Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1467: Base module

The initial communication with Leiden was considered successful. After hanging up, Yang Cheng asked, "Is this Leiden reliable?"

Hansen nodded, "In addition to his bad mouth, he is a tough guy. He was blown off his leg back then. It took a few hours to get medical treatment. Of course, he missed the best treatment time and had to amputate his limbs."

Yang Cheng rubbed his chin, "What about ability? You know that if this matter is not handled well, it is easy to be caught. If he confesses you, we will face a very troublesome situation."

Hansen pondered for a moment and said, "If it were 10 years ago, I would give you a positive answer, but now I am not sure, because there is a very advanced management system that was deployed all over the world before I retired. I believe that after so many years, it has become very mature. In front of this system, all changes in the number of weapons and equipment will be found."

Yang Cheng couldn't help frowning, "To be specific? It sounds like this system is very powerful!"

Hansen scratched his head. "I don't know much. It seems to be called the'Global Asset Visibility System'. It is the core concept of the U.S. military's logistics from the industrial age to the information age, and it is also the core factor for the U.S. military's logistics support efficiency to be greatly improved.

The system can automatically identify technology, global transportation network, joint resource information database and decision support system, and integrate all kinds of information together, so that the joint force commander can uninterruptedly grasp the dynamic status of all logistics resources, and track personnel and equipment throughout the process. And material changes, and command and control its reception, distribution and exchange, thus greatly improving the efficiency of logistics support.

In fact, this system was used many years ago, but at that time the degree of informatization was not high, and the efficiency was far lower than it is now, but it still played a vital role. In the Gulf War that year, the military logistics information processing There are only more than 1,500 staff in the center, but it has enabled the transportation of tens of thousands of troops, hundreds of millions of dollars in expenditures, and the supply of hundreds of thousands of different models and specifications of equipment and materials to proceed smoothly. Without this'global asset visibility system' , Is simply unimaginable.

It is estimated that just counting the number of bullets is enough to bring down the entire logistics system! "

Yang Orange cursed in a low voice, "Damn, with such a system, doesn't it mean we have no possibility of cheating at all?"

Then he immediately overturned his statement, "Is it wrong? The military has been repeatedly banned in corruption cases over the years, and only a handful of people have been caught. There must be loopholes in this system!"

Hansen shrugged slightly, "The system is also made by humans, and the terminal is controlled by humans. As long as someone is involved, there must be loopholes."

Yang Cheng pressed his fist heavily, "You are right. As long as it is a human being, there must be weaknesses. We can control the weaknesses. That's where the loopholes in the system lie."

He suddenly raised his head and commanded Hansen, "You continue to keep in touch with Leiden and let him find a way to get information on all the US military's weapons arsenal in the Middle East. As long as I can do anything, even a bullet, I will get it. go!"

Hansen's expression was a little unnatural, and Yang Cheng sensitively sensed that he seemed to have something to say, "What's wrong? Just say it if you have something. Do you want to persuade me not to take advantage of the military?"

"No, no~" Hansen shook his head repeatedly and denied.

"I mean, the most profitable thing may not necessarily be the weapon~"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

Hansen organized the language and suggested, “Weapons and equipment are too sensitive after all, and it is easy to be alerted, but because of the high consumption of the safeguard materials, the intensity of supervision is far less than expected.

During my years in the military, I heard that a lot of logistical reselling of supplies made my mouth bleak. "

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "Do you mean selling clothes, food, etc.? The profit margin is too small to be worth the risk."

How can Hansen not know how big Yang Cheng's business is?

Immediately said, "Of course not, boss, have you heard of the ‘power provider’ system?"

"Power provider?" Yang Cheng shook his head and said that he had never heard of it.

Hansen explained, "Unlike the ‘Global Asset Visibility’ system, the ‘Power Provider’ system is a complete, containerized, and highly deployable simple base system.

Speaking of a system, it is better to say that it is a modular camp. It can provide modern temperature-controlled accommodation equipment, canteens, bathrooms, toilets, laundry rooms, and entertainment facilities. As long as two or three sets, one can be guaranteed. The basic life of all members of the army regiment.

Each system component also includes an 80,000 gallons water storage and distribution system, a 40,000 gallons oil storage and distribution system, a waste water storage station, and a power station capable of 100 kilowatts of continuous electricity. "

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up. The significance of being able to generate electricity and store oil and water resources is too great. If it is sold to remote mountainous areas, a system can completely supply the life needs of a village.

As for whether they can sell the price, Yang Cheng never doubted this. God knows how many diamonds are hidden in the hands of an unknown small tribe in Africa?

Of course, it would be more laborious to sell it from village to village. I believe that they will be willing to spend money to improve their living conditions.

With the existence of this system, their base will become more comfortable and modern. The reason why they fight is not for their livelihood? If you can live better, no one will give up!

What surprised him most was Hansen’s next words, “Of course, the full version of the system with generator sets is too large and expensive. Before I retired, there were fewer than 100 power provider systems deployed overseas. Of course, there may be more or less now. After all, the overseas disarmament forces have increased in recent years, and the corresponding supporting facilities will also be reduced.

All these need to be investigated after investigation.

However, in addition to the full version of the system, there is also a simplified version that is composed of basic modules. In short, it is a stretchable modular personnel tent equipped with the same compressed air heating system as general household appliances. It serves as a resting and recovery place for combat fatigued soldiers, can support the reception of soldiers in the theater, can also be used as an intermediate assembly base, and can also be used as a base barracks in humanitarian, disaster relief and peacekeeping operations.

The cost is much cheaper than the full version, and it is more convenient to deploy. It can be disassembled and moved at any time, and each temporary base has backup modules for replacement and maintenance! "

Yang Cheng said with a smile, "This is good news. Compared to the full version of the system, the simplified version must be more marketable, but are you sure you have a lot of stock?"

Hansen emphatically said, "I am very sure, because rapid reaction capability is a decisive factor in determining the victory or defeat of wars in the 21st century. This is also the concept that the military has been emphasizing and implementing.

In order for the U.S. ground forces to achieve rapid assaults, they must have fast and timely service support. Under this premise, they must preset an arsenal for storing weapons and equipment in advance in hotspot areas where conflicts may occur overseas. The'power provider' system that exists in the base is the top priority.

Therefore, not only do they have a large amount of inventory in their hands, but they will also keep updated in real time to ensure that the module components will not be aged for too long and cause problems. "

Yang Cheng understood what Hansen meant, "In other words, it is possible to report losses, apply for new equipment purchases, and then sell the old equipment to us at a discounted price?"

Hansen reminded, "It's an old device, but it's actually new!"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Of course, I understand, but second-hand goods are always cheaper than new ones, right?"

This is the essence of profiteers. When you can keep the price down, you will not be polite to the other party.

Hansen had to turn his mind a few times to understand the tricks of profiteers. He touched the back of his head embarrassedly, and then said, "Anyway, I am sure I will agree to cooperate with us. This can make them eat meat up and down. They will never miss this opportunity, with greed."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "It seems that we have to find a way to get in touch with the senior management. If the'power provider' system can be obtained, does it mean that other heavy weapons may also be obtained?"

Regarding this, Hansen didn't dare to say anything, "Kuwait's barracks are the army's core base and large logistics base in the Middle East.

The base is only 60 kilometers away from the southern border of Iraq.

Currently at the base, the US military stocks a large number of main combat equipment such as M1 main battle tanks, M2 infantry fighting vehicles and Apache helicopters, and can equip a complete armored brigade at any time to provide support for military operations in Iraq.

In Kuwait’s Arikhan Barracks, the Army also stored all the equipment of two armored battalions and a mechanized infantry battalion.

In addition, the Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean has enough armaments in the arsenal to equip 3 armored battalions and 3 mechanized infantry battalions.

Around the Middle East, the U.S. military has also set up weapons arsenals of varying sizes in Turkey’s Ingillik base, Qatar’s Snowby Barracks, and Salsia Barracks.

These bases are distributed on the main points of the United States' implementation of the regional containment strategy. Once the US military uses force in these areas in the future, it will be able to quickly obtain the weapons and equipment needed for the early stages of the war.

In other words, once the military decides to mobilize troops in a certain region in the Middle East, as long as ordinary soldiers are sent to a civil airliner to Kuwait, they can directly receive equipment after landing and attack the target area overnight.

After the war, the equipment will be returned to the warehouse for maintenance and storage.

But the work is not over. They will continue to place orders with arms dealers to update those who have used second-hand weapons, because every order represents a huge amount of interest, even if they don’t move, arms dealers will let their spokespersons push it. Order.

And those weapons and equipment that may have been used only once have become second-hand goods. Only God knows where they went in the end! "


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