Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1499: Aftermath of battle

"I'm here for this. After I finished talking with that person, I went through the list of people who might leak the wind, and finally locked one person, my immediate superior-Perez."


   "Yes, including the warehouse I manage, there are six warehouses attacked by the surrounding area under his jurisdiction, one of which is still a transit base."

  Yang Cheng nodded to express understanding, and then asked, "Why do you suspect him? If it is really his leaking wind, why did he do this? What good is it for him?"

   Leiden rubbed his hands and felt a little anxious. Obviously, he recognized his own judgment!

   "You calm down and speak slowly~"

Through Hansen’s introduction, Yang Cheng knew that Leiden had serious sequelae on the battlefield, but his management was in place and looked no different from ordinary people, but once he fell into some extreme thoughts or was stimulated by some emotions When he arrives, then he will easily break out and do some unthinkable and even tragic things.

   Undoubtedly, this consequence is something Yang Cheng cannot bear. The two are so close now. Once Leiden violently hurts, even if Hansen and Andrew can control each other in time, how can they ensure that they are not harmed at all?

Well, to be honest, after two serious assassinations, his sense of security has dropped to a freezing point. If there is a slight disturbance, he will feel like he will suffer. How to describe it, that is-there are always people who want to harm me, typical One of the symptoms of persecution delusions.

   Fortunately, Hansen saw that the situation was not quite right, and immediately stood behind Leiden, keeping his muscles tense, ensuring that he could control this former killing machine in the first place!

   Leiden's eyes were slightly bloodshot at this time, and his body was trembling irregularly, especially the fingers beating under an inexplicable pattern and rhythm. No one knew what this action meant better than Hansen. This was a precursor to drawing a gun!

Andrew also realized that the situation was not right. With a one-handed support, the whole person leaped in front of Yang Cheng and used his burly body to completely block Yang Cheng behind him. At the same time, he used a pair of eyes comparable to laser rays to stare fiercely. With a trembling Leiden, his right hand drooped naturally, beside the holster on his thigh, his fingers beating the same as Leiden.

He didn't draw his gun immediately. Andrew knew very well that even a audible noise from a needle falling at this time could cause Leiden to explode, not to mention using a black hole at him. For Leiden, look. The first reaction to the muzzle must be to draw a gun faster and surrender to make sense. It is a normal reaction for a sober person, but for a soldier who has suffered severe psychological trauma, a counterattack is instinct!

The scene is in a stalemate, but from Yang Cheng's perspective, this stalemate is more derived from Leiden who is in mental torture. He is likely to feel the stimulus equivalent to the betrayal of his comrades, and then he is immersed in a kind of grief and anger. In the mixed emotions, and this emotion, like the fuse, is about to detonate the demon in his heart.

Yang Cheng knows that once his body is controlled by the devil, this person will be completely abolished. Even if Andrew is merciful, he will help raise the muzzle, aim at the center of his eyebrows, and gently pull the trigger,'bang' With a bang, everything disappeared. As for the talent? He really doesn't worry about not finding it!

   Fortunately, the stalemate did not last too long. In less than a minute, Leiden took a few deep breaths in succession, and his pupils slowly became clearer.

   Andrew's fingers no longer beat, although the slight movement should be more precise with ‘jitter’, if it’s not for being close, it won’t be noticed if you don’t observe carefully.

   But no matter what, when his fingers return to normal, it means that the danger is basically eliminated. At least in front of Andrew, the expert, Leiden will not cause damage to the boss.

   slowly moved away, exposing the boss to Leiden's sight again.

   "Sorry, I just remembered something bad." Leiden gave a wry smile and offered an apology.

   This was out of Yang Cheng's accident. It was incredible that this guy with a brain as thick as hemp rope would take the initiative to apologize.

   Yang Cheng didn't say much, and continued to ask, "Tell me about your answer. Why do you suspect Perez?"


He took a deep breath again, and replied, "The reason why I was able to enter was arranged by Perez. He was still the supervisor of my warehouse at the time. He needed a veteran with a certain combat capability to join the team, and then He chose me."

   "He is a good person~" Leiden groaned.

   "At least for me, he is a good person, he will care about my life, give me appropriate help, and take good care of my self-esteem, so I was heartbroken to him, and even swear allegiance to him in my heart."

   Following Leiden’s narrative, Yang Cheng had a certain impression of this Perez and sketched a simple character model in his mind.

"But a few years later, I found that Perez was not as simple as I thought. The guns and ammunition in the warehouse will always disappear for various, missing! Completely missing, even if he reports The reason is scrap, but what about the scrapped guns? I didn’t see them. They didn’t even have a screw cap~

   I was very strange, but out of trust in him, I didn't say much. Until one day, Perez took the initiative to find me and asked if I wanted to make a lot of money.

   By the way, he had been transferred to the transit base at that time. He was the second in command of the base and had jurisdiction over my warehouse. "

  Everyone, including Yang Cheng, was immersed in the story of Leiden, and no one noticed. At this time, the bedroom door that was originally closed was also exposed~

   "Of course I want to make money, and I want my family to live a better life! So I gave him the answer for sure, and then he asked me to wait for him to hear.

   Not long after, he brought an arms dealer in a suit and leather shoes to the warehouse, and sent everyone else out, leaving me at the warehouse.

   Just when I was puzzled, he said to the arms dealer: Pick whatever you like, just transfer according to the price list!

I was surprised at the time. Even though I didn’t understand the arms industry, I had heard some news more or less, but I never expected that one day I would participate in it, and at the same time I realized that this is Perez. The opportunity to make money in the mouth.

   The arms dealer quickly chose the weapon he wanted. Perez just asked me to record it before letting the arms dealer take the goods directly into the cart and take it away.

   And Perez just asked me to treat the goods taken by the arms dealers as damages, without saying a word, and within a few days, he sent me twenty thousand dollars! "

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