Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1518: Take 1 company for nothing?

"Will it not cause the Koch brothers to be jealous?"

"Fear? You are afraid of contacting their network resources? Then he should not go out at all."

The scene when Janssen was shrouded in smoke really felt like a mafia brother.

Yang Cheng curled her lips. Although Dad said something reasonable, his tone was very uncomfortable.

"Well, I will take care of this."

After a pause, Yang Cheng asked again, "The Chinese American Association really doesn't have to do anything there? Grandpa lives in Texas all the year round. Doesn't he have to be bothered by them every day?"

Yang Sen obviously has this concern, so he did not speak, squinted his eyes and thought for a while and said, "Your grandpa has spoken, don't take revenge, then listen to his old man, I will ask someone to say hello to Texas, it's okay. Don't bother him."

There is no way, Yang Cheng is also very helpless, the Chinese world is a society of personal love after all.

. . .

The next morning, before going to Koch Manor, Yang Cheng returned to the company and personally met Wang Yitong and others who had returned from RB in the office. Westinghouse’s acquisition process has already been completed for most of the time. This time we are calling them back and we are also preparing. Announced to the United States that Westinghouse has returned to the United States.

Once the news spreads, both Siwei Space and Yang Cheng himself will reap a wave of prestige, that is, the new era media is not listed, otherwise it will usher in a wave of crazy rises.

"Yitong, good job, take the team out to dinner in the evening, I ask, the place is up to you."

Wang Yitong is still very humble in his bones, "Thank you, boss, thanks to you for solving the trouble of Sato Yuji."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't be humble, your colleagues in the company will see the credit, no one can deny it."

Wang Yitong was not squeamish either, "Well, then we're welcome."

She really needs this dinner to show her friendly relationship with her boss in front of her colleagues.

"That's right. In addition, the bonus is ready. Please notify the team members to go to the Finance Department to collect it. Special affairs. This time the bonus is specially approved by me. It has made great contributions to the company and must be seen by everyone. Affordable."

Westinghouse Electric’s importance to Yang Cheng has been said many times. Needless to say, it can solve this big problem for him. What is it to pay more bonuses? Let other employees see that my boss is still so generous.

Yang Cheng said again, "Although I am sorry, I still want to say that you may not be able to rest for a few days. Give you one day to adjust the time difference, and it is time for the energy company to put it on the agenda."

Regarding his future, Wang Yitong was not dissatisfied at all, but rather energetic, "No problem with the boss, I will have time to rest in the future, I can go to work now."

Yang Cheng is very pleased. No boss doesn't like employees who work hard. They patted each other on the shoulder, "It's not bad this day, go back to sleep well, and think about how to settle your family."

Wang Yitong smiled bitterly, "I will settle down. Although my husband does not support my decision to work in New York, he can understand that this is the most important opportunity in my life and I must not miss it. "

Yang Cheng didn't say much, but told the other party to tell him if he had any difficulties.

Followed Wang Yitong on the elevator, Yang Cheng went to Eddie's office.

"Be prepared. We must report on our successful acquisition of Westinghouse Electric. If you watch it personally, make a series of plans. I need at least a week in the future. The hot topics of discussion in the United States are all on us."

Eddie was overjoyed, "The acquisition of Westinghouse Electric was successful? This is exciting news."

Even if Westinghouse is now lonely, its status in the hearts of Americans is no less than that of General Electric.

Even in the minds of some patriots, the significance of Westinghouse Electric is far more than universal, because Westinghouse not only dominates the "first" name in the field of consumer electrical products all the year round, it is more historically significant that Westinghouse Electric also ranks as the top industry in the United States. Representative, and be remembered by others.

Westinghouse is not only the largest supplier of nuclear power technology in the United States, and participated in the creation of the first nuclear power plant in the United States. It is also called the "originator of nuclear power" because its core technology is still cited by more than 50% of nuclear power plants in the world today. His long-term collaborators have won a large number of military contracts for nuclear submarines, fighter jets, and missiles. The anti-missile radar developed by him was even more effective in the Gulf War and is still making contributions to the US military.

It is precisely because of its strong historical heritage and huge technological contributions that the acquisition led by Yang Orange has been covered by a ZZ coat. God knows how happy Westinghouse is returning to the American continent.

Because every new nuclear power plant is put into operation, it is a brilliant achievement.

Not only that, after entering the modern society, Westinghouse Electric has continuously invested huge manpower, technology, and resources in the fields of energy, national power, aerospace, transportation, environmental protection, etc., and has successfully developed more than 4000 kinds of design products. It is widely used in military, industrial and civilian use, and has triggered technological innovation and product replacement in many industries. The thousands of patents that have been born are invaluable.

Rotten to other countries ~ ~ even if it is rotten, it is better to be rotten on your own land.

After telling Eddie, Yang Cheng returned to the office and told Richard Debin the good news.

"Richard, the acquisition of Westinghouse Electric was successful."

"Really?" Rao was Richard, who had been in the ZZ environment for many years, and could not keep calm, raising his voice excitedly.

"Of course, the team sent to RB just came back."

"Great, let me think about it, should you prepare to develop the conference?"

"Yes, this good news should be announced to the United States as soon as possible."

"No, don't worry, it won't be too late to hold a press conference after I send you a gift."

Yang Cheng wondered, "Gift?"

Richard Debin didn't want to sell it at all, he just slapped his hole card, "The Ministry of Energy will pass a proposal to abolish the nuclear waste fee imposed by nuclear power companies, how about it? Is it good news?"

Before Yang Cheng had time to be surprised, Richard said again, "In addition, you can send financial staff as soon as possible to count and sort out the nuclear waste collected by Westinghouse Electric in the past 30 years. I can help you get a sum. Compensation, not less than 5 billion U.S. dollars in compensation."

"How much?" Yang Chengteng stood up. He suspected that he was dreaming. If he had this compensation, it would be equivalent to empty gloves, a white wolf, and a nuclear power giant in vain.

Richard Debin said with a smile, "5 billion US dollars, trust your ears, you heard it right, because the White House has planned a total of 20 billion US dollars in compensation. Westinghouse Electric has always been a giant in the nuclear power field in the United States. In terms of the amount of compensation, it will definitely be the highest percentage.

However, further consultations are needed for the specific details. "


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