Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1474: Hansen Family Bear Kid

At ten o'clock in the morning, Yang Cheng felt a sharp pain on the top of her head. She woke up from her sleep. Before she woke up, she saw a kid who was less than 5 years old, running around with a toy car on top of her head. Go, let's use my head as a runway?

Wait, how come there are children? Where does this bear kid come from? Actually ran into your house? Where is Old John? Why didn't you stop?

A series of questions surfaced in his mind. Then, his brain began to recover. He gently pushed the bear kid away, sat up slowly, and looked at the furnishings of the room. Sure enough, this is not his home~

"Woohoo~" There was a weird cry in the bear child's mouth, and he put the car on Yang Cheng's back and slid back and forth. Damn, who is this kid? Yang Cheng gave him an uncomfortable look.

As a result, the kid was not afraid, sticking out his tongue and making a grimace, and continued to use Yang Cheng's back as a toy field.

Yang Cheng was speechless to speechless, but she couldn't vent her anger with her child, right?

He has a splitting headache and his thinking ability is hindered, so that it is difficult to recall the situation last night.

I went to the nightclub and drank a lot of wine, and then the whole nightclub party, I and the three beauties were all drinking, taking turns to the bathroom to pursue the exciting GC.


Yang Cheng let out a "cough" in her throat, "It hurts~"

The moment his memory stopped at the door of the bathroom, he seemed to have seen three men who looked exactly the same, wondering if they were triplets? It went black, and then I didn't remember anything.

So where are you now?

He should be very safe, after all, there can be no neatly dressed bear children in dangerous places, let alone bright bedrooms.

Of course, what reassures him most is Hansen's existence, he doesn't believe Hansen will lose himself.

No, he has to talk to the bear boy, rubbing his head, and show his affinity to the bear boy as much as possible, "Boy, what's your name?"

The child bear glanced at him with contempt, lowered his head and continued to play with the toy car!

Yang Cheng's face turned dark, damn, how long has no one ignored him, kid, is your father Bill Gates?

endure! I will endure! Yang Cheng told herself so~

"Child, answering the questions of adults is a good and polite child, and will not shame your parents?"

Yang Cheng is secretly proud, the little boy with no teeth. Isn't it easy and pleasant to deal with?

Yang Cheng, who thinks he is a general, is still immersed in leisurely contentment. Obviously, the hangover affects not only the physical condition, but also the IQ!

He is now forcibly pulling his IQ to the same level as the bear child.

Just when he was triumphant and ready to hear the answer from the bear child, the bear child actually covered his mouth and retreated to the wall, and said with a disgusting face, "The mouth smells so bad~"

Damn, your uncle! I have something to do with you?

Yang Cheng glared at the bear child, just about to give him a thunder and tell him who is the boss, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Hansen in house clothes walked in with a smile, "Boss, wake up. Yes? Sorry, did Little Hansen bother you to rest? This kid is too naughty, like when I was a kid."

Blinking dumbfoundedly, Yang Cheng pointed at the bear child, "This is your son?"

Hansen picked up his son and took a bite on the tender little face. "Yes, he is Hansen II. He will be 5 years old soon. Isn't he similar to me?"

Yang Cheng looked at the bear kid who was hiding behind his father and making faces at him with a smile, and nodded insincerely, "Like, really fragrant~"

Hansen didn't think much, and smiled contentedly.

He shook his head, ignored the bear boy, and looked around again, "So, this is your home?"

"Yes, thanks to the boss, I can live in such a good house. By the way, my wife went to work after breakfast. She now works in an elementary school. It is the job that old John helped find. Our family All very grateful."

Yang Cheng heard that his subordinates had a good life, and he himself felt very fulfilled, "That's good, no need to be grateful. You will work for me. If even your family’s life cannot be guaranteed, my boss is too jerk. ."

After a pause, even he himself felt bad breath, and said embarrassingly, "Well, can I borrow your bathroom? I want to take a shower, otherwise he can't go out."

Hansen immediately turned away, "Of course, I have all the toiletries ready, and a new set of clothes, which my brother brought to LV."

Yang Cheng got up, "Thank you, buddy."

. . .

After all, it’s in someone else’s house. Yang Cheng doesn’t have the habit of domineering. It’s not the old society anymore. He washed it in a hurry and put on brand new clothes. As for the old clothes, he naturally went to the trash can and was too lazy to wash it. , It's not too expensive anyway.

Wiping his head and walking out of the bathroom, Hansen reheated the breakfast and asked Yang Cheng to sit down, "Boss, I don't know if it suits your taste."

Yang Cheng glanced at it. They were all ordinary sandwich milk. The taste was not much different. He nodded and said, "Thank you, sit down and eat together."

Hansen shook his head, "I've already eaten it, boss, don't worry about me, eat more."

Yang Cheng didn't speak any more, and started eating. He vomited several times last night, and he couldn't remember it. He knew that his stomach was empty enough to hold a cow.

After the two settled half of the sandwich, they suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to Hansen, "Look at the TV, I want to see the news about the game last night."


The small TV in the restaurant turned on and Hansen was tuned to TNT. As expected, a sports program was discussing the battle of Tianwangshan in the Eastern Conference finals last night.

The guests of the show are naturally the commentary group: Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, and the newly added O'Fang!

"Last night's game was a shit. Xiao Hua is ruining this league." Barkley continued to maintain his big mouth style, and there was no one he dared not ridicule or curse!

Kenny Smith is a good old man, and in order to make the show effective, he must make a fair comment, and the villain will naturally hand it over to the newly joined Oban.

"Can't say that, maybe from the referee's point of view, some **** did foul?"

Barkley was full of absurdity, "Jesus Christ, Kenny, you have also played, is Dwyane's opening foul really necessary? It's all irrelevant defensive moves!"

O'Pan was unwilling to show weakness and retorted, "You know that Dwyane and I have been teammates. We reached the finals together and won the championship. Dwyane’s defense in important games was very aggressive and sometimes encountered referee whistle. Hard, it's normal to be called a foul."

"Damn it, if it were you, you would cry aggrievedly~"

O'Pan chuckled, "Really? I remember you were beaten and cryed by me!"

Barkley's tone stagnated, "We don't mention the past~"

Laughing at the scene, Barkley has always amused the audience with the attributes of life treasure.

Kenny Smith is responsible for controlling the rhythm and bringing the topic back. "Well, let's continue the game last night. To be honest, Dwyane's end is a fatal blow to the Nets."

Barkley immediately said, "Yes, you know what Dwyane means to the Nets. That's 30.5 points per game since the playoffs. Without Dwyane, the Nets have lost more than 30 points out of thin air. strange."

O'Fang still holds a different view, "I think after Dwyane's exit, Chris did not show the team's core performance."

Barkley interrupted, "onman, Chris beat Kyrie Irving in the second half~"

O'Fan opened his hand, "So what? You and I know that the playoffs are the stage for superstars to score. You can't win the game by assists alone, because you can't control the feel of your teammates."

"Chris scored 27 points in the second half, 15 of which were scored in the last quarter. This is enough to show his excellence. The Nets lost to the referee. This is the most terrible!" Barkley said coldly. Retorted.

"No, if Chris showed this kind of performance when Dwyane just left the field in the first quarter, the Nets' morale would definitely buck the trend, and it would be very possible to take the opportunity to take away the game!

However, Chris's successive strikes after Dwyane's exit directly ruined the critical time for chasing points, which was the most deadly. "

As one of the greatest centers in history, O'Neal has enough qualifications and confidence to evaluate any current star Of course, right or wrong is another matter, at least Barkley was not convinced from the bottom.

Straining his neck, "Don't talk, if there is no referee's intervention, maybe nothing will happen later. The Nets took advantage of the momentum of the first two victories to win the Battle of Tianwangshan and advance to the finals. This is what Normal script."

O'Neill smiled lightly, "You are all hypothetical rhetoric. I can't say anything, but you have to know that the referee is also part of the game. Since you have participated in this game, you must adapt to the rules of the game."

Barkley sneered, "Are you kidding? That's right, only you, a person with a 50% free throw percentage, don't care about the referee's behavior. Anyway, you don't make a free throw~"

"Fatty man, do you dare to compare free throws with me?"

Barkley was also the leader, and immediately faced him, "What's not to dare to do? What to bet on? I will win you!"

O'Neal worked **** free throws late in his career. Although he didn't improve much, he was much better than the previous one who often made two free throws. He is now entertaining and has a relaxed mentality. For professional players, he can still guarantee a certain hit rate. .

The key is that the opponent is Barkley, the big fat pig, who can't lose to him, otherwise he will be teased for a lifetime.

Because it is a special program, the scene is specially arranged as an indoor basketball court. The basket is ready-made, so you can play now without much preparation!

Seeing this, Yang Cheng bit the sandwich and took out his mobile phone to call Sean Marx. After the other party was connected, he directly ordered, "I will ask the butler to find the referee who was imprisoned for collecting black money in the past. You now arrange him to accept it immediately. The interview is specifically for the league's manipulation of referees to interfere in the game!"


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