Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1468: Private collaboration with Burns

Yang Cheng rubbed his hands, not because of the cold, but because of excitement. Although he had long realized that the arms reselling industry contained huge benefits, he still didn't have a deep understanding of it.

Until today, after Hansen’s narration, he did not understand why so many people rushed to join this feast, even if he had a very positive imagination and identity on the surface, it was really delicious and delicious. Don't hesitate to get your clothes dirty, but take a bite, or you will leave regrets in this life.

But it’s not too late. It’s when he is short of money. There is not much working capital left. Without cash reserves, your body’s immunity is reduced to the extreme. Any bacterial infection will happen. It may cause you to have a high fever.

Yang Cheng didn't want this to happen, so he had to act.

For this reason, he didn't sleep well this night. At less than 6 o'clock in the morning the next morning, his eyes opened like a night pearl, and he got up excitedly, exercised, and washed. At 8 o'clock, he I have finished my breakfast, and I am leaving home vigorously.

Arrived by car to the headquarters of ExonMobil in New York, he rudely interrupted Ms. Burns's rest in the middle of the night last night and confirmed the meeting time for today.

After communicating with the beautiful lady at the front desk, I soon saw Ms. Burns in her office.

After giving a light hug, Yang Cheng cared, "How is your body? Is it better?"

Burns opened his hands, "Of course, in fact, the first time I returned to New York, I felt my body recovered."

Yang Cheng smiled, "It looks like you are at odds with Nigeria's aura."

Burns chuckled, "Yeah, so I decided that unless necessary, I would never set foot on Nigerian land again."

After a few words of greeting, the two sat down face to face, and Burns said, "I was so anxious to invite me to meet because of the Owowo oil field? Don’t worry, although the Nigerian Ministry of Energy’s resistance is very strong, they will eventually compromise. Yes, they have no right to say no!"

The corner of Yang Cheng's mouth twitched, and it was him. Maybe he had the heart to kill with a knife? Can you not resist? The oil fields in your own country can't make a lot of money. In the end, they can only get 15% of the share. What is enough? It is humiliating, it is an insult to the sovereignty of a country!

Of course, they can also show a tough attitude and say no to ExonMobil, but it is clear that they cannot afford the consequences.

Therefore, Yang Cheng did not doubt Burns' words. The final result must be a compromise. It was only a matter of time. Both Burns and Yang Cheng had enough patience.

So he shook his head and said, "I believe you, I specifically asked to meet with you today. It has nothing to do with the oil field. Instead, I want to ask you if you have any ideas about making extra money."

Burns frowned, "Extraordinary? I don't understand Jason~"

Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee and said quietly, "My subordinate Hansen is the bodyguard who saved you and me. He has a comrade in charge of the warehouse and weapons warehouse in the Middle East!"

He emphasized the arsenal. Who is Burns? As the best black woman in the United States, her wisdom must not be underestimated, "Selling arms?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "No, no, just to help the military clean up the inventory. We will never dare to violate the law or regulations~"

Seeing what he said was high-sounding, Burns couldn't help pressing his forehead. Why was this kid so hypocritical?

But she likes this saying, "Clean up the inventory? Ha ha, this is definitely a noble and meaningful job!"

Yang Cheng was very calm, "Of course, by the way, I can make some extra money, kill two birds with one stone!"

Burns changed his sitting position. "So what are you looking at? Gun? Tank? Helicopter?"

Yang Cheng put the prepared information on the coffee table in front of him and pushed it to Burns, "Look at it. From pistols and machine guns to main battle tanks and modular bases, everything is our goal.

Of course, at the beginning, we have to start with Leiden, the warehouse that Hansen’s comrade-in-arms guards, where there are brand-new weapons worth 30 million US dollars. "

Burns looked through it roughly, and after putting it down, his gaze aimed at Yang Cheng with a faint gaze, "You can do it by yourself, why are you pulling me up?"

Yang Cheng was very honest, did not lie at all, and bluntly admitted, "I need you to help me share the risk? And use ExonMobil's transportation channels to help me get the weapons out."

"You have no transportation channels?" Burns didn't believe it.

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Of course there are channels, but eggs cannot be put in the same basket."

Burns grudgingly accepted this reason, "What else?"

"Finally, the network resources of ExonMobil are needed. This matter must involve the military leaders, especially the people!" Yang Cheng emphasized the tone.

"Esson Mobil does have close ties with the military, but..."

Burns hesitated Yang Cheng immediately said, "This is a private cooperation between the two of us. The profit is 6you4. You are responsible for part of the transportation channels and the protection of high-level contacts. I am responsible for taking weapons from Move out of the warehouse and sell it for cash."

This kind of division of labor, he thought it was fair, and facing Burns, he did not play tricks at all, this division ratio is the bottom line he can accept.

When Burns heard that Yang Cheng had allocated 40% of the profit, he knew that Yang Cheng had not fooled her.

The slight hesitation that I had just had, disappeared in an instant, reselling arms, no, the profit of the business of clearing inventory for the military is sometimes unimaginable.

Because as long as you have the ability to press the price of those arms to the same price of cabbage as the fire stick, once you change hands, it will be twice or even more than three times the profit. This is enough to make people crazy, even if two people are divided, it is also considerable. You know this is her own money, and she doesn't need to share dividends with ExonMobil.

What she paid was only to use her authority to arrange transportation, and to find the military boss to act as an umbrella job. Yang Cheng directly contracted the most troublesome and tiring sales link.

Burns couldn't think of the reason for rejection, and she was not a person without courage. At this time, hesitation and indecision would only disappoint Yang Cheng's partner, and would not make her safer!

"Jason, knowing you is my greatest fortune this year. Maybe my quality of life after retirement will rise to a higher level after this cooperation."

Yang Cheng smiled openly, and Burns agreed, and finally did not disappoint him.

"Maybe you should consider finding a real estate agent. Buying a seaside holiday estate is a good choice, what do you think?"


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