Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1449: Back door

American Indulge in Life 2014 Chapter 1449 Keep the back door "Thank you, my boyfriend also said the same~"

When Yang Orange heard this, several questions suddenly appeared in his mind: Who am I? where am I? Am I wrong?

I almost pulled my hand back and laughed a few times. I might have noticed that my actions were a little too impolite or impolite, so I added another sentence, "Um, sorry, I just got cramps~"

God's hands cramped, Eddie almost didn't hold back his smile, and the reason was absolutely utterly shocking.

Wigginson didn't care and shrugged, "It's okay. Although I really want to say that the choice of xing is my freedom, I have to bear some incomprehensible gazes. In fact, Mr. Yang, your response is pretty good."

Yang Cheng laughed a few times without any feeling (qing), and didn't want to continue the topic, "Sit down and say something."

He has been in contact with the same (sexual xing) love a lot, but why did he meet the "suffer" every time, his head buzzes when he sits down, and his broken heart (qing) is still not relieved .

Except for being gay, Wigginson's looks and temperament are all superb, especially the kind that is liked by some rotten girls who have been kneeling for a long time, and when they see it, they want to rush to take pictures.

Even Yang Cheng herself has to admit that with such a look, she is still worried that there are beauties he can't get in the world?

Don't say that some women don't look at their faces. People are creatures of beauty. No matter men, women, young or old, they never refuse to appreciate beauty. The reason why you can't get it is just because you are not qualified to have it!

Just as he was thinking about it, Wigginson sipped his warm coffee and said, "Mr. Yang, this time I am here, on behalf of zz consulting company, to initiate a cooperation application with you. The conditions are up to you. There is only one requirement to open all the data of the Toutiao app in the UK, I mean all!"

After a pause, he said with a British stale humor, "Of course, if your company is willing to open up data across Europe to us, all your requirements will be met."

Yang Cheng didn't expect the other party to be so direct. He glanced at Eddie and said in a deep voice, "Have you been to Silicon Valley before coming to New York?"

Wigginson was slightly surprised and had to admire, "Mr. Yang is right. I just came from Google and Facebook. New Times Media is the last stop of my trip. After reaching an agreement with your company, I Will fly directly from New York back to London."

Yang Cheng heard the overtones, "How are you sure that the agreement must be reached?"

Wigginson said frankly, "Because I can't find a reason for rejection, you must know who is behind me. On the basis of our highest sincerity, cooperation is a matter of course (qingqing)."

Yang Cheng hasn’t agreed yet. Wigginson broke another big news, “In fact, the two sides are currently negotiating on the policy of open data for Internet companies. So, even if you don’t agree now, the final result has been determined. , But when the time comes, you will lose the opportunity to raise conditions.

Comparing the two, I think it is better for you to agree now. "

Eddie was obviously taken aback by Wigginson's revelation, "Can you tell me more about it? Regarding what they negotiated."

"As far as I know, this is a bilateral data sharing agreement. Once reached, the agreement will allow law enforcement agencies to directly request data from technology companies in the other country.

This means that after the agreement is reached, even if you no longer apply to the US zf, you can directly request Internet companies such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter to provide user data to assist in investigations involving terrorism, child abuse and other serious crimes.

Of course, it also includes New Era Media. After all, in terms of user activity, the Toutiao app has a considerable advantage, which is of vital significance for us to increase the control of criminal behavior. "

Eddie and Yang Cheng looked solemn, if it were true, this would be really not good news.

What do users care most about? Of course it is theirs. No one likes to be spied on by others for their private actions, even if it is to prevent crime!

All fools know this is just a high-sounding excuse, and its real purpose is to monitor the entire society.

But are Yang Cheng qualified to refuse?

As the core countries of the European and American states, as long as the United Kingdom and the United States reach an agreement, regardless of whether you are Facebook or Google, in the end, you will only be obedient and have no right to say no!

Wigginson further persuaded, “In fact, you don’t have to worry too much. The data we ask for is just to strengthen security control and will not affect your continued earning.

For the common interests of both parties, all of this is done in secret. What you need to do is to leave a back door for our technicians in your backstage, nothing more! "

It’s easy to say, but it’s just to leave a back door, but this back door brings great security risks to the entire company. Hackers can use this back door to steal secrets, exchange money, or even directly attack the company’s network, leading to large-scale Paralyzed, who will be responsible then?

Count on zz consulting company? Don't be kidding, they are just puppets.

Furthermore, this is completely different from the cooperation reached by Mitsui, because after paying for the data resources of the rb user, Yang Orange can also get Mitsui's (情qing) newspaper network to share. This is an equivalent exchange. This decision Yang The orange is made of willing (qingqing) wish.

But the British and American zf is purely a hooligan, is there any essential (sexual xing) difference from ((逼bi)bi) good prostitution? not at all!

So Yang Cheng had a hundred unwillingness in his heart. The other party said it nicely. What conditions can be mentioned casually. Is it possible to give Buckingham Palace to Lao Tzu?

Don't talk, Yang Cheng knows what the other party is talking about. It's not casual. For example, if you put a gilded gift box on a moon cake worth 1 yuan, you dare to sell it for 10,000 yuan. Who will buy it?

Scratching his hair unhappy, he muttered in his heart, "Damn John Bull, why are you not busy with Brexit and toss our small businesses?"

Yang Cheng will certainly not agree to this easily, and he has to investigate the Wigginson's (body shēn) background, and he can’t just say that he is here on behalf of zf. He will believe that there are too many scammers these years. Have to guard against it.

"Mr. Wigginson, please give us some time to consider and discuss, and give you an answer as soon as possible."

"Alright, then I will say goodbye first, not to disturb~"

Wigginson walked simply, without seeing any fluctuations in emotion.

Ask Eddie's assistant to see off the guests, and the (body shēn) shadow that watched him disappear, Yang Cheng immediately ordered, "Go check this person's information, don't be a liar."

Eddie nodded, "I should check it out. In addition, the two sides negotiated an agreement. Why have I never heard of it?"

Yang Cheng nodded gravely, "I'm going to find someone to find out. It stands to reason that such an important agreement cannot be silent at all."

"Yeah, I doubt whether this Wigginson will make up a reason casually, but it is impossible to think about it. This kind of thing simply cannot withstand inquiries."

Yang Cheng sighed, "If it's true, what do you think we should do? Agree to the other party's request? Or refuse!"

Eddie was also uncertain, hesitatingly said, "If you agree, once the matter (qing) is exposed, we will definitely face a huge public opinion crisis, and may even be launched by Google and Facebook as targets;

If we disagree, it will be difficult for us to bear the pressure of both parties. This is a dilemma. I need time to think about a possible perfect solution. "

Yang Cheng referred to the previous life's Facebook practice and said casually, "If we agree on the surface, then let our technicians encrypt on the back door?"

Eddie didn't think about it for a while, "Backdoor encryption?"

Yang Cheng couldn’t explain it clearly. After all, he is not a computer professional. “Probably it is to give users the right to choose. If users choose not to open data to us on their own client, then zf will not be able to obtain relevant information through the background. data.

In addition, we can add a lock to the back door left for the other party. The lock can be opened only after we both agree, and the other party can get part of the data through the back door.

But if we disagree, they are not eligible for data. "

After a pause, "I don't know if this method is feasible, maybe you can discuss it with the technician."

Eddie smiled, "I'm not a hacker either. I can't give an accurate answer, but at least it sounds like a good solution. This method can easily pick us out of the whirlpool. We are not guilty, and we are quiet. As a third-party service platform."

Yang Orange laughed, "Third-party service platform? Hmm~ I like this definition!"

Eddie put a smile away and said, "By the way, about this zz consulting company, I think it is necessary to check it carefully. If Wigginson’s (body shēn) share is true, but this company is not so powerful. Background, is it just a private enterprise of a certain individual?"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "You mean, this is probably Blair's handbag company?"

Eddie nodded, "We have to consider the possibility (sexual xing)."

"You're right. I ignored this question. Let me get in touch with William. He should know something."

Eddie immediately got up (shēn), "Then I will first investigate Wigginson's personal I will report to you when there is news."

Yang Cheng also got up (body shēn) (想yu) and left, "Waiting for your news~"

Being interrupted by Wigginson in this way, he was not interested in going to the meeting, and went straight back to the office, closed the door, and put the call on William's personal cell phone.

In the end, it was a woman's voice, not Kate, who answered the phone. Kate's slightly hoarse voice is very magnetic and recognizable. It is impossible for Yang Cheng to hear it, so who is the other party?

This is not important, what is important is the result, this guy, William, is making trouble again!

Yang Cheng's face was dark, but he clearly remembered that just not long ago, he helped him solve a troublesome case. How long has it been? It started again?


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