Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1507: Dubai nightclubs

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(Have a great time last night▽The first update of 2020, I hope to have a good start!)

The group of people filed in, because they received the news that the prince was about to arrive early, the nightclub made arrangements in advance to ensure the safety of Mansour and its guests, and try not to affect the atmosphere of the scene.

After all, the prince came to the nightclub for entertainment, not for pomp, if it was to clear the scene, it would be boring.

The simple nightclub owner said a few words, which made the other party excited. This is a nightclub opened by a British who lives in Dubai all the year round. The interior decoration is very modern and British style. It looks like Yang Cheng before. The nightclubs I have visited are not much different.

But when you enter it, you find that there is still a slight difference. For example, there is a designated range of smoking areas in the nightclub, and you cannot walk around with wine, especially after the music starts, you can never enter the dance floor with wine. When found, the burly security guard will remind you as politely as possible to put your drink on the table and come back.

And on the way to the exclusive deck, Yang Cheng found that many young people entering the nightclub entertainment, casually threw their wallets and mobile phones on the table, people went to dance on the dance floor, and seemed very comfortable with the security here.

In fact, the law and order in Dubai is notoriously good. It may be because everyone is too rich and disdain to commit crimes. Even if there are occasional **** committing a mess, there will be jc driving supercars in time.

Therefore, playing here, don’t worry about your things being stolen, and walking around with your mobile phone and wallet is shameful.

The tabletop of the deck has been arranged with drinks and drinks, and a table full of various snacks and snacks has been laid out.

They were just about to take their seats, and the edge of the dance floor in front of them moved slightly. After watching them curiously, Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi couldn't help laughing at the same time.

Mansour also shook his head helplessly.

It turned out that it was two foreign tourists. Under the dual stimulation of alcohol and charming atmosphere, they were a little too excited and made some intimate actions.

This is not allowed in Dubai, let alone boy and girl friends, even if the two of them are legal couples, they are not allowed to be too intimate in public.

Not long after the two people kissed, a well-versed security guard came over and reminded them of the rules here with a very humorous tone. These two are also a little bit superior. At first they wanted to argue a few words, but smile at the security guard. Under the pressure of unswerving eyes, he still compromised.

After temporarily exiting the dance floor, Yang Cheng saw that the security guard stepped forward to give the couple a small gift. The lady opened it and glanced at it, and immediately smiled with her face covered.

Yang Cheng was curious about what it was, so she asked Raman, "Man, what did the security give? Make people laugh?"

There seems to be nothing Raman doesn’t know about in this city, and he said without hesitation, “If it’s no accident, it should be a bottle of Swiss Dadura Conde (liquid Weige) and a box of small umbrellas.”

Anqi Zhao, who happened to hear this, couldn't help but laughed and praised, “Dubai people are very humorous, elegant and gentleman. No one can be angry with this kind of treatment.”

Mansour heard that, “This is what it should be. Dubai is a diversified and inclusive city. Here, people can not only see the traditional culture, but also see the freedom and liveliness of the Western world. They are compatible. Together, there is no conflict."

Yang Cheng agreed, "This is the charm of Dubai."

When everyone was seated, Raman and others took the initiative to serve as waiters and pour wine for Mansour and Yang Cheng. However, Yang Cheng found that the wine poured to Mansour was different and should be non-alcoholic beverages.

After all, in China, as a prince, he naturally set an example.

You don’t need to pay so much attention abroad.

"How was your trip to Saudi Arabia?"

After clinking glasses with Yang Cheng, Mansour cared.

Yang Cheng grinned and gasped, the wine was really strong, and shook his head, "I saw Becker, and I have ideas for the time being, but whether the transaction can take place, we have to wait and see."

"Becker? I know him, one of the most famous illegitimate children in the Arab world." Mansour's tone is very plain, neither mocking nor particularly familiar.

"I also heard about his background. He is a poor man, but at least he has a very good life. He has not been cast aside because of his status as an illegitimate child. Instead, he has become a window to the Saudi royal family."

Mansour nodded, "This is what I want to say. Becker is very capable and cunning. He knows how to take advantage of the situation. He borrowed from his father and the Saudi royal family when he was at home. The momentum of a group of network resources, in short, he is not simple, you need to beware of cooperation with him."

Yang Cheng remembered Mansour’s reminder and said, “I am going to sell him a batch of tanks. Of course, the premise is to solve the problem of several warships for him.”

Mansour wondered, "Warship?"

"You don't know? Saudi Arabia has subscribed four Littoral Combat Ships to Lockheed Martin, but the other side seems to be forced to reduce the weapon system and other aspects due to the policy of the United States. The Saudi side is very dissatisfied, but there is no good way. .

When I suggested that I could help, Becker agreed with little consideration. "

Mansour took a sip in his cup, and then said, "Four Littoral Combat Ships? I think of it, last year, it seemed that it cost 4 billion US dollars."

Yang Cheng laughed, "No, no, the price has increased, and the transaction price is estimated to be 6 billion. If I successfully coordinate and deliver the full version of the warship, the final price will probably go up."


Rao Shihao is like Mansour, and can't help but take a breath at this price.

The United States has no idea how much profit it has made from Saudi The poor Saudis have no confidence in negotiations!

"By the way, do you have any demand for Littoral Combat Ships? I can help contact them."

Yang Cheng became addicted to selling weapons and was out of control. Now he was thinking about how to sell weapons.

Mansour shook his head dumbfoundedly, "It is enough for the UAE to have Bayununa-class light frigates. We have no strategic need to enter the deep sea."

Yang Cheng nodded regretfully, "Well, remember to think about me if you need it, I will fight for you a low price."

As the chat deepened, the alcohol bug in Mansour's appetite was hooked out, and Raman surreptitiously changed it to a low-degree cocktail and exchanged it with Yang Cheng.

Later, Mansour also joined the hot dance on the dance floor, and he announced on the spot that everyone's consumption today was paid by him.

Undoubtedly, because of the prince’s local tyrant's behavior, the scene exploded. Almost all the women's eyes looked at Mansour with a sense of worship, and they didn't know whether it was the person who worshiped him or the money in his pocket!

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