Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1465: Still making money with arms 1

"Tell me about Donald, has he decided?"

"Yes, there is no hesitation, Donald likes your suggestion very much, and even thinks it will be an important part of his summit~"

Ivan mimicked the scene when her father talked with great emotion.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, this Donald still speaks so unreliable, "Then, I will not let him down. All media platforms under New Times Media will make efforts at the same time. When the speech arrives, Donald Will be a unique star in America!"

Ivan slapped the seal like a sea dog, "That will definitely be quite exciting!"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Of course~"

Afterwards, the two of them ate smoked salmon with bagel and talked about the details of the day of the speech, such as what time to get up that day, where to start, what car to take, and how to route, all of which require detailed planning.

Yang Cheng and Ivan, as the two direct leaders, will give the general direction of the plan, and then the people below will improve it. On this day, Yang Orange and Ivan were hardly separated.

After the brunch, they moved to the private club and went out from the private club to the restaurant to have dinner together. In the end, the tender time was indispensable.

In the early morning, Yang Cheng came out of Ivan's secret residence, with a sense of accomplishment in conquering the Great Yangma on his face, but looking at his fluttering legs, the sense of accomplishment must be discounted.

After getting in the car, Hansen waited for Yang Cheng's instructions in the cab, but Yang Cheng didn't give instructions on where to go, but asked Hansen for a cigarette, "Marlboro?"

Hansen smiled, "I'm used to it. Back then, in Ilak, I would have one after every combat mission. At that time, I felt even better than having a few beauties."

With a clatter and lit the cigarette, Yang Cheng took a sip and said, "You were celebrating and still alive."

Hansen nodded with emotion, "Yes, every time I end the mission, I feel like a survivor, especially the mission that requires killing. How can I describe that feeling, like being dragged by someone to hell? It's like a circle."

Yang Cheng hadn't killed anyone personally, so he couldn't empathize, but it didn't prevent him from imagining.

Halfway through the cigarette, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, "Back when you withdrew from the Middle East, those weapons and equipment could not be shipped back. They will definitely stay there. Do you know the specific location?"

Hansen was stunned, "It did leave a large number of weapons and equipment, many of which are still brand new. It is estimated that gun oil is still left. As for where it is placed, it is not information that I can access."

After a pause, as if vaguely remembering something, he hesitated, "But I have a comrade-in-arms, because he lost a leg on the battlefield and was later transferred to the warehouse. Maybe he can know something."

Yang Cheng sat upright in excitement. This is how the business opportunity was discovered, "Go ask your comrades-in-arms, I will reward him with $10,000 for a valuable message."

Hansen is now completely focused on Yang Cheng’s interests. As for whether the secrets of the U.S. military will be exposed, this is not within his consideration. Anyway, in his opinion, the so-called secrets of the U.S. military are nothing but the umbrella of capitalists, 6-7 thousand per year More than half of the billion-dollar military expenditure has gone into the pockets of high-ranking military officials and capitalists. Ordinary soldiers are nothing more than pawns controlled by their interests.

In that case, let the boss make money and help the old comrades in the way, why not do it.

Hansen's temperament was also decisive, and he immediately took out his cell phone, searched for a long time before finding a number and calling out.

I don't know how long I waited, but the call is finally connected.

Yang Cheng vaguely heard an extremely old voice coming from the receiver, "Hansen?"

"Leiden, it's me, how are you doing?"

"Damn it, really you? I heard that you and the big boss are about to become millionaires?"

Hansen touched his nose and couldn't tell Leiden that the big boss was eavesdropping nearby, right?

"Hey, don't say that, I'm just lucky."

"Come on, don't talk, you bastard, you have a better life with the capitalists, you forgot our old comrades in arms, why did you suddenly call me? Did you get fired by your vampire boss? Can't hang on?"

Leiden's undue beating tone made Yang Cheng very upset, but she still pointed to the other party to provide news, and could only hold back her words.

Hansen's face is also not pretty, "Your mouth still smells so bad, Leiden~"

The other party is not ashamed but proud, "I am a consistent person. I will not tell you and say that I will not work for capitalists. In the end, you still run to lick people's ass."

"Enough, Leiden, it's important for me to call you. You can't do it without money."

"Oh, my goodness, Hansen, who never left his hand with a gun back then, is now open and closed for money. That's right, compared to a gun, money is a killer weapon~" Leiden still didn't give up his mockery.

Yang Cheng felt that his whim was a mistake!

"If you talk nonsense again, you will lose a chance to make big money, Leiden, don't you want to leave a rich will for your daughter?"

"Damn it, shut up, you slave of money, don't defile my daughter, you don't deserve to mention her!" Leiden's angry voice blew up in the carriage through the phone!

Yang Cheng rubbed her ears and muttered, "The voice is loud enough!"

Hansen was very calm, and waited until the other party finished shouting, before he said leisurely, "So, your incomparably pure and consistent soul made your daughter be dazzled at school and couldn't even afford a new dress?

Look at me. My wife and children now live in the Upper East Side of New York, and their friends are all well-educated elites. They take time out every year to travel abroad and attend high society parties from time to time. . . "

Hansen seems to be teasing each other’s nerves deliberately. This is not showing off wealth. He is just explaining the facts. After all, after talking with Yang Cheng, their family’s life has changed drastically. They are no longer the cautious ordinary people who lived before. , But an elite family that can freely enjoy life in the Upper East Side. As long as a normal person is not envious.

Leiden is no exception, but his temper is like a stone in a pit. Hearing Hansen showing off his wealth one by one, Leiden was going crazy.

"Damn it! Damn it! Bastard, shut up, I don't want to listen to these disgusting things from you, did you call me just to tell me how good your life is now and how much money you make?" Leiden shouted hysterically Tao.

Hansen became serious. "Of course not. I'm just telling you. Although I don't love money, I can't do without money. My choice is not wrong. I live safer and more comfortable now. My family is also because of me. I have not betrayed my soul, I just did what I should do as a husband and father.

So did you do it? "

Leiden fell silent, Hansen quietly gave the other party some time to think, and then said, "Listen, Leiden, I have no intention of showing off to you, I just want to tell you that now there is a business that can change your destiny. , You can choose not to do it and continue your current life like stagnant water."

I don’t know how long the other side was silent, 5 minutes? Maybe for 10 minutes, Yang Cheng and the others waited quietly without any urging.

Finally, after a deep sigh, Leiden asked, "What business?"

Leiden was able to compromise, as if Hansen had expected it, and smiled lightly, "That's right, Leiden, we are not young anymore, we should..."

Hansen wanted to say a few words from the bottom of his heart. Who knew that Leiden’s temper had not changed, so he interrupted him rudely, and yelled, “Shut up, I don’t want to listen to these unnutritious nonsense. Tell me, let me What is a profitable business? I hope you are not playing with me?"

"How is it possible, okay, to talk about business matters, you are still managing the warehouse, right?"

Leiden said, "I transferred here 5 years ago and never left~"

"Very well, tell me all the information you know about the storage of weapons and equipment. Remember, it is useful information. After we verify, we will pay you $10,000 in cash for every piece of valuable information. There is no tax return. Kind of!" Hansen deliberately emphasized the words "useful" and "valuable" I hope the other party can understand!

Leiden's breathing immediately became sharp, "Really? A message is worth $10,000?"

"Of course, I won't make a joke about this kind of thing!" Hansen emphasized with great certainty.

After a brief entanglement, Leiden said solemnly, "I know what you mean, you should be asking on behalf of your boss?"

Hansen wanted to deny it. He didn't want to involve Yang Cheng, but before he spoke, he was blocked by Leiden, "Don't rush to deny, hey, everyone is doing the reselling of inventory weapons, but there is a way. Yes, you will never miss this golden opportunity. I believe the boss you choose to follow is definitely not a fool.

And he is very clever. Now is the best time. The country is facing a change of office. Everyone in our middle-level managers is in danger and fears that they will be replaced. So they are all looking for opportunities to make money frantically. Behind almost everyone, There stood a powerful and powerful man.

If you didn't find it this time, maybe I would choose someone to drink some soup. "

Leiden's words made Yang Cheng's eyes bright. To be honest, this idea was just a flash of inspiration just now, and he didn't think much at all. When Leiden was so little, Yang Cheng immediately felt that he was lucky and caught up with a good time.

As Leiden said, because of the imminent change of term, the new officials must take control of the important positions and replace them with their own people. Then, how can these big people who are about to lose their value be willing to take advantage of them before leaving? A single stroke can balance the mind. This is almost the general existence of the qian rule. At this time, the supervision is the most lax. If you miss it, you will wait for the next time. It is estimated that it will be 8 years later.


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