Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1462: Liverpool

Going back to London is like going back to town from the mountains, and a hustle and bustle is coming.

But Yang Cheng can't say anything, because the excitement is entirely because Liverpool broke the curse and won the Premier League title.

It is said that on the parade celebration on the second day of the championship, all the people of Liverpool were dispatched. According to incomplete statistics, at least 800,000 people participated in the city parade. "You will never walk alone" resounded through Liverpool, from old to young, from men. When it comes to women, everyone is singing and dancing, with the momentum to overturn Liverpool.

This atmosphere of celebration has continued to this day and has not completely dissipated. Adults do not want to work and students do not want to study. Companies and schools can only turn one eye and close one eye, can they not be expelled?

If you really open the mouth, it is estimated that the entire company and the boss will have to be fired.

Make a fuss, make a fuss, there is always a day in the past.

Anyway, it’s not now. When Yang Cheng’s special plane landed at John Lennon Airport, a crazy ground crew unexpectedly announced the return of the Liverpool boss on the radio. This is good, almost all Liverpool who are going to go out and come back from abroad. People stopped in place at the same time.

When the "Yuanshan" landed, everyone was like returning to the moment when Liverpool toasted a few days ago, cheering and shouting brainlessly. In their opinion, this group of players Including the staff of the club, they are all Liverpool heroes. They have restored the dignity of the entire city.

And Yang Cheng, the owner, is naturally the one the fans need to support the most. Everyone is looking forward to Liverpool's change. Over the years, only Yang Cheng has brought substantial changes. His generous investment has not only solved the troubled football. The team’s years of debt crisis.

It also brought the German Loew, the favorite of Liverpool fans, and Harry Kane, the leading striker of the England national team, including the world's number one superstar Leo Messi who has already confirmed the transfer and left the process!

None of these changes did not need to spend money, and the Liverpool fans who have been pushing for so many years have almost lost their temper after being cheated by the stingy boss after another, so that when Yang Cheng shouted the phrase ‘I have money! I'm coming! After the slogan, although many fans were very excited, they still raised a question mark in their hearts.

But now, it is estimated that no one still has a question mark in his heart, and some may only have exclamation marks!

For this Chinese boss who has brought countless surprises to everyone, Liverpool fans love it from the heart. These days, Liverpool newspapers large and small have been reporting on winning the championship, praised the coaches and praised the players, and the players praised the management. , Even the old man who watched the door at Melwood Base was praised from head to toe.

But I don't know whether it was intentional or everyone has forgotten. Yang Cheng was not mentioned, which annoyed Liverpool fans in a state of excitement.

A few young people got their heads hot and even smashed the window of a small newspaper with a beer bottle. After being taken away by jc, they voluntarily admitted to venting Yang Cheng. The boss who brought great changes to the team unexpectedly Being ignored by the unscrupulous media is simply unbearable.

The incident reached Ian Al. He didn’t even ask Yang Cheng for instructions. Instead, he paid bail for a few young troublemakers in Yang Cheng’s name, and then assured them that once the newspaper sued them, the Liverpool Club would Send a legal adviser to **** them and never let them be wronged.

The young people didn't think so much at all, they were already grateful, they almost turned into Yang Cheng's believers, and charged for him. Fortunately, now is the era of peace, Yang Cheng does not need to raise private soldiers to prepare for war.

Ian Al’s move once again consolidated Yang Cheng's good image, and at the same time left a sentimental and righteous impression to Liverpool fans. The bosses who can pay attention to such trivial matters as fans are good bosses!

All in all, at this time, in the eyes of Liverpool fans, playing Yang Orange and playing players is zz right. If you want to be a maverick, you will die!

Yang Cheng, who didn't know anything about all of this, finally landed and got in his Liverpool chairman's special car. Ian Al ran to pick up the plane, sitting in the co-pilot and graciously relayed to Yang Cheng what happened in the past few days.

After Yang Cheng heard that Ian Al had dealt with the affairs of the young fans, he gave a high praise. The improvement of his Ma Zi's business level is obvious. It seems that Liu Jianjun's position as the number one Ma Zi is about to be replaced.

Liu Jianjun, who was far away in South Korea, shuddered suddenly and was inexplicably flustered. . .

After the bright Rolls-Royce Phantom drove steadily into Liverpool, Yang Cheng found that there was still gun smoke from the carnival on both sides of the street, and the traces of various ribbons and sprays had not been cleaned up.

He immediately told Ian El, "In the name of the club, donate a bonus to the sanitation department. I guess the staff in the sanitation department is exhausted these days."

This kind of thing that is harmless to the club’s reputation, Ian El never refuses, "No problem with the boss, how much is the right amount? 1 million pounds?"

Yang Cheng's face went dark, this guy's brain was sprayed with ribbons? 1 million pounds? Why don't you say one hundred million?

Ian Elle’s ability to see and watch has been cultivated to the point of perfection. A glance at his eyes will tell that the boss is angry, and he immediately asks for help. "Boss, hesitate to win the Premier League this season. Although the Champions League has stopped in the semi-finals, we have a lot of income. , TV broadcast share plus sponsorship, I have roughly calculated, our total revenue this season is expected to be around 420 million pounds, there may be more.

With just £1 million to buy people’s hearts, I think this investment is very worthwhile. "

Luo, who had been sitting next to Yang Cheng, was taken aback, "420 million pounds? So much?"

Ian Elle smiled, this number is second only to Manchester United. There is no way, their business operations are too good, and their international influence is deeply rooted. We are in the short It is difficult to catch up in time.

But I am very confident! "

Yang Cheng asked, "How much is Manchester United's income? What about Manchester City?"

Ian Ayer thought slightly, "The financial report has not yet come out, but according to previous years' experience, it is estimated that there will be 450-480 million pounds, which is very likely to approach 500 million.

As for Manchester City's revenue should be around 400 million pounds. "

Yang Cheng was very calm, "It's just income. When the financial report is released, it's hard to say that the net profit is a negative number."

Ian Air touched his nose awkwardly, regardless of the amount of income, but this year Liverpool spent a lot of money, including the purchase of players, stadium expansion, construction of new bases, and investment in the fan club. Maybe, there should be some losses.

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