Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1476: Alliance does not need to be pure

In front of the campus, Yang Cheng parked Ferrari on the side of the road and drove the door to invite Bella down, but neither of them was in a hurry to leave. They did a full set of dramas. Since they wanted to anger her ex, they naturally had to let people see her go. Isn't this scene of playing Ferrari?

The two leaned on the car body, chatting one after another. Someone who didn't know thought they were talking about something beautiful, but when they were close, it was a ridiculous conversation.

Bella, "Am I right? I said that my instincts were correct. You just heard me mention a shocking secret, and your left hand unconsciously squeezed the steering wheel. Although it was less than a second, it was enough to explain the problem. Up."

Yang Cheng sneered, "Don't guess, you can't guess, what if I have a secret? Who doesn't have a secret?"

Bella grinned, as if she was holding the winning ticket, "No, no, secrets are different from secrets. If it's just a little secret, you won't be so nervous. Let me guess, are you actually bisexual?"

Yang Cheng smiled, this girl had been bluffing for a long time before he came to such a conclusion? Bai became nervous, "I am a straight man, you should be very clear about this!"

Bella said in embarrassment, "What do I know? Bastard, you got me drunk last night and I was manipulated by you like a puppet. How can it feel?"

Yang Cheng smiled playfully, "So you still have some regrets or regrets?"

"Fuck off, we are only 419, we won't be in touch anymore, OK?"

"Of course, don't worry, I don't even know your phone number, so naturally there will be no contact in the future."

After a pause, seeing a student coming out of the school gate and casting a curious look, Yang Cheng deliberately hugged Bella, making a very intimate gesture with her mouth close to her ear, "But I'm so hard to help you act, you Is it going to be paid?"

Bella wanted to push him away, but then I thought, isn't this just acting? Wouldn't it be a waste of all the previous work?

Besides, the two of them did everything. This degree of intimacy is nothing, so they obediently put them in Yang Cheng’s arms, and said with a small face up, “It’s impossible to get any more rewards. At most, I will ask you to eat hamburgers. The ones in our cafeteria are more expensive than I can afford."

Yang Cheng smiled and didn't answer any more. He was just amused, "Okay, after a while, the news that should be spread should be spread out. Go in."

Bella nodded hesitantly, "Thank you. I was very happy last night and made me realize the benefits of having money. I will work hard to make money after graduation. If we meet again, I will invite you to drink."

Yang Cheng likes this distinction, with the accent of a literary movie, "Of course, I am looking forward to it."

Bella smiled. The cute little Huya was extremely charming at this moment. She waved her hand gently and walked into the campus without looking back.

Yang Cheng watched her disappear before driving away.

. . . . . .

At this time, the internet broke out again because of Donaghy's latest interview.

Because Donaghy pointed the finger at Adam Silver in the interview, saying that when he worked under David Stern, he often hinted at the referee and made some unintentional penalties.

Unexpectedly, he got worse after he came to power. In the battle of Tianwang Mountain last night, there were too many human intervention factors that everyone can see.

In addition, Donaghy also said that Xiao Hua’s move is to ensure that LeBron enters the finals. As the first man in the league, if he misses the finals, it will cause a huge blow to the ratings and the league’s revenue will also drop sharply. , So all this is expected.

Because of the new era media's help, the interview video was quickly edited and posted on various platforms, guided by the navy, and soon became hot news at this time, and even triggered many discussions among non-fans.

"I never watch the NBA. Compared with the NFL, the NBA is completely deceived by money. It is not a fair game at all. Sure enough, Adam Silver once again refreshed my understanding of the bottom line."

"Adam Silver is a slave to money. I'm not surprised that he did this."

"Poor Nets, poor Chris, poor Dwyane, they became victims of the league."

"Since Jordan retired, I haven't watched the NBA again."

"Adam Silver was raised by a female cousin. He was fooling all the fans, slapped them, and grinnedly grabbed money from their pockets."

"Is there no one involved in investigating this matter? It's disgusting."

"Upstairs is naive. When the gaming group realized how delicious the NBA cake is, the NBA has already moved away from the spirit of fair play. Everything is for profit."

. . .

There has been a discussion about match-fixing on the Internet, and the NBAguan side has not responded, which is simply unreasonable to some people.

But in fact, it was really the case, because they were talking to Adam Xiao Hua, who was sitting in the VIP reception room of the New Era Building, waiting for the arrival of Yang Cheng.

At such a sensitive moment, when I visited the company of the owner of the Nets team, I have to say that Xiao Hua's courage is really After sending Bella, Yang Cheng received a call from Susu. Notice, rushed back to the company quickly.

Someone invited Xiao Hua to the office, and the two closed the doors and started a private conversation.

Yang Cheng didn't seem to be as angry as she was last night.

Xiao Hua did not have the embarrassment of the initiator.

The two people sat opposite each other as if nothing had happened, and occasionally discussed the topic of tea.

After drinking a few cups of Yang Cheng's Kung Fu tea, Xiao Hua slowly poured into the topic, "Jason, originally I asked the assistant to ask you to have a wine tasting, but I think it would be more sincere to see you in person."

Yang Cheng held the tea cup, took a sip, and said with a chuckle, "To be honest, I still admire your courage. At this time, I still dare to appear in the New Era Building. I am not afraid of being followed by reporters taking pictures. ?

I am afraid that it will not have a good reputation for you and me. "

Xiao Hua disagrees, "Since I dared to come in person, it shows that I have the confidence to deal with all the storms, and you don't have to worry!

Let’s talk about the game last night. I believe you must be very angry now, but this is part of the game, isn’t it? "

Yang Cheng nodded calmly, "But why should I be that victim?"

"Because the league needs the most inspiring stars to appear on the stage of the finals, this is the only way to maximize profits." Xiao Hua didn't worry about Yang Cheng's tricks in recording, and he was very calm and exploded. idea.

"Chris and Dwyane advance to the finals hand in hand. The gimmick is no less than LeBron leading the team to the finals." Yang Cheng retorted.

"That's just the fans' thoughts, isn't it simple? But the last thing this league needs is simplicity!"


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