Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1489: 2 heads make money

(At the end of the year, I was very busy, only 4,000 words, so depressed and want to cry!)

"No problem, but I can only guarantee the first-hand transaction. If the buyer changes hands again, I will not be able to oversee it."

Demien was slightly surprised by Yang Cheng's decisiveness, but thinking of the evaluation of the young man by his old friends, everything seemed reasonable.

. . .

Two days ago, Burns invited Demien to be a guest at home and used a meal of soul food that might seem strange to outsiders to satisfy Demien's stomach.

Don’t think Demien is a native American white, but she has a unique love for black food, because when she was in the army, there were many black comrades who often lived with them, and over time, she became accustomed to black people. The taste, every once in a while, I have to remember the taste that makes people difficult to eat.

The food of black people is not the taste, but the soul!

Feel the charm of the food from the heart.

Well, I can't make it up, it's actually a sequelae of the battlefield!

In any case, during the meal, Burns introduced Demien to Yang Cheng and his person, which also made Demien have a deeper impression of Yang Cheng.

I saw it today, and it was so, and it was worthy of the evaluation of old friends!

Courageous, not lacking in courage, greedy but cautious and terrible, it must be described as cunning once and again, comparable to the cunning of a fox, slipping without leaving hands, but he can always get prey.

However, this is only the first condition. Demien is working for work no matter what, and it is impossible to easily give up tens of millions of dollars in profits.

So after Yang Cheng agreed to the conditions, he said again, "In addition, we have a batch of M1A2 main battle tanks in our hands."

Yang Cheng's brows were twisted again, what is this for?

Demien paused, "If you can sell it to the Saudis, it would be great."

Sell ​​to Saudi Arabia? Yang Cheng's eyes widened. What does Demien mean? No, what does the people behind Demien want to do?

Create contradictions?

This is well understood. Creating friction and imbalance is the best "excus" for the United States to sell weapons.

For example, in the 1970s, the United States exported a series of the most advanced weapons, including F14, to Iran, which greatly increased its military strength. This made Iran’s old enemy Saudi Arabia immediately unable to sit still, and immediately imported a large number of American weapons and became a U.S. military industry. The biggest benefactor

In the 1980s, the United States acquiesced to Uncle Sa’s launch of the Iran-Iraq War, and later turned to support Iran to withstand Shaddam’s assault. This war lasted for 10 years, and both sides spent a huge amount of dollars to buy massive arms;

In the 1990s, the Gulf War clearly ousted Uncle Sa from power at one time, but it supported the bandits and forced the surrounding countries to hug the thighs of the US military.

All kinds of routines are amazing and breathtaking, including the current situation. I just prepared to sell Qatar a batch of aerial killers that can carry bombs to the hinterland of Saudi Arabia at a high price. I know that some time ago, the United States and Saudi Arabia joined forces to label Qatar as a country that supports terrorism.

What is the difference between this TM and some bad lawyers eating the plaintiff and the defendant?

Making money at both ends, unfortunately, the victim!

Of course, judging from Demien’s attitude, the Americans’ routines are very shrewd. It seems that they are not ready to start from the guan channel, but sell them to the two countries through private channels. If something goes wrong, they can launch themselves anytime and anywhere. Scapegoat!

The abacus is called a loud~

While Yang Cheng was secretly annoyed, he couldn't help but begin to figure out how much profit the US could get from these two arms deals, and whether he could get a share of the pie, there was no way, he was almost driven crazy by the drained capital flow. It's not really bad, and it won't be the big cake of arms!

Everyone knows that arms are the most profitable commodity in the world, and there is no one.

The F15 fighter jets that the United States plans to sell to Qatar cost no more than 30 million U.S. dollars, but the price is more than 300 million. If converted to the current oil price, it would probably be more than 6 million barrels of oil to exchange for an aircraft;

And the M1A2 main station tank that is going to be sold to Saudi Arabia? According to Yang Cheng’s knowledge, the US military’s own use price does not exceed US$5 million, and it will at least double when sold to Saudi Arabia.

Is this profit margin not more profitable than hard work in infrastructure construction?

With the temptation of this delicious cake, Congress has always maintained the highest enthusiasm and motivation for all proposals that may sell weapons.

A good country ZF, simply incarnate as a weapon salesman, or the one with the best performance, where to go?

Again, in order to sell weapons, create contradictions if there are no contradictions, and create wars if there is no war. After the war is over, a batch of second-hand weapons will naturally be eliminated. It doesn't matter who sells them, even the previous opponents?

Just like the Iraqi-Lak War 10 years ago, the U.S. Army disbanded all the army that the uncle Sa’s worked so hard to build. Most of the original weapons were eliminated, and the newly formed Iraqi ZF army was required to import the U.S. military at a high price. Using the remaining second-hand goods is equivalent to slap you in the face and reselling you a bottle of safflower oil. If you can do this for your business, they deserve to make money. Who makes them thick-skinned.

Of course, this behavior directly led to the unprecedented wealth of extremist armed personnel and weapons in Iraq, and it also provided a springboard for the birth of an extremist organization.

But the Americans don’t care Anyway, if the money is available, it will be better if you continue to mess up. Only chaos can you continue to make more money.

Sold today to the Israeli F35, and tomorrow the F16 to the UAE. Yesterday, I signed a large tank order with Iraqi ZF. The day after tomorrow, I sold the anti-tank missiles to the Kurds, and even every president hesitate to be personally. An arms salesman came to sign the big arms sales order.

Of course, ZF can only come out on the bright side. In order to maintain a good image of a ‘peace messenger’, there is a lot of ‘dirty work’ in which they are inconvenient to do.

There is room for arms dealers, but if you want to sell US military weapons, you have to obey the orders of the United States. Therefore, the United States never mind if someone is looking at the arms cake, anyway, they will always eat the bulk!

As for the weapons sold, it doesn’t matter whether they are sold to friendly zheng rights, or they are sold to armed factions secretly supported by the United States, or even hostile elements. They do not care about the use of these weapons, even if they are used. Massacre of civilians, they only care if the dollar goes into their pockets.

Therefore, when Yang Cheng showed signs of being ready to blend in, he directly dispatched Demien, the head of Middle East affairs with great energy, to be in charge of the contact, indirectly expressing his optimism about Yang Cheng.

Anyway, there are enough arms dealers in the Middle East in the United States, and Yang Cheng is not bad. From Boeing Lockheed Martin to private small arms dealers, they have set up offices. Business is booming and the energy is amazing. Yang Cheng will not only not share the benefits when he comes in. On the contrary, it will further make the cake bigger, and the United States will earn more. So if they are eager for Yang Cheng to come in, how can they object?

It’s just that everyone is a person with an ID card, so you can’t just enter if you want to do a little thing, and it’s just a nomination. Isn’t that an exaggeration?


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