Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1460: Wounded Whale 2

The RB people’s slaughter of whales and dolphins has long spread throughout the world. Unlike the Norwegians and Alaskans, who have to kill a fixed number of whales every year in order to survive, RB people often kill purely for killing.

Someone argued for them, saying that RB people slaughtered whales for meat, but RB people actually ate whale meat only a small percentage, but dogs eat more!

If all this can be explained by economic benefits, then what is the purpose of killing dolphins? Dolphin meat is not tasty!

In short, many BT behaviors of RB people cannot be explained by reasonable logic. It is not a day or two to kill whales. Pilot whales are definitely one of the most injured whale species.

The RB people took advantage of their habits and threw out a large number of bait to lure groups of pilot whales into the range and carried out brutal and inhuman killings. Every year, a large number of pilot whales died under the iron hook of the RB people.

Yang Cheng guessed that the pilot whales who came to Kaikoura waters inexplicably last year might have escaped from the RB whaling ship. Then they mistakenly used Kaikoura’s whale watching ship as a whaling ship. Launched a suicide attack.

What about today's batch?

William didn't understand this, and said naively, "Could it be injured by a passing giant wheel propeller? Or was it accidentally injured by your whale watching boat?"

Godin shook his head fiercely, "It is absolutely impossible, not to mention that we have express regulations that we are never allowed to approach whales actively. Our whale watching boat is specially designed for whale watching. It is only one thing to allow guests to ride in comfort. On the one hand, its superiority lies in the driving method. It is a steam jet type rather than a propeller.

The water is sucked into the hull through the steam injection device and sprayed back, which greatly increases the speed of the ship. At the same time, the driving engine is in the hull, which can greatly reduce the bottom noise and reduce the ocean noise pollution. The use of no propeller also means that it will not scratch the whale Or dolphins, on the contrary, we can often see dolphins following our stern, enjoying the pleasure brought by the jet of steam.

In addition, we have been financially supporting scholars from domestic and international universities in New Zealand to conduct various studies on the number, behavior, and marine environment of whales. We have also been recording all individual whales observed in the whale watching group. , Species, appearance time, location, behavior and other information, these information are also precious materials for whale research.

No one can do better than us in the protection of whales and marine life. Since the birth of the whale watching company, there has never been a case of harm to whales. "

With Godin’s pledge, William didn’t have much to say. He followed Yang Cheng to the whale watching platform on the second floor. He immediately saw a group of more than 10 pilot whales. They swim very slowly and completely. Can't see the vigorous figure of the past, you must know that the speed of the pilot whale is comparable to that of the dolphins.

At this time, they were about 50 meters away from the whale watching boat. Jeff didn't dare to step forward, worrying about the tragedy of last year.

Godin held up the telescope to observe carefully, and said in a deep voice, "It's a short-limbed pilot whale, which is very similar to a dolphin, but is slightly larger."

Yang Cheng didn't understand the classification of whales, but he knew how to observe. This group of pilot whales were obviously injured, and a few of them had **** wounds on their backs. It seemed that they had just been injured shortly afterwards, so he verified his guess just now.

Put down the binoculars and asked Godin, "Are there RB whaling boats nearby?"

Godin's face was pale. "There is an RB ocean-going fishing boat. Since last year, it has been fishing in the nearby high seas."

Yang Cheng didn't answer. The RB people often disguised the whaling ship as an ordinary ocean-going fishing boat. This is a basic routine.

Jeff came up from the cockpit and shouted in the slight sea breeze, "There are still a group of dolphins nearby~"

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Cheng and the others saw a group of dolphins jumping on the sea from far to near. If it weren't for the injured pilot whale, Yang Cheng and the others would definitely cheer in excitement. No one could be in front of this group of elves. Cover up emotions.

Godin is obviously an expert in marine biology. He just held up his binoculars and looked at it for a few seconds, and said, "Today is good luck. This is a group of rare dark-striped dolphins and Hearst dolphins.

It's our old friend~"

Jeff responded, "They have lived in this sea area for 5 years, look ~ they are swimming towards the pilot whale~"

Yang Cheng and the others couldn't help but squeeze their sweat, worrying that these naughty little guys would rush up to play with the pilot whales without thinking. These seriously injured pilot whales can't stand the toss of the dolphins.

However, everything has spirituality. These dolphins seem to feel the sadness of the pilot whale. They circulate around the pilot whale tacitly, as if they are protecting?

These strong and dexterous guys circled the pilot whales and made pleasant calls from time to time. They were like an exchange of calling friends and friends, and they seemed to cheer up the pilot whales. Hope they can cheer up?

Godin wiped the corners of his eyes, and it seemed that he also felt the warmth.

At this time the whale watching boat had stopped and floated on the sea, Jeff said, "I just caught the appearance of the sperm whale from the receiver."

Everyone didn't speak up. At this time, whoever was in the mood to play, everyone was upset by these hurt pilot whales.

Luo Yue couldn't hold back, pouting, "Aren't we just looking at it? Can't we do something?"

Yang Cheng shook his head slightly, "I think Jeff and the others are worried about the recurrence of last year's tragedy. After all, these pilot whales who have just been injured are very sensitive."

"Then let them wait to die quietly?" Kate didn't hold back her words. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Yang Cheng opened his mouth. If he knew what to do, he wouldn't stand here and watch. No way, he could only look at Godin. He is a marine expert and the mayor of Kaikoura. The solution?

However, Godin just smiled bitterly, "No way, we can't do anything. Unless we can ensure that these pilot whales are obedient and accept our treatment obediently, it will be impossible for us to be connected. How can we heal them?"

While they were talking, in the midst of the blue sea and blue sky, a sperm whale slowly emerged from the water, with a beautiful streamlined body shape and firm and smooth skin, just like a beautiful young girl dancing in the Pacific Ocean by the endless blue waves. between.

The people who were originally focused on the pilot whale were unconsciously attracted by this graceful dance. Everyone held their breath for fear of disturbing the natural artist, dancing lightly and freely.

After drifting for a while, a column of water rose up into the sky, and then it jumped and raised its tail high above the water, which meant that it was about to dive. The proud artist appeared for less than two minutes before quietly closing the curtain. The next appearance is estimated to be two hours later.

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