling me to come to work temporarily." Liu Junyu said truthfully.

Yang Cheng nodded, "Also, let Susu take a good rest for a few days. If you don't understand work, just ask me, don't worry about interrupting."

Although I am not called my cousin, I can't help but care.

Liu Junyu smiled, "Thank you, I will~"

Yang Cheng was about to enter the office, and turned back and ordered, "Help me have a cup of coffee, and also tell me about today's schedule."

Less than a second after caring, he started to do business in his own right, and he had to be furious if he changed himself.

While drinking coffee, while listening to Liu Junyu's rigorous report, let alone, I feel pretty good.

When she said that she would meet with JP Morgan in the afternoon, Yang Cheng raised her hand and interrupted, "Is it discussing the listing of New Era Sports? Let him go directly to Ryze, and I will be gone."

Liu Junyu hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to persuade him, but thought of what Susu had told him, he shut up immediately, and said, "Okay, I will transfer the appointment."

. . .

"Tonight is the Eastern Conference Finals between the Basketball and Cavaliers. Mr. Marx will confirm to you whether he will attend."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Go, and also help me prepare two, no, and three more positions, so let's go with my parents."

Liu Junyu was startled, "Me too?"

Yang Cheng was strange, "Do you have arrangements for the evening?"

Liu Junyu shook his head blankly, "No, but I don't understand basketball~"

"It's okay, just join in the fun, have dinner together in the evening, go home and live after watching the game, my mother misses you very much."

Liu Junyu pushed his glasses, "Okay then~"

Yang Cheng raised his hand to check the time and stood up and said, "Let's go, go to the meeting, you are responsible for recording."

Today, he made a temporary intention to attend the departmental meeting of Toutiao app. Recently, the user growth rate of Toutiao app has a bottleneck period. It is time to come up with some new ideas. At least before the group is officially listed, the user growth curve cannot be flattened. .

And since the Toutiao app was launched, it has not undergone major revisions. Each update is just to keep the app running stably and to make up for bugs. It is not a replacement update. After a long time, users will always experience a period of aesthetic fatigue. For a new app software, it is definitely a huge threshold. Many apps that were amazing at the beginning were caught by this high threshold and eventually failed. Yang Cheng didn't want this to happen to him. .

As the core department of the entire group, Toutiao app is undoubtedly the department he pays the most attention to, so even if it is an ordinary meeting, he will participate as long as he has time.

I took Liu Junyu down the elevator to the large conference room downstairs. Because he was going to participate in the department meeting, the department leader specially applied for the large conference room to facilitate the big boss' actions.

At the door of the conference room, I just ran into Eddie and his assistant rushing over. Yang Cheng was curious, and stood there waiting for someone to come over and asked, "What's wrong? His face is so ugly?"

Not long after Eddie came back from England, he just had his hair cut, and he looked very energetic.

"Boss, I'm afraid the meeting won't be completed."

Yang Cheng frowned, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I just received the news that the British consulting company zz sent us a request, they want to trade the user data of Toutiao app."

Yang Cheng frowned deeper, "zz consulting company?"

This name sounds familiar~

Eddie smiled bitterly and nodded, "During the financial crisis, a company ordered by Blair was set up specifically to conduct unspeakable transactions with multinational companies."

Yang Cheng suddenly felt, no wonder he felt familiar, it was this company that traded user data with Face.

But now the sight is aimed at the headline app?

"Are they here?"

Eddie nodded, "It's in my office. The other party claims to be the senior president of zz consulting company."

Yang Cheng pressed his chin and said, "Go, go and see, Jun Yu, you will attend the meeting for me, and report back the meeting record to me. I want to see it."

"It's the boss~"

Follow Eddie to his office and see a man with a dashing golden shawl and long hair in a straight suit standing in front of the window with his back to him, and the other person seems to be admiring the streetscape of Bryant Park.

Eddie coughed a few times to remind him, and when he turned around, he introduced, "Mr. Wigginson, this is my boss Jason Yang."

This man named Wigginson not only has blond hair comparable to women, but also a pair of clear blue pupils like ice springs. He leaned gracefully, with a charming smile hanging on his face, with a mouthful of countless corrupt women. After listening to the drooling London accent, he said, "Mr. Yang, I finally saw you. You are so young that makes you jealous."

Yang Cheng shook hands with the other party in a dumbfounded manner, and said sincerely, "You are handsome and make me jealous~"

Wigginson didn't mean to be humble at all, stroked his hair, and said something that almost made Yang Cheng collapse, "Thank you, my boyfriend said the same~"

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