Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1472: Nightclub release stress

Perhaps it was an illusion. When Yang Cheng drove past the nightclub, she always felt that inexplicable sadness and indignation appeared on the faces of people coming out of it.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind, one foot brake, Ferrari's excellent braking system, steadily stopped the car, pushed the door to get off, and the beautiful girls waiting in line in front of the nightclub to enter the stadium, cast in one after another Envying eyes.

There are a few people who scratch their heads and pose in an attempt to attract the attention of handsome young Chinese men, but it is a pity that Yang Cheng can't take any interest in cosmetics thicker than snow on their faces.

Hmm~ Yang Cheng knows his looks. In his own words, handsome is very safe. Luo Yue also agrees. He often praises him as a handsome man with aura and is more popular with white women.

However, he has never lacked such a weapon of demeanor, even if he still has raging anger in his heart, he is still very calm on the surface, and the indifferent expression that he has cultivated through countless big scenes can easily arouse the curiosity of the girl, which is like a fragrance The rose, a woman will unconsciously cast her sights on you.

At the group of modern girls wearing hot short skirts and high heels, they nodded with a gentle smile, thanks to him not wearing a hat today, otherwise he would take off his hat.

There are generally two kinds of Bundi, one is the rhythm of the people getting up at a fixed point every day, every 11 or 12 o'clock at night, especially on Fridays, walking on the bustling streets of New York, you can see all kinds of fashionable men and women walking into major nightclubs. At the entrance of the world, prepare to relieve the pressure of the week and let yourself go.

Another is a party with special guests. For example, some well-known nightclubs can invite DJs that often appear on the top 100 DJ list to play DJs.

For ordinary girls, there is little difference between the two. If you don't want to spend money, just enter the venue and slap your hair, and there will be a dog that will automatically come to your door to invite you to drink.

Of course, if you are a confident and outstanding beauty, you must dress up when you participate in ordinary nightclub activities without a special DJ. You can step on as high as the height of the hate sky at your feet, although the ending is already destined, it is you I can’t get up at all because my feet hurt so much I can only sit on the sofa and drink, but at least you will become a nightclub star that night. Some local tyrants who don’t know how to spend money especially like to find a sense of accomplishment in you.

For example, tonight, the nightclub where Yang Cheng parked immediately did not invite well-known DJs and no celebrities to help out. It may be because tonight is Wednesday, which is slightly deserted compared to Friday, but it still failed to stop the excess hormones. The girls are full of their youthful charm at this moment.

When Yang Cheng was parked, he was noticed by public relations. Nonsense, the white paint of the Prancing Horse not only reflects the prosperous phantom of New York in the middle of the night, but also exudes a charming fragrance worth 500,000 US dollars, mixed with the cutting-edge fashion These people have thief eyes, and those with insufficient eyes are eliminated!

"Dear guest, good evening, what do you need me to do for you?" The male publicist smiled very attractively, and he would definitely go on the road for another gay!

Unfortunately, Yang Cheng expressed no interest in this, and smiled slightly, "Is there any stand? Bring up all the good wines in your store, besides~"

Halfway through the conversation, he glanced at the line of people with his eyes. The man was concerned and understood, and smiled, "Don't worry, I will arrange it, sir, do you have a biased type?"

Yang Cheng patted this sensible male PR, "I am not interested in old fritters, the more beautiful the better~"

The male publicist said immediately, "Understood, I will arrange for you to enter the venue first, and then I will bring the beauty to look for you. If I am not satisfied, I will replace it!"

A stable horse~

With the remix version of Faded played by the live DJ and listened to it more than 500 times, Yang Cheng knew that tonight's DJ level was not good. Sure enough, in the next second, I heard the DJ act as MC and yelled for you to talk to him. Hi together.

The audience in the audience was still very cooperative, the scene screamed loudly, and the dance floor exploded.

This kind of atmosphere, Xiaobai, who has never been to, was fresh the first two times, but later I found that the wine was not good and the music was not good because his feet hurt.

Yang Cheng slandered for a while, but didn't stop under his feet. He just found a nightclub to relax, and vented his grievances by the way. The requirements for the venue were not so high.

Yingwei took Yang Cheng across the dance floor, crowded and touched people. I didn't know how much money was taken or how much tofu was eaten. I finally came to the deck area and found that it was also full. Just a beer can fill a table with card slots, densely lined up in a circle, no one can take them away.

After ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, I finally came to the VIP area, a simple semicircular red sofa, a tempered glass coffee table filled with drinks and scattered snacks, and a simple railing divides the VIP area from the individual guest area. It looks very similar to a domestic nightclub.

I looked around and found that the people on the two adjacent cards were no longer there, or they were simply not used.

It seems that there are very few high-end customers in this nightclub, and Yang Cheng began to slowly lower his expectations. The absence of high-end customers means that the quality of beautiful women cannot be improved.

Yingwei hurriedly greeted the waiter to change all the wine on the The supervisor just told him that this young Chinese is a big customer, and he called for the best wine in the store. Who dares to neglect such a guest?

After a short while, the original beer on the coffee table was removed and replaced with the ace of spades. Violets, green gold, gold, pink gold, etc. were put on a batch, and the last was the black-in-white limited edition that was launched last year. Version, but they are all 750ml standard versions.

Yang Cheng said nothing, waved her hand, "Open~"

"Bang bang bang~" The waiter who was ready for a long time opened the bottle like a cannon, and opened the bottle so rhythmically.

Just when they were opening the bottle, the male publicist personally led three beautiful girls who looked very immature to come over. Seeing the waiter opening the bottle, the smile on his face was even stronger. It turned out to be a big customer, cool!

"Sir, please allow me to introduce to you. These three students are all from New York University. They came to the nightclub to relax today. I hope you can take care of them."

Yang Orange raised his eyes, and his sharp gaze swept across the faces of the three people in turn. Because they lowered their expectations in advance, but found that the standards of these three people were not bad, they were easily satisfied.

Nodded, "No problem, I like taking care of beautiful women the most. Three people, just sit down and order whatever you want to eat. Drink whatever you want, and if you don’t have enough~"

Yang Cheng was just to vent tonight, so she was very slutty. One of the little girls with a slight panic on her face was directly pulled into her arms by Yang Cheng.

"Ah~" the beauty screamed, Yang Chengquan didn't hear him, pointing to the metallic black, high-class ace of spades in front of him with a smile, "beautiful girl, can you pour me a glass of wine? Of course also Have your own, thank you~"


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