Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1508: Crazy profit

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The purpose of the trip to the Middle East was basically achieved. All that was left was to wait to collect the money, so after spending a night in the nightclub, he was lack of energy and dragged his sore body on the plane.

Zhao Anqi is even more unbearable than him. After all, in her 40s, her energy recovery is slow, and the result of staying up all night is two days of sleep.

As soon as she got on the plane, she got into the bedroom without a second word. Even when the plane climbed, she couldn't wake her up. It was because Yang Cheng tied her a seat belt to prevent her from rolling off.

All the way to New York, Yang Cheng received a call from Ms. Burns and asked him to drink coffee with Demien when he got off the plane.

Yang Cheng knows that drinking coffee is fake, and talking about how to make money is true.

After asking Zhao Anqi, she told Yang Cheng with dark circles comparable to pandas that she hadn't slept enough, so she had no choice but to send her back to her private apartment, and Yang Cheng went to the appointment alone.

In the Central Park in the afternoon, a cup of fragrant coffee, with a touch of light music floating in your ears, sitting next to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafe next to the park, a rare leisure.

This is Yang Cheng's favorite side of New York's memory. Picking up the memory from a long time ago, he is full of nostalgia.

The coffee stick stirred the coffee gently, not knowing how many turns, Burns and Demien were late.

"Good day, jan, I'm sorry we are late." Burns apologized.

"It's okay, I came early, just sit and drink?"

"Two glasses of Blue Mountain~"

Yang Cheng snapped his fingers, placed an order to the waiter, and then asked, "What is it for me to come out in such a hurry?"

Burns looked at Demien, "Let her speak, I am also at a loss."

Demien cleared his throat, "That's it. After receiving your call, I told a member of the council about the situation as soon as possible. He felt that it was not a big problem to pass the proposal. Saudi Arabia is our important ally in the Middle East. It is also a good thing to promote peace to help allies solve the security problem of the coastline. Congress has no reason to veto this proposal.

The full version of the Littoral Combat Ship can be sold to Saudi Arabia, but only these four! "

Yang Cheng is overjoyed, which means that 500 million US dollars have fallen into the mouth of the bag, and can easily enter the pocket with a light poke.

"Great, Demien, this is all your credit."

Demien was not as happy as he thought, waved his hand and said, "I didn't do anything. I've solved your problem for you. Now, it's your turn to help me."

Yang Cheng's heart sank. Hearing Demien's tone, he immediately evoked bad associations.

Sure enough, there is no reason to be cheap, how can you easily make 500 million US dollars.

But he didn't sternly refuse. After all, people haven't even said the problem. It would be too slapped to refuse directly.

"You said~"

"Help me buy a company. After it's done, this company will be managed by you, but I want 70 profit!" Demien said straightforwardly, not a hypocritical person.

"What company~"

This is the second time someone has offered to help acquire the company. Yang Cheng couldn't help but wonder, is there a sign of helpfulness in himself?

Otherwise, why would everyone come to help themselves? The protagonist's halo is too heavy!

despise! Strongly despise!


"what company?"

Demien was very surprised by Yang Cheng's reaction, is there a thorn in the name Iota?


Damn, is there such a coincidence? If it wasn't for the protagonist's halo, he could eat the coffee cup in front of him.

I was shocked and asked, "Iota is a company controlled by d?"

He had speculated before, and it seems that it can be verified today.

"Yes~" Demien replied briefly and neatly, and didn't mean to explain in depth.

Yang Cheng had to ask himself, if things were not clear, he would not easily wade into the muddy waters, "So, now Iota does not listen to D's orders? Or is it embezzling your profits?"

"Both, because everything is going on in the dark. We are not easy to suppress them. All we can do is cut off their supply. But after a long period of operation, they have opened up stable channels in Eastern Europe and polar bears, even if we Out of stock, after a short period of pain, they can also recover.

This is not the result we want to see. Those who have betrayed d will never be able to live freely. "Demien can't say gnashing his teeth, but his low tone is like a ghostly prison, and the hair of the person listening is erect.

"In this matter, I will give you any condition, ask for only one, take Iota and let it return to D's embrace."

Yang Cheng didn't rush to bargain, but continued to ask, "How is Iota's strength? To tell you the truth, I knew this name a few days ago."

"what happened?"

I probably talked about the competitive relationship with IOTA, and then said, "Because of this contact, I have a good reason to attack Iota, but you have to tell me the details of this company. , Don’t miss one."

Demien nodded slightly, "Yes, I will tell you briefly, I will send someone to give you the detailed information."

"No problem~"

"Iota is a chess piece buried by d in the Middle East after the Gulf War. With Iota, d can indirectly control the flow of weapons in the Gulf and the whereabouts of mercenaries, even when needed. , You can activate them for d.

In the last few years of the 20th century, Iota played a vital role and made great contributions to D.

But with the outbreak of the Iraqi War to the end, the person in charge of Iota gradually became ambitious, but he controlled it very well and was completely undetected by the outside world, but was extremely cautious in his secret layout.

It was not until 2 years ago that the US military began to withdraw from the Middle East on a large scale, and Iota finally showed its true colors. It has repeatedly deducted the profit dividends that should belong to d, and also grabbed our orders. . "

Yang Cheng probably understood what happened, but Demien kept silent about the answer he wanted to know.

But Burns suddenly interrupted, "Don't worry, although Iota is good, but since Demien has brought me in, I must hope that Essen Mobil can play a role. Am I right, Demien? "

Demien seldom smiled, "I can’t hide from you, yes, I hope ExonMobil can participate. I can make a profit of 20%. This is enough for you to take action. You must know that Iota’s annual net profit is as high as 15 Billion dollars, and it will be even higher in the next few years!"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "So many? Do they sell atomic bombs? Can they sell so much profit by selling guns?"

Demien sold it off, "When you take Iota, you will naturally know how they made so much money."

Yang Cheng spread her hands, "I have to say, you successfully aroused my appetite."

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