Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1464: Have a celebrity fan for breakfast

"Then go ahead? First go to country Z to participate in business activities, then fly directly to the United States, while preparing for the International Champions Cup while storing physical fitness, and finally fly back from the United States to the United Kingdom, just round the world."

Of course Yang Cheng couldn’t let go of the opportunity to make money. The sponsors of country Z are very fierce. He has no temper at all because of the small money. How could he refuse commercial activities, and even if possible, the International Champions Cup, such a tasteless event, would play It doesn't matter if you don't kick.

It's just that for the team's overall preparations, he had to pinch his nose to figure out a way that was not a solution.

As the manager of the team, Ian Al, after winning the Premier League championship, naturally shifted his focus to revenue. In his dictionary, loss is a very unacceptable word. He will never allow the same situation next year. occur.

So if he is allowed to choose, commercial activities and the International Champions Cup, the former will undoubtedly win.

The team's general manager and the boss reached an agreement on the opinion, there is nothing to discuss about this matter, the big deal will end the players' vacation early.

However, there is a bit more troublesome thing is that this year coincides with the four-year European Cup. As a major game second only to the World Cup, Europe’s top teams will naturally recruit leading stars to play for the country. Liverpool, as a major national football player , Unavoidably have a headache.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng doesn't have to worry about this. Regarding the itinerary and holiday arrangements, Ian El and his team will find a suitable solution.

"By the way, this year's European Cup is held in France? Do you remember to help me get tickets for a few important matches."

This is not a problem at all, Ian El immediately responded, "The organizers have reserved tickets for each team. I will communicate immediately."

. . .

The two chatted in the office for more than an hour before Yang Cheng came out to meet Luo Yue who was visiting.

He put his arms around his fiancée's shoulders and chuckled, "How's it going around?"

Luo Yue tilted his head, "In the past, I used to wander around. This time I walked slowly and leisurely. I feel that the history of Anfield Stadium is indeed extraordinary."

Yang Cheng laughed and tightened the beautiful woman's body, "It is always a wealthy family, without any historical background, dare to be called a wealthy family?"

After a pause, "Shall we stay in Liverpool for one night and leave for the United States tomorrow? Or should we go straight?"

Luo Yue didn’t think much, and said directly, “Let’s go now? Go back early, come out to play, and give the work to Manman. I always feel sad. When I just wandered, I went to the souvenir shop and bought a souvenir. This signed jersey is ready to be given to Manman as a gift."

"Well, listen to you~"

. . . . . .

There was not even a fluctuating airflow along the way, and arrived in New York safely. Luo Yue hurriedly returned to Los Angeles and hurriedly changed to a public flight. Without even leaving the airport, he said goodbye to Yang Cheng.

But Yang Cheng didn't have time to be sad. As soon as he got on the Maybach, Ivan's phone followed him, "Jason, Donald agreed. When will we meet and talk in detail?"

Yang Cheng was fine, and said, "Now you can, can you make a place? I'll go over."

"Awesome, I happen to be at Sadelle’s restaurant on Soho's side, will you come over?"

Yang Cheng has an impression of this restaurant. A Jewish restaurant is quite famous in New York. It specializes in Turkish cuisine, Jewish-style cooked food and bread, which can capture the appetite of tourists from all over the world.

Ivan married a Jew, and even his taste changed. In Yang Cheng’s impression, Ivan didn’t seem to like Jewish dishes much.

Shaking his head to dissipate the mixed thoughts, he should say, "I see, I'll be there in a while."

"OK, waiting for you, I ordered the smoked fish tower."

There was no traffic jam, and I arrived at the restaurant smoothly. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Ivan and diamonds shining in the restaurant. No way, among a group of ordinary tourists, only Ivan was dressed like a lady, although She is indeed a celebrity lady, but to come to this kind of restaurant for brunch, she also has to be dressed in such a style. Apart from pretending to be 13, Yang Cheng couldn't think of any other reasons.

However, compared with the celebrity faces next to them, a fake brand, and the celebrities who have to pretend to be a celebrity, Yang Cheng instantly felt that Ivan was more pleasing to the eye.

Damn, it deserves to be an Internet celebrity restaurant, there are really aluminum kids who come to New York to check in!

Seeing him appearing at the entrance of the restaurant, Ivan immediately waved his hand to say hello. This action naturally attracted the attention of Internet celebrities who kept scratching their heads and trying to take photos with Ivan from various angles.

I thought it was her husband, who would have thought of being a compatriot who has the same hair and skin color as them, ah~ Looks very elegant, obviously dressed in jeans and casual suits that can’t be more ordinary, they are born with them. Make up the taste of an English gentleman.

It's because Yang Cheng doesn't know what they are thinking, otherwise they have to smell themselves, when will William be infected with the peculiar sour smell of the British!

When I came to the table, Ivan stood up and leaned forward to hug Yang Cheng and kiss her with big eyelashes flashing, "Good morning, where were you just now?"

Yang Cheng took off his sunglasses and put it on the table, then naturally took off his suit jacket and put it on the back of the chair, revealing the white long-sleeved shirt, "I received your call as soon as I got off the plane."

Ivan nodded, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and said to the restaurant manager, "Give this gentleman a cup of coffee~"

Turning to ask Yang Cheng, "Would you like to try the bagel from this store?"

Bagel is a bagel, a kind of hard bread similar to a doughnut, but it is not so sweet and very popular in New York.

Yang Cheng nodded, "Of course, this store is famous for bagel, isn't it?"

The manager replied, "Yes, Mr. Yang, I recommend you to try the bagel with scallion cream cheese, which is more popular recently."

"Then this one, and give me another glass of specialty juice, whatever taste you like."

"Understood, please wait a moment, come right away~"

After the manager left, Yang Cheng clearly heard a few meters away from the diagonally behind, there was a whisper in the language he was most familiar with. It is not known what he said specifically, but the sound of the phone being snapped and wiped. , Verified his previous conjecture, did he also become the background of these Internet celebrities pretending to be celebrities?

I was too lazy to bother, and asked Ivan, "Why are you in the mood to come out for brunch by yourself?"

What about your husband?

Because I was in a public place, Ivan did not express too much intimacy, but said ambiguously, "He is on a business trip, I don't want to eat at home alone, it's boring~"

The corner of Yang Cheng's mouth awoke in less than a second before falling down, changing the subject, "Tell me about Donald, he has decided?"


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