Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1461: Not interested in small business

Indulging in the gorgeous performance of the behemoths of the ocean for a short time, before I had time to recollect, I saw a few pilot whales that seemed to be the most injured disappeared from the sea.

As for where to go, everyone is prepared!

Godin sighed deeply, "Oh~"

Jeff's temper is not so good, he patted the railing heavily and cursed, "Damn rb guy~"

Yang Chengxin's hair is boring, and any normal person with a conscience will probably feel uneasy when faced with such a situation.

"Can't you really do something?"

Luo choked and asked again.

Yang Orange sighed, "There is no way. It is not the folks who support rb to kill whales, but zf, and they are very good at packaging themselves, in the name of scientific research, the number of whales killed every year accounts for more than 80% of the global kill. And they don’t care about the species of whales, even endangered species. After all, the value of killing a blue whale is much more than killing 100 pilot whales."

William frowned and said, "Maybe we can put pressure on the United Nations Supreme Court. I remember that Australia seems to have sued The Hague for rb's indiscriminate killing of whales?

It's just that the result is nothing? "

Godin nodded and said, "Yes, this is also something that can't be helped. After all, the RB people are determined to do one thing. Unless a war is launched, who can control it?

It’s impossible to send someone to supervise every rb fishing boat going to sea, right? The sea area is so large that you can lose track of it, let alone all-round monitoring. "

Kate suddenly proposed, "Can we build a museum or aquarium in Kaikoura to protect whales?

Specially treat those injured whales? Although the situation of RB people's indiscriminate killing cannot be changed, at least certain remedial measures have been made. "

Godin shook his head and said, "There is no need. Kaikoura's volume simply cannot accommodate a museum of this size, and New Zealand already has a national aquarium and aquarium dedicated to protecting whales and other marine life, including Kaikoura. There is also an aquarium of its own, and there is no need to rebuild it. After all, without the support of tourists, it will be difficult to maintain it for a long time by relying on personal investment."

Yang Cheng never interrupted, and when Godin finished speaking, he asked, "You said so many difficulties when you got on the boat. There must be a solution, but there is still a lack of investment, otherwise you will not risk being rejected by us. Risk boarding, am I right?"

Godin was taken aback, and then affirmed, "Yes, but that is just to change Kaikoura's economic structure, and it does not substantially help protect the whales."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "I understand, but the two are not unrelated. Maybe we should sit down and talk."

Godin was overjoyed, and instantly diminished the sadness caused by the death of the pilot whale.

While they were talking, a few more pilot whales couldn't survive and sank to the bottom of the sea, and a few dolphins even groaned.

The two ladies Luo and Kate couldn't bear to look any more, lowered their heads and returned to the cabin. Yang Cheng and the others did not stay on the platform. They simply let Jeff return to the voyage, ready to go back to the land and talk slowly.

About half an hour later, the whale watching boat returned to the pier. Compared to the deserted state when it started, there was a lot of lively on the pier at this time. It should be the new tourists who are preparing to board the boat.

It was just after 10 o’clock and it was not time to have lunch, so at the suggestion of Godin, everyone got in the car and passed through Kaikoura city center along the coastal road to Kaikoura Aquarium. There is a fishing pier in front, where there are many restaurants run by fishermen and cafes.

Godin is obviously an excellent mayor. After getting off the car, the residents who meet him will stop and say hello to him. Godin never tires of it. He will keep smiling when facing every resident and listen patiently. One question, even though the Prince of England was behind him, he did not urge.

Based on this, it is worthy of Yang Cheng's admiration, but he has seen too many cases of squeezing the residents under his own control in order to flatter big people.

After entering the cafe, Godin personally paid out his pockets to invite everyone to drink coffee. After seated one by one, he said, "In recent years, many residents have set up their own sea fishing service companies, and some do not even have companies, just hanging out on the Internet. The advertisements for fishing services are your own. This has also led to the emergence of chaos in the industry, with uneven prices and high and low service levels.

During peak seasons, we receive no fewer than ten complaints almost every day, so after research in our town, we decided to integrate the sea fishing service industry.

The biggest problem now is that no company is willing to make huge investments to help us integrate and standardize this industry, and we can't come forward in the name of town zf, which will cause resistance from individual practitioners.

Therefore, we are always looking for strong investors to cooperate with us.

Until I heard about the accidental arrival of Mr. Yang and His Royal Highness, I realized that this was an excellent opportunity that I could not miss.

First of all, the reputation of His Royal Highness, our individual practitioners can be convinced, and this is also a small gimmick;

Secondly, Mr. Yang has strong financial strength and can easily integrate 100% of Kaikoura's sea fishing service market.

Finally, I have a little selfishness. Both of them are busy people. It is impossible to be distracted on this small peninsula in southern New Zealand. If possible, the town zf is willing to take care of it. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Godin quickly glanced at Yang Orange and William with a nervous expression.

I saw the two smile at each other, the meaning of the smile is unclear.

Yang Chengxiao felt that the mayor was quite frank and told them bluntly that they wanted to intervene.

And William laughed because he felt that Godin was a little self-conscious, and he wanted to intervene, which was a bit too much.

The idea is different because the two people’s positions are related. Yang Cheng is a businessman. He likes to use business thinking to look at problems. In his opinion, it doesn’t matter who manages this sea fishing service company. What matters is the result. It is whether this company can make money. If it can make money, it doesn’t matter who manages it. On the contrary, it’s useless even if you are the boss.

But then again, he really has no interest in this sea fishing service company. The size is too small, at most a few million new dollars in scale, he really doesn't want to waste this brain cell.

William was very interested, but he was a little upset by Godin's request, pulling a face and refusing to speak.

Upon seeing this, Godin couldn't help but change his tone, "Don't worry, you two, this is just a proposal of mine, and it won't be a hindrance."

William's expression improved immediately. He did it on purpose. There were some things he couldn't say clearly in his capacity, but it didn't matter to give some hints to let the other party experience it.

At this time, there was a rumbling noise outside the window, which sounded a bit like a tractor in the countryside.

Turning his head and looking out, I heard it right, a farm tractor drove by slowly, and a small yacht less than 10 meters long was hung behind him.

Godin immediately pointed to the yacht lane, "This is a privately established sea fishing service company. They will take orders online at different prices."

Yang Cheng asked smoothly, "I know the fishery resources here are very rich, but since we want to form an industry, we must have a stable catch. How can they guarantee this?"

Godin smiled, "Mr. Yang, Kaikoura's men are all excellent fishermen. They have lived in this land and sea all their lives. They know which fish is under the sea, as long as you pay enough. They can find whatever fish they want.

And they will help you put the hook and bait, after the fish is hooked, as long as you pull the fish up yourself.

The captain will also personally help you handle the catch. Small fish will be put back into the sea, and the uneatable fish will also be put back into the sea. The processed fish head and viscera will be fed to the seals or seagulls on the spot to avoid polluting the environment.

This set of procedures is very mature, and only a strong investor is needed to help integrate the industry, which is more convenient for management and allows everyone to make more stable money. "

Yang Cheng looked at William, "What do you say?"

William did not shy away from the presence of Godin, directly expressing his interest, "It sounds good, I think there is investment potential, at least this is more stable than whale watching."

"I also have similar ideas, but to be honest, the size of this industry is too small, there is no need to split between two people, you can eat it yourself~" Yang Orange bewitched.

William thought it so. Yang Cheng really didn't need to invest in this small industry to make money. It was time-consuming and laborious. I'm afraid he didn't make as much money as he did conservative financial management.

After a little thought, he said to Godin, "In a few days, my financial advisor will come to Kaikoura to talk to you in detail, and I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."

Godin stood up excitedly and expressed his full cooperation. Although Yang Cheng, a big local tyrant, did not directly participate in, people should learn to be content. Godin is very satisfied now. After all, William is famous. This is a publicity spot that can be used. I heard that this is the company of the prince. Tourists must feel relieved, right?

Because his wish was fulfilled, Godin once again found the opportunity to show his enthusiasm. He insisted on inviting Yang Cheng and the others to have a lobster dinner, even if Yang Cheng and the others clearly stated that they had tasted it last night, Godin still did not let them go.

No way, eat it. After eating this lobster meal, they almost had a shadow on the lobster. Seeing the lobster meat, they have a nausea impulse. They really eat too much.

In the afternoon, at the kind invitation of Godin, everyone boarded a small fishing yacht and went out to sea. Relatives experienced the fun of fishing in Kaikoura, which made William more determined to invest.

However, Yang Cheng still did not change his decision. When Kaikoura can achieve 9-figure in this industry, he will be really tempted.

Even though the trip to New Zealand has ended successfully, although the time is short, the memory is very deep. When they left, Yang Cheng and the others still took a group photo with reluctance to commemorate the first time of the two families. family gathering!

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