Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1519: Pure zheng guest?

   Tian Lalu, Yang Cheng swears that when I look back, I must give incense to the Buddha, the Goddess of Mercy, and all the gods and Buddhas. If this is not for the blessing of the Buddha, how could such a good thing come to my head.

   The protagonist's halo can't be so big!

   At least 5 billion US dollars of compensation, if it works properly, it won't be worth mentioning by Westinghouse Electric, but you can still make a fortune!

   Yang Cheng couldn't wait to engrave three exclamation marks on his forehead to express his surprise and surprise.

   It is unbelievable that Yang Cheng refused to put down the phone in life and death. Richard Debin had to make repeated guarantees that the information he revealed was more than 90% possible, and he did not want to put down the phone.

   Taking advantage of his excitement, Yang Cheng called Matthew Mellon again. In addition to notifying him that the dream thing had succeeded, he also reminded the other party overtly and secretly that it was time to fulfill the original promise.

   Matthew didn't mean to repent, and provided a name very simply-Bony Santander!

   Yang Cheng always felt familiar when she heard the name, but after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't find the corresponding look in her mind.

   But when he typed the name into the Google search box and hit enter, Yang Cheng finally understood why he felt the name was familiar.

   This is a veteran zheng in the American zheng world. He is a true freedom fighter, unlike Donald, who sells dog meat in sheep's clothing.

   But when Yang Cheng heard of the name, last year, Boni Santander formally announced his participation in the 2016 General Confederate General Manager Xuan via email.

   and then held the first press conference on the lawn outside the U.S. Capitol to publicize his competitive position.

   Yang Cheng still remembers that morning, he happened to see the video of the press conference when he was idle and bored. Unlike several other candidates' mass gatherings, Santander's "first shot" seemed extremely low-key.

An undecorated press desk, a few microphones, and a dozen media reporters. The entire press conference lasted less than fifteen minutes. This low-key and simple way reflects that Santander himself "spends money on big things." ZZ concept.

   It was also because of this simple press conference that Santander left a superficial impression on Yang Cheng.

   Although Boni Santander is registered as a candidate for the Donkey Party, he is actually an independent person who is separated from the two dangs. He claims to be a "dang in a democratic society".

   Santander publicly stated that he will change the status quo of serious wealth inequality in Americans, break the qian rule that wealth affects ZZ, increase tax rates for the rich, promote American energy reforms, and respond to climate change.

He also stated that he would not want to "spend money" in the Jing election like most of the Xuan people, and would not engage in boring wars of words with opponents in TV commercials. He hoped to conduct serious and serious issues concerning the national economy and the people's livelihood. debate.

Of course, anyone who shouts slogans will shout. For example, Donald once advertised himself as the voice of working-class power. However, after he came to power, except for his own real gains and money, the workers did not seem to have Get the benefits.

This is the same as Comrade Mou Dong who doesn’t know his wife and beauty. He keeps saying that everyone is brothers, but facing the pressure of investors and interests, he resolutely swung the machete at his'brothers', and can't desperately ask you to do it. Well? Why can't you work overtime? Why can't I make money for me?

   In short, saying one thing and doing another thing are the necessary qualities for a zheng guest.

   But the reason why Yang Cheng impressed Pony Santander was because of his pragmatic style.

   In the subsequent series of jing election activities, he always maintained a simple style, rarely advertised for himself, and devoted more energy to the debate with his opponents.

   But as the saying goes, when you shoot a bird, everyone is flying in a flock of birds, and only your own flying highest flies to the forefront, don’t you hit who you beat?

In the event for nearly a year, Santander was deliberately squeezed out by the donkey party’s senior officials. Not only did he fail to give him the corresponding resources to support him, but he even secretly ridiculed him. On one occasion, he deliberately zipped Mrs.’s lecture venue and arranged it. It’s next door to Bonisantander.

  So that in that speech, more than 95% of the people passing by were attracted by Mrs. Zipperton, and there were only a few supporters of Bonisantander, and the passing stray dogs were too lazy to take a look.

   The miserable scene was discovered by a New York Times reporter who followed Mrs. Zipperton and recorded it faithfully with a camera, and a quarter of the page was set aside for him the next day.

  No one thought that because the New York Times made an unintentional act, it turned out to be a wave of favor with Bonisantandra.

Failure is inevitable, but despite the glorious defeat, Bony Santander, the 74-year-old white-haired old man, has no reputation, no financial resources, no institutional support, no age advantage, and has been embarrassed by senior members of the Donkey Party. Trip down".

   In this case, he refused large donations from companies or individuals from the moment he announced his candidacy, and relied on a small donation of 27 US dollars per capita to carry out the pre-selection to the last moment.

   The results shocked the eyes of countless people: about 8 million people paid for the election; about 13 million people voted for him; he won 23 states in 50 states in the United States.

  Because of his existence, Mrs. Zipperton had to rely on the support of super representatives to secure the nomination. He almost made a miracle!

   After the results were released, many media said that for decades, no one has been able to motivate thousands of people to participate in the pre-selection by relying on simple words and deeds instead of propaganda and brainwashing like Santander.

What's more unusual is that Santander successfully ignited the passion of American "millennials", wherever it went, young people, especially college students, were eagerly sought after, and many young people regarded it as ZZ idol~www.wuxiaspot. The meaning of com~ idol is well known. After his failure, I don’t know how many young voters shed tears because of this. They sympathized and felt sorry for this stubborn old man who was stubborn.

   After reading his encyclopedia, Yang Cheng's evaluation of Matthew has gone up a step, and he can make such a ‘pure’ character owe favors, which is evident in Matthew’s wrist.

   Of course, whether to decide to contact or not depends on Yang Cheng himself. At least from the current understanding, Santander seems to have nothing to fault except for being a little older.

   He refused to use the signs of sympathy and opposition to terrorism, but instead called for a "ZZ revolution to change the United States" to create a ZF that represents everyone, not just the 1% rich, and is based on the principle of fairness and justice.

   This idea can easily arouse the shock of young people. This is Santander's resource.

   Yang Cheng values ​​this point and believes that it can be used as the basis for the alliance between the two sides. In the first jingle election, the failure lies in the lack of support from big figures and consortia. Wanting to win is simply an international joke.

   I believe that after this time, Santander should understand something. If you want to realize your ZZ ambition, you must at least achieve that position.

   And this is one of the basic conditions for cooperation between the two parties.



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