Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1458: Romantic last name

Although Yang Cheng and the others did not go to Bluff, they can’t buy tickets even if they go now, because the oyster festival is so famous that people all over the world who love food and oysters will rush to Bluff on this day. If there is no advance reservation, It is basically an impossible task to buy tickets on the spot.

Fortunately, Kaikoura does not lack the supply of Bluff oysters. Yang Cheng and the others bought a lot of them from a nearby store that still had a small amount of stock and let the store cook on-site.

Although the four lobsters entered the stomachs of four people, the full lobster meat is enough to support you. If it weren’t for the reputation of Bluff’s oysters, Luo Yue and Kate, who had already eaten a little bloated belly, would definitely not Will touch the knife and fork again.

Yang Cheng and William are okay. The male appetite is not small. Today they are skiing and driving a long distance. They are hungry and tired. They can eat two more lobsters.

After enjoying a delicious and hearty dinner, I boarded the car again and went to the hotel booked on the road. After a day of tiredness, the 4 people were not interested and organized after-dinner entertainment. After a brief chat, I went back to the room two or two to rest.

. . . . . .

Whales are mysterious, huge, intelligent, and tough mammals. Various legends about whales are circulated around the world. Going out to see these behemoths in person has even become one of many people's bucket lists.

There are many types of whales and they are widely distributed, from the equator to the north and south poles. Many countries and regions can provide whale watching tours.

But only Kaikoura can easily see the most brutal and powerful killer in the ocean-the sperm whale.

New Zealand is an island country and its long coastline means that as long as you are lucky, you may see whales on any beach. But Kaikoura has made whale watching an industry, even a major pillar industry, because there is no need here. luck.

Because a few kilometers away from the coast, there is a large trench with a depth of 1,600 meters. It is also a place where the cold and warm currents meet. Anyone who has studied high school geography knows that the convergence of cold and warm currents represents a wealth of fishery resources. The source of food is naturally the sperm whales that have lived here for many years, and other whales that come to pass by for food to stay.

Therefore, in Kaikoura, whale watching can be done regardless of season, because the unique coastal trench has attracted a group of sperm whales to hunt here for many years, and even settle here. The locals joked that ZF should issue green cards or passports to those sperm whales , The big guy who has created huge economic benefits for the locals over the years is not terrible in the eyes of the locals, but feels very cute;

With the existence of this group of whales, Kaikoura can naturally develop related industries. After years of research, it can even reach a 95% whale watching success rate. As long as the weather is normal, no whales can be seen in Kaikoura after going out to sea. Low probability event.

It is said that the sperm whale, which is here all year round, uses echo positioning to forage in the deep sea when hunting. According to this feature, the instruments on the whale watching boat can find it according to the sound it makes, but in order to protect these nature spirits, Kaikoura people will never actively release sonars to lure them out, but just listen to them with an underwater earpiece. This process will not interfere with whales, which is different from ordinary sonars.

Of course, only sperm whales can use this method.

In order to better protect them and to make this business last longer, the New Zealand Marine Protection Law stipulates that whale watching boats must actively maintain a distance of more than 50 meters from whales. Violations are subject to heavy penalties!

Yang Cheng and the others gathered at the hotel lobby at 8 o'clock in the morning and drove to the pier to prepare to go to sea. They chartered a whale watching boat about 18 meters long. It was not too big, but it was enough for sailing offshore.

The weather today is very good, the sky is clear and there is no ripple on the sea surface. It is the perfect expression of the word "calm and calm".

According to the agreement, Yang Cheng met the captain who came to greet him at the dock, a fat uncle in his 50s. He has a very romantic surname, Montgomery, but he prefers people to call him Jeff!

The fat uncle Jeff is very interesting. When he learned last night that the charter client he was going to receive today was His Royal Highness Prince of England, he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night, with heavy dark circles, he arrived at the pier after 5 o'clock. After carefully inspecting the viewing boat several times, it was confirmed that there were no problems before waiting for the arrival of the guests with anxiety.

William once again showed the affinity of the prince and patted Jeff on the shoulder to comfort him, "Don't be nervous, just treat me as an ordinary tourist, and this is a private itinerary for me and my friends, don't worry about etiquette."

Having said that, Jeff was still nervous, he stubbornly broke into three sentences to finish, and from time to time he tried to ease the atmosphere with cold jokes that were as cold as Antarctic water. Obviously he failed.

Yang Cheng really wanted to smile together, but I'm sorry, but I really can't laugh, or that he really can't find where to laugh.

But Jeff's nervous face was sweaty, and he couldn't help laughing.

I couldn't help but joked, "Jeff, you didn't sleep all night, are you sure you can still sail and lead us to successfully find the whale?

You know, according to the regulations, if you don’t see a whale during your trip, you can return 80% of the cost to us. "

When mentioning his profession, Jeff finally calmed down and said, "This gentleman, please believe me, if you can't find those big guys in such a good weather, I'd rather resign!"

And my technique of sailing is the best in our entire fleet. I was born on the coast of Kaikoura since I was a child. I know every piece of water here. Even if I close my eyes, I can Drive the boat out and back again! "

Luo Yue was amused by Jeff's exaggerated actions, and couldn't help asking, "Can I really close my eyes?"

Jeff is speechless. Every time he brags like this, everyone cooperates and praises him for his greatness. It seems that this is the first time someone has asked rhetorically. How should I answer this?

Seeing his dumbfounded look, Yang Cheng stepped forward and patted him, "Sorry, my fiancee will joke with you again, even if you dare to close your eyes and open your eyes, we dare not do it!"

William and Kate also laughed happily. Jeff's embarrassment made them feel good, and they took another step up.

A group of four people, together with the bodyguards who had been hiding in the dark, boarded Jeff's observation boat together. To their surprise, at the door of the cabin, a blond, blue-eyed, reincarnation-like little girl stood timidly. There, Jeff saw him, picked up the little girl proudly, and said to Yang Cheng and the others, "This is my little daughter Noah, the treasure of the Montgomery family~"

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