Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1488: DLA conditions

   Burns helped to introduce, “Demien has made countless credits in the Middle East battlefield. She can have no one to rely on today.”

  Yang Cheng respected, “It’s an honor for me to know you.”

Demien maintained the military's vigorous and resolute style, "Tell me about business, Ms. Burns gave me a brief explanation of your thoughts, and I can reply you clearly. It is feasible but you have to face many difficulties. I wonder if you have any. Prepare mentally."

  This major general female officer showed openness even in the face of this kind of gray transaction. Yang Cheng still admired it very much. He liked to work with such simple people.

"Please speak"

  Demien made a brief meeting with Burns with his eyes, and then said, “Qatar is negotiating with us on a large arms order and is expected to purchase 36 f15 fighters, but they don’t want to go through formal channels.”

   Yang Cheng reacted slowly for a while, and then realized that this was Demien's condition, not knowing what extent or specific link he wanted to participate in.

The f15 is a classic three-generation aircraft designed in the 1970s. Although this batch of f15s will be dug out from which aircraft cemetery and sold to Qatar, how will they be upgraded, but the fuselage design 40 years ago can be used on the battlefield. What role does it play? Anyway, judging from Yang Cheng's shallow military knowledge, it is difficult to make a big difference.

  But it has nothing to do with him. The Middle East is all taken advantage of, and Qatar is by no means the only one.

   So he asked, "What do I need to do"

  Demien asked Burns with his eyes again, and waited for Burns to nod slightly before speaking. . .

  Yang Cheng couldn’t figure out what dumb riddle the two had played, so he could only suppress the doubts and listened to the other party saying, “The contract value of these 36 f15s will reach 12 billion US dollars.”

   "How much" Yang Cheng couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart, and shouted directly.

   Burns smiled, obviously she expected Yang Cheng’s reaction

  Demien was very calm, repeating lightly, "$12 billion"

  Yang Cheng opened his mouth in disbelief, Qatari people’s heads have oil in, or the exchange rate of the US dollar is equal to the yen

The total price of 12 billion US dollars means that the unit price is more than 300 million, which is two or three times that of the latest fourth-generation fighter f35a. An aircraft that is about to expire can be sold at a super local price. What is the magic? Operation

  Well, Yang Cheng actually knows the answer: Qatar does not have the right to bargain. The United States is clearly shearing wool, and it looks very ugly.

  But what about it

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the Middle East. Since the Middle East countries slowly became independent more than 80 years ago, the United States has been carrying out this kind of sao operation: eating large sums of petrodollars, and transporting efficient killing weapons to every land. on.

  Is it over? No, this is the beginning. The weapons must be delivered, and it must be useful, otherwise it will be different from scrap

  The so-called gunfire is golden. The Americans know that only contradictions can be profitable. If there is no contradiction, contradiction can be created. If there is no war, then war will be created.

  It should be understood that in the initial period, when massive oil resources were not discovered in this area, the Middle East did not have much turmoil and war compared to today, and many countries did not even have modernized their military in a real sense.

But since the late 1940s, the United States, Britain and other major powers led the controversial decision on the land issue for the establishment of the se-listed country. The ethnic, religious and national contradictions in this region have been like a powerful explosive that has been ignited. Suddenly became popular.

  In the first large-scale war in the Middle East, neither Arab nor Israel actually had a decent army.

  But before the war, the United States Zf exported a large number of weapons and equipment to the warring Arab countries and Israel, so that the war could be fought.

This is equivalent to handing a knife to each of the two boxers standing in the ring, letting you go directly to your life, while the Americans are spectators in the audience, betting money for entertainment, and even advertised and used the fighters. Sell ​​the knife to more people and make a lot of money.

The Americans also fully tasted the sweetness and fun. Although the first Middle East war ended with the successful founding of the nation, the seeds of hatred have been deeply planted. Since then, the entire Middle East has entered a continuous arms race. among.

  At this time, a large number of oil resources were discovered, and the country above oil became rich overnight.

  Originally, economic development can provide a good way to ease and resolve contradictions. However, with the support of the United States intentionally or unintentionally, Israel's military power is dominant in the Middle East, and the military balance has disappeared.

The balance was broken, and naturally it was necessary to use force to regain the balance. However, with the help of the Americans, a large number of modern weapons were delivered to the Middle East, so that in the following successive wars, almost It's a crushing gesture that beats other Arab countries so that parents can't recognize it.

  So, these unconvinced Arab countries began to follow suit and chose the path of relying on the United States to seek safety in accordance with American rules, and to purchase American weapons at a high price as a "protection fee" in exchange for US military asylum.

  And for those countries that don’t play cards according to the “rules”, such as Iraq, Libya, and the United States doesn’t mind doing it yourself, let them call Dad

   In short, Yang Cheng now clearly feels the malice of the United States, but in the face of large profits, his lack of integrity has been thrown out of the sky.

   soon returned to calm, "Just tell Ms. Demien, what do you need me to do Ms. Burns to understand me, otherwise she will not bring you to see me."

Demien did not look at Burns again this time, and smiled, "We will prepare the aircraft for delivery, but you need to come forward and talk to the private buyers in Qatar and be responsible for the specific transaction process. After the event is completed, Everything in the warehouse you are looking at is yours."

Yang Cheng knew it, and closed his eyes and went through the entire conversation. There may be risks in the transaction. After making sure that there would be no major problems, he stretched out his hand altogether, "Then wish us the first time Cooperation can proceed smoothly."

Demien and Yang Cheng shook hands heavily, hesitated and reminded, "Although there are no weapons involved in confidential procedures in the warehouse you are looking for, you must know that we do not want these weapons to be lost to the hands of hostile forces. ."

  Yang Cheng understands that these weapons must be sold to pro-American militants, whether it is a country or a straggler.

  Yang Cheng deliberately groaned, “No problem, but I can only guarantee the first-hand transaction. If the buyer changes hands again, I will not be able to oversee it.”

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