Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1457: Speeding!

Some people often ask where is the fun of skiing?

Yang Cheng couldn't give a standard answer, and he hardly played double-board, because double-board was not exciting enough in his opinion, and he couldn't make the thrilling moves of single-board.

But if the fun lies in the excitement, it doesn’t seem to be absolute, because whenever he bends his knees and speeds up the slide, his body instinct is still a little scared, but his courage surpasses fear, which makes him challenge one after another. A high-level piste.

And the reason why he did not become a professional athlete is because it is difficult for him to find lasting excitement in this sport.

I missed it if I didn't play for a long time, but when I slid excitedly the last time, I immediately lost the desire to continue playing again. No, William took Kate and got on the cable car again, ready to change to another ski trail.

But Yang Cheng lazily leaned on Luo Yue, sat on the terrace, looking at the endless Baitou Mountain and the lakes dotted with gems, in a daze.

Not long after, Luo Yue suddenly said, "Kate seems to have discovered William's wrongdoing."

Yang Cheng looked up in surprise, "Huh? Why did she tell you?"

Luo Yue tilted his head, as if the trickery had succeeded, and put his head on Yang Cheng's shoulders, "She asked me how to take care of a man's private life."

After a pause, he assuredly guessed, "I think she must have found something, otherwise she won't ask."

While Yang Cheng secretly prayed for William, he was also worried about whether the island party would continue.

He said casually, "Follow him, this is a family affair, we can't control it~"

Luo Yue squinted his eyes and smiled charmingly, "I know, I just think it's funny. It turns out that the royal family also has so many troubles."

Yang Cheng chuckled, "Of course, they are also humans, and the huge family has many interests. There will always be various disputes. It is normal. William is lucky enough to catch up with a long-lived grandmother."

Luo Yue didn't continue this topic, but instead asked, "Where shall we go in a while? You won't spend a day in the ski resort, right?"

"What? Bored?"

"Hmm~ I don't think it's interesting~"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Should we go to sea to watch whales? It seems we can see sperm whales here~"

If it's ordinary humpback whales and baleen whales, it doesn't make much sense. This year, whale watching has become a victim of commercialization. It is not as interesting as the whales they occasionally encounter when they go out on a yacht.

But if you can meet a rare blue whale, it's a different matter. Witnessing a giant ocean beast several times larger than the ship on the boat is absolutely extraordinary.

Then there is the sperm whale, the absolute overlord of the deep sea. The great white shark is not even qualified to be called the younger brother in front of it. It is rarer than the blue whale. In many Nordic legends, the sperm whale is described as a monster, and it is naturally given. Curiosity is left in people's hearts.

Therefore, Luo Yue became interested in an instant, jumped up and lit his head, "Okay, okay, but can you really see it?"

Yang Cheng was also not sure, so he could only rely on the memory in his mind to say, "It should be possible. I remember that there is a small town called Kaikoura on the east coast. It is a holy place for whale watching. Wait for William to come back and ask them. Meaning, if they have no objection, we will immediately set off and drive over."

Luo Yue had no idea about the terrain here. He thought it was only an hour or two by car, so he didn't say more. In fact, Yang Cheng thought so.

But when they got into the car and turned on the navigation, they realized how harmful empiricism is.

The South Island of New Zealand is southwest-northeast, Queenstown is in the southwest of the South Island, and Kaikoura is at the southeast corner of the South Island, basically traversing the entire South Island. According to the navigation plan, they at least It takes more than 8 hours to reach the small town of Kaikoura.

No way, now that the route has been planned, let's go. I have to say that this is also a different kind of experience.

The road conditions in New Zealand are very good. It coincides with winter and there are not many cars. The snow has melted a few days ago and the road is still dry. This gave Yang Cheng a chance to step on the accelerator.

The general road speed limit in New Zealand is 100, and it doesn't matter if you drive to 120 occasionally. After all, the world does not have as many electronic dogs as the Z country!

But I don't know if I didn't read the almanac before going out, and luck was bad.

After driving nearly half of the distance, Yang Cheng felt a little tired, so he switched to William to drive. This guy had no score. When he saw the straight road ahead, Land Rover immediately rushed up, probably in about 10 seconds. 140 times have passed.

As a result, just after an uphill slope, I saw a police car on the side of the road listening to the two Asirs who didn’t know what was doing on the side of the road. They watched Yang Cheng and their blue Land Rover whizzing past.

William looked at the rearview mirror dumbly, "Are we speeding?"

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Nonsense~"

Before he finished his voice, the alarm bell rang loudly behind him.

Fortunately, William didn't have a brain, and quickly stepped on the brakes to slow down, honestly turned on the turn signal and stopped the car slowly to the side of the road.

When the police car stopped in front of the car to prevent them from escaping, a sir jumped out of the car and knocked on the window on the side of the cab.

When William lowered the window, his expression was stagnant, and he said in a tentative tone, "His Royal Highness?"

William nodded slightly and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I seem to be speeding, you know the road conditions here are so good, I didn't control the speed well."

The prince apologized personally and also took the initiative to explain the reason for the speeding. New Zealand's JC was fairly enlightened, but warned with a smile, and then shyly asked to take a photo with William.

Another JC also joined in, and simply added the princess. It was a buy one get one free. Everyone took a group photo on the side of the road. William also shook hands with the two JCs very kindly. Up.

After returning to the road, William sighed heavily, "Fortunately, I didn't meet the Maori indigenous people, otherwise the news of our speeding arrest in New Zealand will spread all over the world in less than a day."

This time William said he didn't dare to step on the gas pedal, and ran under the speed limit of 100.

Yang Cheng sneered deliberately, "Afraid?"

William admitted, "This kind of thing is too shameful, it's best to not expose it~"

Talking and laughing all the way along the coastline, the beautiful scenery always makes people can’t help but stop and look at it. After all, not much time was wasted. People stopped their cars, and finally arrived at this small building built by the sea at 6pm. Town-Kaikoura.

The town is not far from Christchurch, about two hours’ drive away. Relying on the whale watching industry, many tourists are attracted from Christchurch. Every year a large number of tourists come to Kaikoura for whale watching, which also stimulates other local economic industries. , Such as dining!

In Maori, Kaikoura means lobster dinner, so when you come to Kaikoura, in addition to whale watching, you must find a local restaurant and taste a delicious lobster dinner.

Because they arrived at Kaikoura late, Yang Cheng had to book a viewing boat for the next day. It was not a fixed flight, but an extra flight for them. There was no way. It was the uncle who paid the money. The Whale Company is also happy to make a quick cash.

After driving the car for a day, all four of them were hungry. After entering the small town of Kaikoura, they didn't continue to walk in, and directly found a roadside restaurant to sit down and eat.

Kaikoura’s seafood resources are extremely rich. Naturally, the local people’s reliance on and demand for seafood is extremely large. Almost every household will cook authentic seafood feasts, and there is no need to go to star hotels. ,Any roadside stall can make delicious dishes.

But now that Kaikoura is here, lobster is indispensable, especially New Zealand rock lobster, which can be called a treasure among lobsters, although it is not as famous as the Australian lobster next door.

However, the rock lobster has a unique appearance, with a purplish red shell and orange-red legs, because it mainly lives in the cold and clear waters near Antarctica. It has a long growth cycle and a more delicious taste, especially its tender meat. Aolong in warm waters is far less than that, and the taste is excellent!

Yang Cheng ordered four rock lobsters in total, and came up with an enlarged version of four lobsters-sliced ​​sashimi, salt and pepper charcoal grilled, baked with cheese, and a home-cooked method that locals prefer, with unique sauces. There is no special flavor, the lobster meat with Q elasticity and firmness, bite down, full of happiness, sure enough, the food must be eaten locally to taste the most original and authentic delicacy!

In addition to lobster, there is another ingredient that must be mentioned-oysters!

As one of the purest countries in the world, New Zealand's water quality has always been the world's top. With the world's highest quality and pure sea water, it will naturally have the best sea products in the world, and oysters are the best!

Gourmets all over the world know that New Zealand’s oysters are sweet, delicate, full and Among them, Bluff oysters and Kaikoura lobsters are almost equally famous, and they are also a must for tourists to New Zealand. The food is just as regrettable as people don’t eat roast duck when they arrive in Beijing. Since Yang Cheng and the others have come here, of course they have to try "the best oyster in the world."

In fact, in their status and status, they are already very familiar with the taste of Bluff oysters, but no matter how timely the air transportation is, it will not be as delicious as the local food. The subtle difference is for people with sensitive tongues. Said, it can be said to be farewell!

Similar to rock lobsters, Bluff oysters also grow in the southern waters of New Zealand, very close to the Antarctic. The cold water creates the plump meat of Bluff oysters, plump and juicy oyster meat, with a little lemon juice, without any cooking methods. , Is the most intoxicating delicacy in this world.

If you don’t say that when you’re lucky, it’s fragrant to fart. The temporary decision to visit New Zealand happened to hit the Bluff Oyster Festival held in May every year.

In this gourmet festival, the fresh Braff oysters served on site can definitely feed your stomach, and you can eat them in different styles, crispy, charcoal grilled, only you can't think of, no Mrs. Bra can't do it.

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