Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1475: You have a big secret

"Old John, did I let the person you were looking for find it?"

"Found it. He lives in New Jersey and we are on the way back to Manhattan."

"Very good, send him directly to CW TV station. The interview team is ready. You will check the words with him in the car and point your finger at Adam Xiaohua."


. . .

Putting down the phone, Yang Cheng picked up the sandwich again, stuffed it in the entrance a few times, got up and said to Hansen, "You have a day off at home today, and stay with your son."

Hansen was anxious, "How can this work? Andrew has not healed from his injury. When he is healed, it will not be too late for me to take turns to rest."

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "It's okay, you don't worry about leaving your son at home alone, right? Listen to me, you have worked hard during this time, take a good rest."

Just about to leave, Hansen stopped him and hesitated, "Boss, that, there was a girl who came back with you yesterday."

Yang Cheng paused, "Huh? Girl?"

"It's the girl who had been close to you last night, and you went to the bathroom later." Hansen could not say clearly in front of his son, so he had to remind Yang Cheng tactfully.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng only lost the memory of being drunk. The previous scenes were still very clear, especially during the first period of drinking, he remembered clearly.

Helplessly, "How did you bring people back? You should know that what happened in the nightclub should stay in the nightclub."

Hansen smiled bitterly, "It's the male publicist who is worried about the girl's safety, and is also afraid that you will take care of that girl and he will not be responsible if something goes wrong."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "Um~ he is a nice person, okay, I will go see her, by the way, what is her name?"

Hansen is dumbfounded, you can't remember, come and ask me? how could I know?

Seeing this expression, I knew I was asking for nothing, waved my hand and walked to the room that Hansen pointed to, hesitated and pushed the door directly in.

There was no window in the room, and the smell of wine was fermenting all over the room. It was terribly unpleasant. Yang Cheng frowned and went to the window, opened the curtains, the bright sunshine instantly lit the dim room, and then opened the window. Let the fresh air from outside the window pour in, and Yang Cheng's brows finally stretched out.

Turning around, the girl was wearing a pajamas and instinctively pulled up the quilt to block the dazzling sunlight. It seemed that she had not slept enough.

Yang Cheng shook his head, went to pull away the quilt, and whispered, "Girl, get up, it's 12 o'clock, don't you need to go to class?"

"Girl? Girl?"

After pushing and shaking, the girl finally opened her eyes, staring blankly at the smiling man in front of her, and screamed "Ah~".

Yang Cheng dumbfounded, what the hell? Is he ugly?

The girl picked up a corner of the cup, covered most of her face with only one eye exposed, and muttered softly, "Where is this?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "My bodyguard's house, we are all drunk, no way, he can only take us back to his home, get up, wash and eat something, we can't stay in others' house for too long."

"Well, where's my clothes?"

Yang Cheng didn't know that it was Hansen's wife who helped to change the clothes last night.

I looked around and found that there was a LV bag on the floor next to the bed. I took it out and looked at it. It turned out to be the lady's new clothes. He secretly praised Hansen for his thoughtfulness.

"Yes, try if it fits. Your figure is pretty standard. It should be fine. If it doesn't work, just make do, and we will go out and buy a suitable one later."

The girl quickly kept her clothes, pulled off the quilt and got out of the bed. When she rushed out of the door, she saw Hansen helping her point out the location of the bathroom with a smile on her face.

Half an hour later, downstairs in Hansen's apartment, Yang Cheng and the girl stared.

In the end, the little girl couldn't hold it back, and said with her little tiger teeth, "Why don't you speak while looking at me like this?"

Yang Cheng found that this girl looked a bit like the super murderous girl before her face value collapsed. She had straight blonde hair and blue eyes, and her whole body exuded a youthful atmosphere.

Regarding her question, Yang Cheng opened her hands calmly, "I'm thinking of your name!"

The girl was taken aback, and then said angrily, "My name is Bella!"

Yang Cheng nodded his head, "Now I remember, your name is Bella~"

"Huh, what are we going to do now?" Bella shook her hand unhappily, and said as she looked at the street where the cars went.

Yang Cheng stretched out, "My bodyguard has gone to pick up the car, don't worry, I will send you back to school later!"

Who knows that Bella seems to be very resistant to the word school, "No, I won't go back to school~"

Yang Cheng wondered, "Why? Don't you have to go to class?"

Bella shouted aggressively, "I won't go back anyway!"

Yang Cheng feels that this girl is a little bit off-tempered, in short, she is in the second grade~

Shrugged, "Then you have to go somewhere? I'll take you there, your home?"

"My home is in Illinois~"

Yang Cheng scratched her head, this Bella, it became a burden, "Then what do you say?"

Bella didn't know, she lowered her head and said nothing.

Yang Cheng sighed. After all, she had a relationship with herself. She couldn't be too cold-blooded. She had to patiently ask, "Did you go to a nightclub for the first time yesterday?"

Bella lowered her head and shook her, "The second time~"

Yang Cheng nodded, there is no difference, anyway, they are all jerky, "You should have been upset yesterday, right?"

To the stranger Yang Cheng, Bella didn’t seem to be concealing anything, “I quarreled with my boyfriend, no, it’s my ex-boyfriend, ex! That **** went to the nightclub with me on his back, and got a big belly of Bitch. The door was found."

Yang Cheng understood something, and said dumbfounded, "So you want to avenge him?"

Bella nodded, "Well~ I just want to tell him, I don’t have to be you, isn’t it 419? Who won’t?"

Yang Cheng didn't know what to say, co-authoring himself became a **** for others to use for revenge?

"But if you don't go back to school, how do you let your ex know that you succeeded in revenge?"

Bella froze for a moment and thought about it for a moment, "What you said makes sense~"

Damn, this girl's brain circuit is absolutely abnormal.

"So?" Yang Cheng gave a little guidance~

Bella immediately made up his mind, "Back to school~"

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally heard the answer he wanted.

Not long after, the bodyguard drove his Ferrari over, listening to the roar of the engine, Bella's mouth showed a devilish smile.

The car did not turn off, and the bodyguard got off the driveway, "Boss, I just added gas on the way~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "Thank you, did the car park in front of the nightclub last night?"

"Yes, it's just an exclusive parking space, and there is no ticket."

"Got it, what did you buy?"

"It's on the co-pilot~"

"Very good~"

When I got into the car, but found Bella still standing outside the door, Yang Cheng poked her head and asked, "What are you doing? Get in the car?"

Bella tilted her head with a simple expression, "Should you not open the door for me? A lady can't open the door by herself."

Yang Cheng got out of the car with a black face, opened the passenger door, gritted his teeth and said, "Please, beautiful lady~"

Bella's little tiger's teeth flashed and got in the car contentedly.

Finally ready to go on the road, Bella shook a plastic bag in the air, "What is this?"

Yang Cheng glanced at it and said, "The medicine that the bodyguard bought, we didn't take protective measures last night, just for safety."

Bella's face flushed, and she nodded pretentiously, "Thank you, I will eat~"

. . .

Ferrari arbitrarily shuttled on the roads of Manhattan, and soon left the Isle of Man and came to Yeshiva University's Fairkoff Master of Psychology School in the eastern Bronx. To Yang Cheng's surprise, Bella was still a top student.

Yeshiva University has entered the top 50 comprehensive universities in the United States. It is a very old comprehensive university founded by Jewish believers, so Yeshiva University is also called Jewish University. Here, you can accept the most orthodox Jewish Culture and ideas.

Of course, their source of students is not limited to Jews. Yeshiva University has done a good job with regard to the tolerance of the student nation.

Although located in New York, the reputation is far inferior to Columbia and New York University, and even Fordham University’s reputation is above it. This seems to fit the Jewish low-key concept and prefer to control the world behind the scenes. .

"How old are you this year? You are in graduate school?" Yang Cheng asked casually with one-handed Ferrari approaching the campus.

Bella bared her little tiger's teeth, "I'm 20 right away, I jumped two grades in middle school."

Yang Cheng nodded Great, I didn't expect you to be a top student in psychology. "

Bella raised her small head, "Yes? Be careful, I will see through your heart."

Yang Cheng laughed, "I don't believe it~ No one in this world can see my heart clearly, including my parents."

Bella was not convinced, turned to face Yang Cheng, "Don't underestimate me, I am the first in our class."

Yang Cheng smiled, "So what?"

"Hmph~ you rich people will always be so self-righteous~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, where did he follow? Does this despise the rich?

"Hey~ Where am I self-righteous? Do I have to admit your level of business? Besides, my mental health is very healthy and I don't need your psychological guidance. I'm afraid you have no chance to show it."

Bella played a small temper, "No, you have a psychological problem, but you didn't notice it, or you deliberately ignored it."

Yang Cheng became curious, "Oh? I really haven't found it. Then tell me, what's wrong with my psychology?"

"Look, you dare not look at me, it shows that you have a guilty conscience." Bella thought she had grabbed Yang Cheng's pigtail and said triumphantly.

Yang Cheng was speechless, "girl, look, there are more than a dozen cars in front of you. If I look at you and blow their ass, then the money for repairing the car will be yours or mine?"

Bella chuckled, "Okay, but I really feel that you have a psychological problem, maybe I think too much, but my instinct tells me that there is a shocking secret hidden in your heart, and you are very worried about this secret being exposed. It caused great harm to myself."

Yang Cheng's expression remained calm, but there was a storm in her heart. Could she really see it?


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