Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1459: Wounded Whale 1

The name Noah is in New Zealand, and only children born in the new era can have it. After all, this is a country that calls John and Mary all over the country.

Little Noah looks spooky, but her personality is somewhat introverted. Seeing so many people boarding at the same time, the little girl will inevitably be a little bit shy and virtuous. Her face is buried on Jeff's shoulder. Exposed her curiosity.

Jeff's face is full of spoiling, it seems that he is also an old lady, and he can't wait to give everything to the treasures that God has given him.

William wanted to touch the little girl's golden hair, but the little girl was very sensitive, so she drew her head and made a grimace at William, as if she was demonstrating!

Everyone laughed, and everyone was very happy to see the prince deflated.

After talking and laughing on the boat, Jeff handed his daughter to the custody of his wife who was on the boat. Jeff's eldest son was also with him, who also served as the sailor of the whale watching boat.

In order to welcome the prince to board the ship, the Montgomery family was dispatched as a whole. This "face" is not so big.

Jeff was busy making the last inspection in front of the sea. Yang Cheng and the others were playing with Noah in the cabin. On the eve of sailing, the mayor of Kaikoura, who didn’t know where to get the news, took it with him. Several ZF staff members hurried over, entered the cabin directly under Jeff's surprised eyes, and extended their highest regards to William.

But William, who was busy teasing little Noah, had no time to take care of a mayor and directly greet Jeff to set sail. I'll talk about it later.

Different from the normal whale watching process in the past, Jeff specially prepared a wonderful route. Along the way, you can not only see dolphins and fur seals, but also feed seagulls and albatross.

In the cabin, William sat down with Noah in his arms, and Mayor Godin stood aside respectfully with his curly hair on his head, but looking at his eyes, it seemed that the main target of boarding was not William, but Yang Cheng.

"Mr. Godin, just say anything, otherwise the whale will show up for a while, and we won't have time to listen to you." Yang Cheng said straightforwardly without so much scruples.

With his sound, the voices of other people in the cabin were still chatting, and for a while, apart from the sound of the engine and the breaking waves, the cabin fell into weird silence.

Godin laughed dryly, "I'm sorry to disturb your interest, but this time I'm here to disturb you without communication, and there is a reason.

The whale watching projects in Kaikoura in the past two years have been far less hot than in previous years. The economy has fallen into a serious setback and caused a large number of people to be lost. The most obvious proof is that a few years ago, even in the relatively cold winter, every day There will also be 4 fixed shifts to go to sea for whale watching, basically ensuring that each shift is full.

But now, even in the hot summer, there are only 3 flights a day, and there are often less than 50% passenger capacity.

Jeff is the best captain of our fleet and he knows best about what I said. "

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "We did not doubt the authenticity of your words, but I am sorry, in the face of this situation, neither I nor William have a better solution. After all, this is the result of the tourists' own choice. One can kidnap the will of tourists."

William echoed, "Jason is right. The most important thing is that Kaikoura's economy is single, and it was too dependent on whale watching projects in the past. Once there is a wave of global economic regression, this problem will suddenly erupt.

Compared with the outbreak without warning, I think you slowly realize the problem, but it is a good thing. At least there is still time for you to think of a solution. "

At this time, Jeff, who didn't know when to hand over the work of the rudder to his son, walked over and said in a deep voice, "The problems that the mayor said are real, and there are many problems in the whale watching tourism project from beginning to end.

For example, many tourists who are interested in spending a lot of money to go out to sea to watch whales often complain that they can't see the full picture of the whale at all. "

Speaking of this, he gave a wry smile, not just him, but the Kaikoura people including the mayor were all smiling wryly. The question is big or small.

Because people come with full interest before going out to sea, but when they find out that they can only see the tail of the whale, and sometimes only a small piece of skin on the surface of the whale, it is inevitable to lose.

When disappointment is greater than hope, tourists with poor emotional management will naturally explode.

But is there any solution?

The answer is yes-no!

Whale watching is based on luck. When you are lucky, you can meet a whale that likes to jump out of the water, but just jumping from the water does not mean that the whale can stay in the air, which means that tourists may only have half a second to breed See its whole body.

And whales generally stay on the water for a few seconds to 10 minutes, depending on the type of whale.

Sometimes seeing a whale flicking is a sign of luck.

After a bitter smile, Jeff said, "What's more, even when we are not paying attention, we will try to attack whales with objects in our hands to attract their attention, and even attract whales. Of course, this is only a rare case. Most The tourists all follow the rules.

In addition, if the weather is bad, the viewing boat must cancel the trip to sea. If it is only raining, it is okay. If it only rains, the wind and waves are not big. In this case, the whale watching boat can still travel safely.

The main reason for the cancellation of whale watching is the worry that the wind and waves will cause discomfort to the tourists, taking into account the issue of comfort, not just the issue of safety.

However, it is difficult for the tourists to understand that they have worked so hard to come to New Zealand and Kaikoura, but they canceled their trip due to the weather. God knows how grievous they are.

All in all, there are many problems faced by the whale watching tourism project, and they are irreversible problems. We can't solve them, and the residents of the small town realize that they cannot rely solely on whale watching to boost the economy. "

Jeff laid the groundwork, and Mayor Godin followed closely, "For this, we have added a lot of new entertainment projects, such as lavender park; sea dog gathering place; whale watching platform, etc., but these are not fundamental. To solve the problem."

Yang Cheng said, "So what do we need to do?"

Jeff’s intention to embark on the ship hastily is obvious. He just hopes to get investment from Yang Orange. There is no way. As an investor entrepreneur, William is also known as the heir of the Windsor family. It’s easy to encounter similar things wherever he goes. The problem.

This is caused by the inferior nature of people. They will think, you are also a well-known rich man. When you come to our place and face our plight, is it not good for you not to lend a helping hand? It will also damage your reputation.

For guan members, investing in investment is part of their zheng performance inspection project. In order to get more money, they don’t hesitate to put down and cry poor. If you give enough money, it’s not a problem to kneel down and call your father. Don’t underestimate it. Their faces are thick, and the crows in the world are as black!

Of course, Yang Cheng didn't want to treat a gentleman's belly with a villain. He wanted to believe that Godin was really worried for the livelihood of the residents of Kaikoura.

After all, Jeff's performance is not like a show, the problems they face are real.

But then again, Yang Cheng will definitely not be taken advantage of, throwing money at will to be a bad guy. As long as he decides to make a move, then it will definitely be profitable. It depends on the size of the profit. Even the name of a philanthropist these days He had no guilt in his heart when he bought it.

I helped you solve the difficulties, and you helped me make money. This is the fairest way to play in the capital world!

At this time, Jeff's eldest son, who had been in the cockpit, suddenly rushed out and said to everyone, "Look, everyone, a group of pilot whales suddenly appeared to the northeast of us. They don't seem to be doing well~"

To everyone's surprise, Jeff reacted fastest and rushed into the cockpit first.

The Kaikoura people who were in the cabin together didn't look pretty. Yang Cheng looked at each other. They didn't know what happened. Isn't it normal for whales to appear?

In this regard, Godin explained, "Everyone knows that pilot whales like to live in warm tropical waters. They rarely come to the cold southern waters of New Zealand during this season, so we usually only see pilot whales in summer. The scene that appears.

But this is not the first time I saw pilot whales in winter. At about the same time last year, we received a report from a viewing boat saying that pilot whales were found in groups near the sea area where sperm whales were often watched in the trench. Think, just thought it was a group of lost pilot whales.

But later, a captain noticed the abnormality and leaned the ship over at the risk of violating the rules, and found that the group of pilot whales were covered in cuts and bruises, and several of them had even lost their tail fins.

The captain immediately decided to take measures to treat them. Who would have thought that the group of pilot whales madly attacking the whale watching boat is the kind of suicide attack that completely ignores life.

The captain was worried about their safety. He also considered the tourists on the boat. He could only retreat. When the tourists were sent back to shore and returned again, the group of pilot whales had disappeared. "

Yang Cheng twisted his eyebrows. Although he didn't know much about whales, his brain was not bad, and he could analyze one or two with his only knowledge.

In fact, the pilot whale was not the first name, people prefer to call it "Sperm Whale", but pilot whales have super high IQs. They discovered the secret that small fishes and shrimps are always dropped on fishing boats, and they learned to follow ships. People It looks like it is leading the way, but in fact it is just because of the demand for food that this natural habit is formed.

Moreover, the pilot whale is huge in size and can avoid the reefs, and following it can ensure the safety of fishermen. Over time, superstitious fishermen call these cute sea elves "pilot whales" because they can always lead fishermen home safely.

Whenever this group of bold but very small guys haunt in groups, the fishermen will throw a large number of small fish and shrimps, let them eat enough, but such a good relationship, along with a group of killing The **** appeared and broke.

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