Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1487: Tamper boat

On the bay window balcony of Zhao Anqi’s apartment, she quietly leaned against one of the walls, holding a cup of hot black tea in her hand, while Yang Cheng stood under the balcony, not far from her, listening to her telling the story of last night .

  "He raised a young girl outside, I knew it~

  But I didn’t say it. I thought it was a tacit understanding. Everyone played their own roles. Don’t delay anyone, as long as you keep the superficial harmony.

  But who knows, his temper has become more and more surly in the past two years, and he will do anything when he is dissatisfied. Not only is it against me, but the servants in the family have also been beaten away by him several times.

  Once I couldn’t help it, and I quarreled with him about this matter. As a result, he grabbed me to cheat outside and used very unbelievable language to me.

After the unhappy break, the house became an ice cellar. No one spoke, and even the sound of walking was not audible. I didn’t like it. I started to find various reasons to live out, sometimes for a few months. Don't go back once, and get used to it over time.

But just last year, he sent someone to follow me and took photos of me and different men, including photos of me dating you, and then he used violence to me. In fact, he didn’t care what I did with those men. Even if it's just an ordinary business meeting.

After the first time, I went home and told my eldest sister and father that I was going to divorce, but I left once. If there is a second time, I am afraid it will be difficult to find a suitable marriage partner. Yes, they hope that I can continue to bring the family together. Come from external resources.

  So under their persuasion, I accepted his apology!

But I know that the violence was just the beginning. For the sake of my family, I chose Yin Ren, but my Yin Ren did not get a good result, on the contrary, it got worse. This time I couldn't help it anymore. I fought back. While he was pulling my hair, I smashed his head with a vase, and ran out while he was injured and fell to the ground. Fortunately, you came in time! "

  After finishing the story, Yang Cheng said no nonsense, and said in an almost commanding tone, "Divorce! A divorce must be done! You can't wait for a moment. If your family doesn't help you, I'll find a lawyer for you."

  Zhao Anqi shook her head slightly, "My family will not agree, but I figured it out. It doesn’t matter if I don’t get a divorce. I have to move out and live, I will never return to that terrible place, forever!"

  Yang Cheng wondered, "Why? At this level, divorce is a decent way for everyone, why bother with superficial effort?"

  Zhao Anqi sighed, "At least not now."

Yang Cheng was about to ask, and then thought of her elder sister, she understood something, and sighed, "Then wait, you live here first, I will send you two bodyguards to protect you, and everything will be done when the dust settles, I I believe it will not be too long, at most half a year."

  This time, Zhao Anqi did not reject Yang Cheng’s kindness, and nodded slightly, "Thank you."

  Yang Cheng asked again, "Are you sure you don't need me to do something? Even if you sap him to relieve his anger."

  Zhao Anqi took Yang Cheng to sit down and whispered, “No need, your current identity is very sensitive. Don’t do things that might affect your reputation. It’s not worth it.”

  Yang Cheng frowned, "Why is this meaningless? You were beaten, and I will avenge you, saying that Po Datian is also reasonable."

  Zhao Anqi didn’t want to explain more, she could only take up her sister’s identity and said, “Listen to me, it’s okay, and I haven’t suffered much.”

  Yang Cheng lifted his hand away from the long hair covering his cheeks, and lightly touched the redness and swelling, "Isn't it hurt?"

  Zhao Anqi smiled, "It will always disappear, don't worry."

   "Oh~ it's up to you, I'll let the doctor come over to see and prescribe some medicine for you, and don't go out these days, wait until the swelling subsides."

  These things Zhao Anqi is still willing to listen to Yang Cheng's words, and nodded obediently, "I see, by the way, didn't you say something to discuss with me last night?"

  Yang Cheng was startled, and then patted his forehead, "Look at my brain, that's it. I am going to get a batch of arms from the Middle East. The destination is tentatively Africa. I need a ship!"

  Zhao Anqi looked solemnly, "What are you going to do? You know how to take si arms..."

Before the voice was over, Yang Cheng raised his hand and interrupted, "It's not going to si, I have formal procedures and ways. You don't need to worry about this, but I need a confidential route. I don't want the arms to be spied on by pirates before the high seas To the news."

  Zhao Anqi opened her mouth and did not persuade her much. She knew that in terms of business, her own words were not persuasive, and Yang Cheng would definitely not ‘persuade me’.

  However, she has no reason to refuse this little busy. Anyway, Yang Cheng can't let her lose. Maybe she can make a small profit.

   thought for a while and said, “Fumao has a ship that travels between Singapore and South Africa all year round. Although the route is a bit long, it is very safe. It almost bypasses all the pirate zones. I can free up a batch of containers for you.”

  Yang Cheng pressed his eyebrows. If this route circumvents the Middle East, it seems to be too long. Long time means increased risks.

  "Are there idle ships? Let them run the Arabian Sea route. After the cargo is delivered, the cargo will be delivered on the high seas and transferred to the cargo ship running the South Africa route. This can avoid detour time and increase safety."

  Zhao Anqi thought for a long time, and finally nodded and said, "Yes, I can arrange it here."

  Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, wait for my call."

  This topic lasts till the I didn't talk in depth, and accompanied Zhao Anqi until the doctor finished the examination before Yang Cheng left the apartment and went to the company.

This afternoon, Ursula Burns will take a Dguan member to visit New Times Media. This is a long-term agreement. It is about huge profits and cannot be pushed. Otherwise, Yang Cheng will eat ramen with Zhao Anqi in the apartment. Up.

Ms. Burns has a very strong network of resources. So soon she moved to Demien, the deputy director of Middle East affairs, a burly white woman who looks like a Congolese gorilla. If she doesn’t look at her face, she just looks at her figure. , Has a fight with Andrew.

Especially when Yang Cheng shook her hand, she felt the thick calluses on the palm of her hand and the thick and powerful fingers. Yang Cheng couldn't help but trembled. This is the real tigress. Maybe she still holds a few lives in her hand. It.

   swallowed secretly, did not dare to look at the other party, rather doglegally invited the other party to sit down, let alone that gesture, anyone who saw him would be embarrassed.

  As for it?

  After everyone took their seats, Yang Cheng asked casually, "Ms. Demien, have you ever been on the battlefield?"

   Demien and Burns smiled at each other, “Yes, I miss my experience in the Middle East very much. If it weren’t for serious injuries, I wouldn’t have been sitting in the office for so many years.”

  Unexpectedly, this woman, who is even more manly than men, is quite pleasant to speak!

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