Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1493: Merry Christmas

"You think too much, it's the boss himself!"

   Layton didn't believe it, staring straight at Yang Cheng, as if he wanted to hear the correct answer from him.

   But Yang Cheng ignored him at all, and said to himself, "You should have a general understanding of how much Hansen can make, although in the short term, you may not be able to achieve the same salary level as them~"

   Yang Cheng pointed Hansen and Andrew with his finger. . .

   "But it's a good goal, follow me, it's worth your effort!"

After a pause, I changed to a more comfortable sitting position and continued, "And you have a lot of time with your family on weekdays, as long as you take care of the things I leave to you, usually what do you want to do, no one restricts your freedom. ."

   Leiden slowly became anxious, not dissatisfied, but too satisfied. Isn't this the life he has been thinking about, day and night after breaking his leg?

   Living with his family, worrying about food and clothing, and having a lot of free time, is there any more desirable conditions than this?

   No, he can say with certainty: No!

However, as a soldier who served in the Delta, Leiden had an unusually rigorous thinking. Just as Hansen said, he was rough on the surface, but he was careful. Any potential loopholes and threats could not escape him. eye.

   Are Yang Cheng's conditions good? it is good!

   is too good to make people wonder, do you have anything worthy of attention?

   After much deliberation, it may only be Hansen's comrade-in-arms, but only with such an advantage, why do people give you such a generous treatment?

   Really think that capitalists have a charitable heart?

   Then he suddenly thought, if it's just a transaction, it seems that there is no need to set up a separate office, right?

   So Yang Cheng is going to go deep into this business? And the intention is definitely not small?

   "Hiss~" Leiden couldn't help but take a breath. No one knows better than him how big the profits of the arms business are, and the huge profits are undoubtedly higher risks, so everything is explained.

Thinking that he wanted to understand the ins and outs of the matter, Leiden’s originally fanatical heart slowly calmed down and said to Yang Cheng, “I can be the person in charge, but I ask someone to protect me and my family. It should be clear how crazy the arms dealers who hang their heads on their belts every day are. Once their interests are touched, my life may be in danger anytime and anywhere, and the same goes for my family.

   In addition, if I get sales channels through personal relationships, I hope to participate in the sharing. "

Yang Cheng smiled. Leiden didn’t let him down. It’s okay to dare to make a request. This is his confidence in his own strength, and Yang Cheng never stingy to give more rewards to his subordinates, because every point of investment will increase A generous return, he always believed in this.

   And Leiden is very self-aware, and all his requests are within a reasonable range. Protecting him is not for pomp, but for the safety of his family not to be threatened.

   As for the share, he also said very clearly that as long as he relied on the share he worked hard to sell, he would never move the cake he shouldn't move, this is the behavior of a smart person.

Yang Cheng hardly thought about it, and nodded in agreement, "Yes, as long as you concentrate on doing things for me, the money will not be less for you. I will let Hansen contact you on a special line in the future. Apart from me and Hansen, who You don’t have to listen to your words, including your past leaders. Do you understand what I mean?"

   Leiden grinned, a big yellow tooth as if soaking in the desert for three days, "Of course, otherwise Hansen would kill me himself, I don't doubt that."

   Andrew couldn't help but added, "I will definitely shoot in front of Hansen, trust me!"

   Leiden glanced at the rammer without making a sound.

   turned to look at Yang Cheng, "Why put the office in Dubai?"

   Yang Cheng did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Do you have a better opinion?"

   "Qatar! It's closer to the warehouse, and it's easier to contact local and Saudi buyers." Leiden has his own understanding.

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "I chose Dubai because I have a UAE umbrella, and Dubai is a natural trading port, which makes it easier to go to sea! The most important thing is that private arms dealers will not easily come to Dubai. The safety of the office or you and your family will be more guaranteed."

   Leiden nodded thoughtfully. Obviously he was lost in thought because of the UAE guan umbrella that Yang Cheng said.

   "Don't think too much, do what I say, I can't just lose my profits."

   Leiden cheered up, "I see~"

Yang Cheng gave a hum, and gave Hansen a look. The other party quickly turned around and took a document bag and put it in front of Leiden, "Here are the details of several orders. After the office is established, you need to recruit staff. , To complete these orders as quickly as possible.

   Remember, profit is not the main thing, speed and safety are the top priorities. After these orders are completed, we can transfer the money from the warehouse you were previously looking after! "

Leiden didn’t talk too much nonsense. He directly pulled out the order details and related information. He looked at the air-conditioning. No way. The numbers on the order are too scary. There are billions and tens of billions of dollars. Just counting zero is enough for him to have a headache. It's been a while!

This time, the eyes looking at Yang Cheng finally got a little In just a few days, he got an order of tens of billions of transactions, even if he didn’t make money, it was enough for him to move the office. His fame has gone out. In the early days, there was nothing more valuable than fame.

   Yang Cheng didn't care, and added, "Saudi buyers need you to contact yourself. I can't help you much for the time being."

   After a pause, he thought of Mansour, he hesitated and changed his tone, "No, maybe there will be some help, but there is no guarantee, it is better for you."

   Leiden did not dare to ask more, and nodded, "I see, the first thing is to set up an office. I need a start-up capital."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "You don't have to worry about this, Hansen will tell you clearly after going out for a while."

   These words are equivalent to seeing off the guests. Leiden understood it, and went through his mind carefully, confirming that there were no missing questions, and then simply got up and left. Hansen followed closely.

   After the two went out, Andrew said angrily, "Boss, I really want to shoot him."

   Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "Okay, don't get too entangled in the past, now he is also your colleague, not to mention helping each other, at least you can't get a condom."

   Andrew smirked, "Don't worry, boss, I won't do this."

   "Well~ I believe you, but you can just stare at him more, lest he handle too much money and lose his mind~"

   After all, Yang Cheng still can't trust Leiden so quickly!

  :. :

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