Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1498: Who leaked the news?

"Sheikh, you should know what the significance of Qatar's order is. The United States has made it clear that it will cheat them. The UAE does not need to participate."

   Yang Cheng is a kind reminder that he has the obligation to be a ‘good friend’. As for whether people listen, he can’t control it.

   Of course, Mansour is not so arrogant that he can't even listen to Yang Cheng's words, otherwise it is impossible to become a superficial'friend' with him.

   "I understand jason, thank you for your kindness, but here is the internal affairs of the Arab world, and there are some things I can't say more." Mansour explained.

   Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "Did you pry the order for Qatar?"

   Mansour shook his head, "No, our purpose is to delay time~"

   Yang Cheng was puzzled again, seeing his twisted eyebrows, he knew, "Procrastinate time? What big thing is Qatar plotting?"

  Mansour smiled bitterly, and then gave him a fan, and he could really find Zhuge Liang's pretending style, and said like an outsider, "Don't say it! Don't say it~"

   Don’t say your sister, Yang Cheng’s heart is not so good. He is mainly worried that the atmosphere of cooperation with him will be destroyed. You must know that he just patted his chest in front of Demien to ensure that the order will not be a problem!

   "Thank you, you have to give me a proper reason, otherwise I can't explain to the relevant parties in the United States. This will also undermine my plan."

Mansour looked embarrassed. In the end, he was really embarrassed. He could only lower his voice and said, "Qatar has conflicts with the mainstream Arab world in some things. They need to be responsible for their actions. Cutting off their orders is just the beginning. If they If you cannot wake up in time, the next step is likely to be a public break."

   break openly? Yang Cheng's face was slightly solemn. Isn't that a severance incident?

   I originally thought that the contradiction between the two parties had been in existence for a long time, and that the severance of diplomatic relations was just a'product of passion' after a long-term conflict.

   Yang Cheng scratched his hair irritably, "No matter what, this order cannot be lost. Either you buy it or Qatar buys it. This is the bottom line!"

   "I understand, don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you. If there is an accident, the UAE will come forward and buy these planes!" Mansour gave a guarantee, and Yang Cheng was relieved.

   It seems that as Mansour said, the UAE is not really going to win this order, it is purely trying to create chaos for Qatar and let them know the price!

  Mansour said again, "As for Apache, let me go back and contact the people in the military. If they really plan to replace the new machine, I will let them place an order with you."

   Yang Cheng is overjoyed, is this compensation for Mansour?

   "OK, waiting for your good news~"

After the dinner, Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi both returned to the presidential suite. The irritable Yang Cheng lit a cigar. Zhao Anqi gently lay on his back, gently rubbing the acupuncture points on the head, and there was endless expression in her eyebrows. Amorous feelings, this is the state of life she most yearns for.

   "What are you thinking about?"

   After rubbing for a while, Zhao Anqi put her chin on Yang Cheng's shoulder and said with concern.

   "I wonder if this conflict in the Arab world is profitable." Yang Cheng said bluntly, this is a business opportunity for him!

   The best product in the Arab world is undoubtedly oil. When a dispute breaks out between two Arab countries, it will inevitably affect the fluctuation of oil prices. If you miss such a good opportunity to make money, you are a fool.

   Anqi Zhao likes the way Yang Cheng thinks about problems, she is very mature! Very stable! The self-confidence of a successful man is undoubtedly the best stimulant drug in the world. No woman can resist such charm!

   So when Yang Cheng thought about a problem, Zhao Anqi never interrupted, she just watched, appreciated, and enjoyed the few moments that could calm her heart down.

   After Yang Cheng answered such a sentence, he thought about it for another 10 minutes, then recovered from the meditation, and sent a light wen, "Sorry, I am a little distracted."

   "What are you talking about~" Zhao Anqi patted him strangely.

   got up and went to the small bar to choose a bottle of wine, shook Yang Cheng, "drink?"

Yang Cheng gave a hum, watched her skillfully open the bottle, and chatted casually, "Mansour is still very interesting. Although he said he went back to discuss it, once he said something, he has the ability to make a final decision. ."

Zhao Anqi poured the red wine into the decanter and smiled without looking up, "Maybe he feels guilty? The wealthy businessmen in the Middle East, if there is no conflict of interest, are definitely the best partners. They know the principle of benefit sharing. It may have something to do with the wealth they have."

   Yang Cheng also felt the same way, touching deeply, and nodding, "Aside from other factors, I am very willing to treat Mansour as a friend."

   Zhao Anqi shook the decanter to accelerate the fusion of the body and air, and smiled, "You are going to be famous in the Arab world this time."

   Yang Cheng was strange, "Why do you say that?"

"You have officially made your debut in the arms industry. You have received tens of billions of large orders right after your debut, and you have directly cooperated with various countries. Would you say that those small arms dealers who are desperately trying to attract customers by themselves will be mad? Maybe they will join hands to assassinate you?" Zhao Anqi said as if the prank had succeeded, she kept laughing.

   This female devil, Yang Cheng reluctantly shook her head, "You are so expecting me to have an accident?"

   Zhao Anqi pretended to be serious and thought for a while, "Well~ so I can have a reason to take care of you by your side."

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and at the same time a sour feeling appeared in her heart. This woman can always touch his heartstrings inadvertently. He also understands why some men like to fall in love with mature women. That kind of intimate feeling. , Even what a beautiful young girl, can't give it!

   suppressed the sorrow and grief in his heart, jokingly said, "Tomorrow I will give Andrew and the others a holiday, take a walk on the street by myself, and see if anyone will assassinate me!"

   Even if he heard the joking in his words, Zhao Anqi's expression changed, "What the hell, I'm joking, you take it seriously!"

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "I'm also joking, no one cherishes his life more than me~"

   then added another sentence in his heart, "especially after experiencing the miracle of crossing!"

   Zhao Anqi shook her head, poured out two glasses of wine and handed it over, "Here, a toast, congratulations, and celebrate your arms business officially set sail."

   Yang Cheng made a gentleman's gift, "Thank you beautiful lady, thanks to you for everything, but you can't miss this congratulation, because you will also make a lot of money in it, I am confident."

   "Don't draw me big cakes, sister, I have lived a little bit of my life, what kind of cakes have not been eaten?" Zhao Anqi laughed.

   Yang Cheng disagrees, waiting for the other party to taste the sweetness, can't you prove that you are right or wrong?

During the day, the Palm Island looked bare and looked a little abrupt on the azure sea, but at night, as the lights came on one by one, the outline of the Palm Island was perfectly greeted, especially when viewed from high above, it looked like a whole palm. The leaves, scattered on the surface of the sea, have a strong visual shock.

   Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi sat on the bay window balcony, enjoying the night view of the bay while sipping red wine. No one spoke to destroy the atmosphere. At this time, silence is better than sound.

  . . . . . .

   The next day, Zhao Anqi was still asleep, but Yang Cheng was awakened by Hansen, and Leiden reported something.

He walked out of the bedroom sleepily with his head on his head, and yawned on the sofa in the living room. The eyes looking at Leiden were very uncomfortable. This guy understands things and does not know that disturbing dreams is a very immoral thing. ?

   To be more serious, this is called disrespect for my boss.

Leiden hadn't adjusted to his new identity, and he was unaware of Yang Cheng's dissatisfaction. He said to himself, "I visited an office yesterday, and Hansen was satisfied after seeing it, so he signed the contract. "

   Yang Cheng frowned and waved, "Speaking of the point, I don't want to listen to such trivial things."

   Layton was startled, obviously did not understand what Yang Cheng said, so he had to use his eyes to ask Hansen for help.

   Hansen held his forehead helplessly and explained, "This is what you should be responsible for. There is no need to affect the boss' rest for this little thing, just talk about the important point."

   Leiden finally understood what mistake he had scratched his head awkwardly, "Sorry, I have been in the army, I..."

   This time even Hansen couldn't help it. Seeing that Yang Cheng's patience was about to reach its limit, he hurriedly urged, "Leiden, talk about business!"

Leiden rubbed his hands awkwardly and said hurriedly, "That's right, I just determined the location of the office yesterday, just to learn that there is a small private service provider's office downstairs, and I chatted with them. Coincidentally, the other party seemed to have received some news and was about to attack the warehouse where I was located. Fortunately, he was alert and did not reveal his identity."

   Yang Cheng's expression finally eased, and then a thick doubt arose again. Where did the other party hear the wind?

  The key is how did the news that there was a batch of weapons about to be shipped in the Leiden warehouse?

   He believed that Leiden was not so stupid that he took the initiative to let the wind go, so who did it? Demien? Or her colleagues? Dissatisfied that she ate the big cake alone?

   Or is it Leiden’s comrade-in-arms or his leader?

Countless possibilities flashed in Yang Cheng's mind, but suffering from no more basis to support his guess, he could only ask Leiden, "Think about it, how did the news leak? Who have you talked about this matter? Yes Could it be your colleague who is looking after the warehouse with you? Or your superior?"

Leiden nodded, "I'm here for this. After talking with that person, I carefully went through the list of people who might leak the wind, and finally locked one person, which is my immediate superior-Perret. S"

  :. :

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