Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1494: BSK restaurant

After Leiden left, Andrew consciously went to the next room to rest.

   Zhao Anqi just came out, came from behind the sofa and leaned over to hold Yang Cheng’s neck, rubbed Yang Cheng’s neck like a kitten, "Already arranged?"

   Yang Cheng stroked her hair backhand, and said softly, "Good luck, I just found a person in charge."

   "That's good, choosing Dubai as the location of the office is very good, at least don't worry about going to sea."

   "Yes, I took this into consideration before placing the office in Dubai."

   paused, turned around and asked, "Would you like to sleep? Or let's go out for a stroll? I just choose a dress for you to attend Mansour's banquet."

   Zhao Anqi thought for a while, "Alright, buy some clothes for a change by the way."

   Living in Burj Khalifa has such an advantage, luxury shops have everything, and they have enough time to hang out.

The first day of coming to Dubai passed like this. Early the next morning, Raman appeared in the suite and reported to Yang Chenghui, "Take Mr. Yang around during the day? In the evening, His Highness Mansour will be in Atlanta. The Tees Hotel hosted a banquet in honor of Mr. Yang. In addition, after tonight, you can choose to stay at the Atlantis Hotel."

Yang Cheng snorted and had no problem with this arrangement, "Let’s do it, you help us send the luggage to Atlantis, we play by ourselves during the day, you don’t have to follow, I will let someone call you if I have something to do. phone."

   "Okay, Mr. Yang, just ask for anything."

During the whole day, Yang Cheng and the others first went to the desert to wash the sand for excitement, and then rode a camel in the desert to enjoy an authentic Arabian meal. In the afternoon, as the temperature rose, Yang Cheng and the others went to Palm Island again and directly wrapped them. I went to the water park next to the Atlantis Hotel and played crazy for 2 hours. Two people who were almost 80 years old together found their childhood fun in the water park.

   It may also be because of the private room. There are no outsiders. Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi played presumptuously, yelling loudly from time to time, leaving the restraints far behind and enjoying the pleasure of free play.

In the evening, the two tired of playing finally walked into the Atlantis Hotel, dragging their tired bodies but incomparably jumping into the Atlantis Hotel. As the first hotel to open on the Palm Island, you can only feel it when you are in it. Hongdae, named after the lost empire that was once legendary, and Dubai people also gave this hotel the legendary luxury attributes with US dollars.

  The total cost is 1.5 billion US dollars, covering an area of ​​46 hectares, equivalent to the size of 64 Wembley football fields.

   The hotel has more than 1,500 rooms and more than 20 top restaurants.

   In addition, the hotel also has miles of pristine beaches, with endless sea views. The calm blue sea can make people calm down and feel the most beautiful things in the world.

   Back to the presidential suite, the two simply took a bath to wash away their fatigue, and then Yang Cheng sat on the luxurious terrace, enjoying the sunset of Dubai's skyline and the sapphire blue sea, which was quiet and beautiful.

   As for Zhao Anqi, it is natural to be manipulated by the stylist. Women will never lack patience in this regard.

   Even if Yang Cheng has repeatedly emphasized that this is just an ordinary party, there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Wearing an evening dress is already a respect for Mansour.

   But Zhao Anqi didn't want to embarrass Yang Cheng, so she had no choice but to leave her alone.

It is worth mentioning that the restaurant for tonight’s banquet was placed in Gordon Ramsay’s BSK restaurant by Mansour, which is also the fourth branch in the world. It just settled in Dubai last year and set off a “Hell’s Kitchen” in Dubai. God's whirlwind.

   And tonight, Mansour specially invited Gordon Ramsey, who is now in Dubai to discuss the entry of the second restaurant, to cook personally. This will also be the finishing touch of today's dinner.

   At the entrance of the BSK restaurant, Mansour was alone with Raman waiting for the arrival of the two Yang Oranges. The bodyguards were hidden around. Anyway, the restaurant has been booked, and the safety hazards have been eliminated in advance, and there is no danger.

   "Hey, buddy, I'm sorry to see you until now." In order to express his apology, Mansour took the initiative to hug Yang Cheng.

   This Western-style etiquette, Mansour is rarely used in the UAE.

   "It doesn't matter, your business is more important. Let me introduce you. This beautiful lady next to me is the heir of the American Fuma Group."

   Before he could finish the introduction, Mansour had no choice but to interrupt, "n, Ms. Zhao and I are also old friends."

   Yang Cheng patted his forehead, "Well, this is my mistake."

Anqi Zhao stretched out her hand elegantly and asked Mansour to show off a gentleman's etiquette. After some artificial kiss, Mansour invited the two to enter the restaurant sideways, "Chef Gordon Ramsay is in the back of the kitchen, and the dinner is over. Later, he will come out to say hello."

   "You still have a lot of face~" Yang Cheng teased in a low voice.

  Mansour didn’t answer the call. If he didn’t have this capability, he would be a prince!

This BSK branch follows the design concept of its London head office, highlights the modern theme, and at the same time creates a relaxed restaurant and bar style is elegant but does not make people feel restrained , The main British continental dishes, will also allow guests to enjoy this style more.

   Everyone sat down at once, and the volume of the light music that was originally flying in the air slowly decreased to avoid disturbing the conversation of the guests.

   After everyone wiped their hands with warm napkins, the waiters began to take the dishes, still following the western food process, starting from the appetizers, they are all classic dishes that Gordon Ramsay once showed on TV shows.

The meaning of    appetizers is to make the customers' appetites bottom, and at the same time use a slightly pungent taste to lift your appetite, not to make you full.

   So generally the amount of appetizer is small, even if you think it is delicious.

However, Yang Cheng’s attention was not on the dishes. Mansour just started a casual topic, chatting about music, and then talking about Liverpool’s victory. The topic has not yet been introduced, but Yang Cheng is because of Mansour. You may be a little distracted by a word unintentionally.

   He was lamenting that Yang Cheng won the top league title in less than two years after taking over Liverpool. This made Mansour a bit of a taste. Although he bought Manchester City to build the reputation of the UAE, it is an investment, but it does not mean that he does not care about the results.

So he said in passing, "I took over Manchester City for so many years. I have neither achieved breakthrough results in the Champions League nor completed the hegemony in the Premier League. Sometimes I want to give up and let go when the price is high enough. Cash out, at least I made a smart investment!"

   Because of this sentence, Yang Cheng thinks too much, is it that Mansour is going to sell Manchester City?

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