Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1473: Spit on your face

"Beautiful girl, can you pour me a glass of wine? Of course there is your own, thank you~"

The old-fashioned opening remarks, as long as a grandson who has no money is covered with palm prints on his face, but with the imposing atmosphere of just drinking, the charming girl is really useful. Not only did he feel that Yang Cheng was frivolous, but was kind of overbearing. The seductiveness of the president's conquest.

The girl leaned forward and poured two glasses of wine, and handed it to Yang Cheng with the envy of the two classmates.

In the end, Yang Cheng didn't answer, but looked at each other with playful eyes, and chuckled, "I'm not used to drinking to the cup?"

The young girl was taken aback, seeing Yang Cheng's eyes rolling on her lips, she immediately understood.

After a little hesitation, he took a sip from his glass and leaned down. . .

The state entered quickly. With the stimulation of alcohol, the ban on the brain was slowly lifted. The combination of a man and three women in the deck soon became the focus of peeping, and Yang Cheng became the object of hatred by all men. Don’t you know that there are more men and fewer women in this world?

That night, Yang Cheng spent a lot of money in this little famous nightclub. Everyone in the audience had a cup of Ace of Spades. It was just a small case. Later, he drank too much and directly sent a bottle of 30L limited edition Ace of Spades to the club. The bottle was worth 200,000 U.S. dollars, which also brought the nightclub atmosphere to GC. The final DJ appearance was completely suppressed by Yang Cheng, which made the other party depressed for a long time.

. . .

At four o'clock in the morning, Yang Cheng came out of the bathroom with gossip steps under her feet, but a big high-heeled shoe logo was painted on the door that was closed by inertia.

It doesn't matter, who is in charge of toilet men and women at this time?

Leaning **** the sink, supporting the marble countertop with both hands, the feet are soft, and he keeps sliding down.

He shook his head to try to make himself sober, but he drank too much alcohol, and he looked at everyone nowadays.

Three men appeared in front of them, all looking exactly the same, with exactly the same smiles, "Mr. Yang? Mr. Yang?"

Just as Yang Cheng was about to speak, there was a sudden impulse in his stomach, sour water surged upwards.


The poor public relations director wanted to take a good look at Yang Cheng's situation, but who would have thought that Yang Cheng would spit out his face with the wine fermented in the middle of the night in his stomach.

"I'm sorry, sir, my people will give you a compensation later and buy new clothes~" At this moment, Hansen rushed out from nowhere, and held Yang Cheng, who was about to fall, with a smile. The main channel of public relations.

Good professionalism tells public relations that you must maintain a perfect smile at all times and never let guests have the slightest dissatisfaction.

So there was a scene where he smiled calmly at Hansen with a head of vomit on his head, but this scene was a bit oozing.

Helping Yang Cheng out of the nightclub, several bodyguards immediately took over the boss from Hansen, and carefully sent them to the car. Hansen looked back at the nightclub helplessly, and said to himself, "This place is poisonous~"

Turning around and raising his foot just about to leave, I listened to the publicist chasing it out and shouting, "Sir, sir, I'm sorry, that~"

Hansen frowned and asked, "What? The boss didn't pay?"

The PR shook his head suddenly, "No, no, I mean what about the girls in the bathroom?"

Hansen was unhappy, "What should I do? What should I do?"

The PR just barely wiped off the vomit, but the body still smelled of sour, and the top of the head was wet, so embarrassed and embarrassed.

He smiled bitterly, "Well, Mr. Yang seems to be very attached to one of the girls, and he promised her that he would sponsor that girl to finish college while drinking."

Hansen frowned deeper. First of all, public relations didn't dare to lie about this matter, let alone offend the boss by lying about an unknown girl, so this matter must be true.

Secondly, if it is true, the boss is faint after drinking? Still really moved and want to support that girl? He can't wake up people now and ask them clearly, right?

Finally, this kind of thing must be handled properly, otherwise the boss will be blamed in the future and he will not be responsible.

At least you can't leave the girl in the bathroom. It's not safe. After all, there are too many **** picking up bodies.

After pondering for a while, he told the publicist, "I will send someone to follow you in, and I will take the girl."

The PR was greatly relieved, and at the same time, he accepted the $5,000 check handed to him by Hansen. It was enough to compensate him for a suit and mental loss.

A bodyguard returned to the nightclub and took the girl out. The girl was more drunk than Yang Cheng, and she didn't even notice that she was taken away.

After getting in the car, Hansen said to the publicist, "The classmates who are with this girl, please help take care of them, as long as you don't let them be taken away, otherwise there is no way to explain something."

Public relations nodded repeatedly, "I understand, don't worry, I will take care of them personally, and send them away when I wake up."

Hansen is still very satisfied with the character of this publicist.

After getting in the car, Hansen was worried. The boss is like this, can't he send him home? You will be scolded if you are seen by the master or madam, the hotel? Will it affect the image if you bring it like this?

Hansen was worried, and grabbed the hair that didn't have much and turned to the bodyguard of the co-pilot and said, "You live alone?"

The bodyguard was very clever, and immediately shook his head and said, "I moved home to live with my mother and sister~"

Then he said with a smirk, "Boss, your house is all right!"

Hansen glared at him angrily, "Why is it all right? It will scare little Hansen~"

Forgive him for this guy full of gunpowder. He named him incompetent, his child was Hansen II, and he was called Xiao Hansen on weekdays.

But taking it home seems to be the only way.

No more nonsense, I started the car and took the boss back to my home.

A refurbished apartment located in the Upper East District, Hansen bought it with the full price last year. The area is about less than 200 square meters, but it is located in a busy street and is convenient for travel. There are also private schools with high education quality nearby. You can live here. , Hansen had never thought about it before.

But after following Yang Cheng, it was only two years of income. He didn’t have to spend a penny with Yang Cheng everyday, and he didn’t have to worry about affecting the quality of life when he bought a luxury house. This was what he was most grateful for Yang Cheng. Locally, this young Chinese boss has never treated his subordinates badly on money. The rewards and punishments are distinct, and no one is dissatisfied.

Came downstairs to the apartment, parked the car, Hansen personally supported Yang Cheng, and another bodyguard followed the girl who had fallen asleep with her.

Upon seeing this, the property housekeeper on duty immediately opened the door and greeted Hansen, "Good morning Mr.~"

Hansen was taken aback, and then smiled helplessly, "That's right, it's time to say good morning, thank you, please call me the elevator."

The butler smiled. He just glanced at Yang Cheng and paid no attention, "Of course, this is what I should do~"


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