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(2020 is coming soon, set a small goal for yourself-earn more money, get married, and get a family! I hope that brothers who have the same small goals as the author can also achieve them one by one, and make a good start for the 1920s! ヾ?°?°???)

One billion US dollars, or the Saudis are in desperation, is there anyone who spends more money than the Saudis?

Look at the other party without blinking his eyes, and he throws a billion-dollar momentum, which is simply inhuman.

People are more deadly than others, and they are too much to shop around. Yang Cheng doesn't want to be the first person in the world to die of anger because of his wealth.

No matter what, once this $1 billion order can be locked, he will be able to fish at least 40% of oil and water. No, it can no longer be called oil and water, it should be flowing gold!

Why is it 40? The low price given by d is 500 million US dollars, which should be 50!

Answer: He still needs to spend 10 to manage it. I believe that for the sake of 100 million US dollars, Demien is willing to help coordinate the version of the warship sold.

As for whether Lockheed Martin will take the opportunity to increase the price, that is not something Yang Cheng can care about. Anyway, the Saudis are rich enough, as long as they can buy Xinyi's big toys, it is nothing to spend more money, go home and sit on the ground. , I came back after a few fart money~

With the two steel bars in his pocket, what qualifications does he have to consider money for other local tyrants, naive!

A preliminary agreement was reached with Becker, and Yang Cheng turned around and called Demien.

The result was very bad luck. The other party seemed to be engaged in a harmonious and intense exercise, and the attitude when answering the phone was ‘peaceful’.

There is no way, women who send qg period can not provoke them, hang up the phone dingyly, and honestly wait for others to finish things.

After hanging up the phone, he thought maliciously, what kind of man can have friendly and intimate communication with female orangutan-like women?

Half an hour later, Yang Cheng answered the phone with a pleased look, and Zhao Anqi couldn't bear to look straight at her dog-legged look. He turned a few eyes and regretted knowing this person.

"Dear Ms. Demien, I hope it didn't disturb you."

"Oh, it's nothing, what can you do?" Demien looked very calm, not at all disturbed and irritable.

It seems that the other party's skills are good, and she is very satisfied.

Yang Cheng cleared her throat and quickly summarized the matter, and then quietly waited for the reply from the mother orangutan, no, Demien.

The other party thought about it a bit, "This matter is useless to Lockheed Martin, and it must be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Difficult to do?"

Demien pondered for a moment, "It's not difficult to do, it may cost a lot of money."

Yang Cheng is very courageous, "I can squeeze out 100 million US dollars to give you operation, I don't care how to allocate it."

The meaning of this is that 100 million will be given to you to get things done. How much you leave depends on your ability. The young master only cares about the result, not the process.

Demien joked with a smile, "It looks like you have extorted a lot of money from the Saudis."

Yang Cheng was very humble, "It's all on your support, mainly to deepen the relationship, and it doesn't matter whether you make money or not."

Listen, this is so open and bright, Demien is speechless, "Okay, I will do this, but you have to tell the Saudis that there are only these 4 ships."

"I understand~"

Demien's acting style is very simple, I believe it will not be long before there will be good news.

This time Saudi Arabia really did not come in vain. The effect was much better than expected. It is conservatively estimated that it is not a big problem to earn 5 small goals. The unit is still US dollars.

The crisis of dying cash was solved. At this moment, Yang Cheng had the urge to win the Nobel Peace Prize for the people of the Middle East. It was so friendly!

Seeing his wicked smile, Zhao Anqi covered her face and said disgustingly, "As for? Didn't you make any money?"

Yang Cheng continued to smile shamelessly, "I have earned money, but with so many transaction figures so fast, it's the first time I've encountered it. Can't it make me excited for a while?"

Zhao Anqi looked at the little lover helplessly, "Just do whatever you want, I'm too lazy to care about you."

Putting a pair of big white legs on Yang Cheng's shoulders, "When shall we go?"

"What? Anxious?"

"Well~ There are too many restrictions on this place, so I dare not go out."

"Then go tomorrow? I don't like this country either, it's too hot~"

However, they did not wait until the next day, and they returned to Dubai that night.

Dubai’s night is beautiful. It’s completely different from the day. Dubai during the day gives people the feeling that the locals are very laid back and the foreigners are very busy. Often the Europeans in the same coffee shop are discussing business matters seriously. While driving an Internet conference call, the locals used a kidney machine to play games and scan Facebook.

The most intuitive impression is that all foreigners are working for them.

But Dubai at night is very different, with fashionable foreigners everywhere.

As soon as Yang Cheng got off the plane, he received a call from Mansour. The prince, who has been busy with official duties all the year round, suddenly wanted to go to the nightclub to relax. Of course, Yang Cheng had to see something rare.

As we all know, the UAE is a country of education. In the world, people are required to refrain from drinking, smoking, and being incompatible between men and women. Over the past 20 years, these rules have been perfectly embodied in the UAE.

But as Dubai has set its sights on the whole world, more and more foreigners are squeezing into this jewel of the Gulf. They are not teaching, in order to let them live a happy and free life in Dubai, bars, dance halls, all-night cinemas, etc. Rare entertainment venues in the Arab world have mushroomed in the streets of Dubai in the past 10 years.

However, many bars in Dubai have an unspoken rule-to see people let go.

There will be several security guards at the entrance of each bar. On the surface, they are the guides, but in fact, they keep the gates to prevent anyone from entering at will.

Each bar will select guests according to its own style, and the security guard at the door will analyze which person you are roughly based on your clothing and dress ~ ~ you are suitable for their bar style.

For example, if you are a woman with a turban, let alone your strict religious beliefs do not allow you to go to such a place, even if you want to open your eyes one day and see what is special in the bar, then sorry, the security guard at the door will definitely tell You "we are full here today."

Directly rejected your opportunity to commit a crime and violate doctrine!

Similarly, people dressed as hip-hop will not be put in a Latin dance bar.

When Yang Cheng and the others got off the plane, they were still dressed in business attire. When they saw Mansour, the other party was still wearing a tie. It didn't look like they were for entertainment, but they came to talk about commercial acquisitions.

"Why do you want to come to the nightclub suddenly?" Yang Orange asked curiously.

Mansour waved his entourage and assistant Raman back a few steps, and whispered to Yang Cheng, "Man, I also want to thank you, if it weren't for you, I guess I wouldn't even enter the nightclub within 10 meters.

If I remember correctly, the last time I visited a nightclub was 10 years ago. "

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