Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1520: American education-expensive

Soon, under Matthew's contact, Yang Cheng and Santander agreed to have lunch in a restaurant.

Born in Santander, Brooklyn since he was a child, he is full of nostalgia for New York, so for the past ten years, he has been living in New York, even if he served as a senator from Vertmont before the election, he did not completely abandon his The ties of New York.

He used to serve in the House of Representatives. This is a very experienced veteran congressman. Even though he walked a little humble and pitiful on the road of Jing election, it does not mean that he has no background.

In fact, the ZZ resources in Santander's hands should never be underestimated, otherwise Matthew would not recommend him to Yang Cheng!

At noon, in an ordinary Chinese restaurant, Yang Cheng saw the gray-haired old man.

Even if he is 74 years old this year, he still walks vigorously. Okay, maybe the word is a bit exaggerated, but at least it hasn't reached the point of trembling on crutches.

He was wearing an old suit, his silver hair was meticulously combed, and his huge hooked nose easily set up his reading glasses. He looked a bit like an old stock god.

Although he is of Polish Jewish descent, he does not seem to have Jewish characteristics in appearance.

Yang Cheng stood at the table respectfully, and kept looking at the old man until the other person came closer, and then he politely greeted him.

Santander speaks very powerfully, speaks clearly, and has quick thinking. He does not look like an old man in his 70s. It seems that the other party usually pays much attention to body maintenance.

"Mr. Santander, I didn't expect you to still like Chinese food?"

Neither of them brought an assistant, and Yang Cheng let Hansen and the others stay away, and only the two of them had lunch.

"Just call me Pawnee, I like to chat with young people, because it makes me look young, so just treat me as your friend, don't worry too much." Santand said actively.

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "Boney~ Do you have any research on Chinese food?"

Santander shook his head slightly. "Actually, I like food from all over the world. I think food is the best way to understand a culture. Of course, I like Chinese food very much, but when I get older, I want to eat but I can’t eat much. ."

Yang Cheng could understand, so when ordering, he tried his best to take care of each other and order some light dishes.

While preparing the dishes in the kitchen, Santander asked, "Are you familiar with Matthew?"

Yang Cheng pondered, he felt that there was no need to lie, and said truthfully, "I am not familiar, but I made a deal with him, and the favor you owed him was handed over to me."

He didn't ask the other party how he owed this favor. This is privacy!

Santander did not explain, but threw a topic, more like a test, to test whether Yang Cheng is eligible to accept this favor, "What do you think of the American dream, or American higher education."

This topic is very big and there are many things worth talking about. It is more like a question for the general tong candidate.

But when Santander asked, he naturally had his considerations.

So Yang Cheng thought about it for half a minute before faintly uttering a word: "Expensive!"

Santander's eyes lit up. The word is very simple, and elementary school students can say it, but when used in answers, it is a kind of wisdom.

Moreover, the idea contained in this word coincides with his idea.

Yang Cheng reached the core of the problem with one word, and American higher education is just one word: expensive!

The United States has the most famous universities in the world and has always been the first choice for young people from all over the world to study abroad.

However, just like people's unanimous recognition of American universities, the high tuition fees of American universities are also the most complained problem by everyone. Although American universities have various scholarships and other guarantee systems, it is for most students from ordinary families. , The cost of higher education is still a very heavy burden.

Yang Cheng was able to give this answer. Naturally, he didn't have personal experience. With his family's ability, he can afford it in full without a scholarship, so he has never worried about tuition.

But this problem is real. Before coming, Yang Orange deliberately checked the remarks made by Santander in some public places, including tuition fees.

So he played a slippery head. This is not a deception, but just a well-intentioned method. After all, his purpose is to cooperate, not to frame the other party.

Santander held a press conference in the Burlington Senate's office a year before participating in the general tong election. The conference specifically discussed the burden of students going to college and the debt crisis.

He specially invited a group of college students who were about to graduate at that time. Many of them wore simple white slogans around their necks when they went there, which read the huge debts they were carrying.

One of the students wrote very precisely: 24,547 US dollars, one wrote 30,000 US dollars, and another wrote 40,000 US dollars. In addition, a young physician who had just graduated from medical school had debts of up to 300,000 US dollars.

For young people, this is an astronomical figure.

These students are smart, young and full of vigor. According to media reports, they should have been looking forward to their independent life, start a career, and make a solid contribution to their lives.

But on the contrary, they were dragged down by reality and were already in debt before applying for their first job.

Graduation should be a new starting point for happiness, not the beginning of a life full of anxiety and debt repayment for decades.

Students from all over the United States, as well as foreign students, the most common question is not what the future will be, but the rising university tuition and the accumulation of student debt.

Whether they are considering going to university, or at school, or young people who have graduated, they are deeply worried that they will be burdened with unbearable debts for many years, and even more unfortunately-this is not unfounded worry.

Yang Cheng further said, “The high cost of studying at university and high student debt will affect not only students and their families, but even the entire low-income and working-class society, because they simply cannot afford to send their children to college.

Thousands of young people are eager to go to university and have the ability to go to university, but they cannot go to university because they have no money at home. It is a tragedy for those young people and their families, and it is a tragedy for this country and the world. .

Because of high tuition fees, how many scientists, engineers, businessmen, teachers, doctors and nurses have been missed in the world?

So in my opinion, the American Dream is actually a nightmare! "

The corners of Santander's mouth raised slightly, indicating his good mood, "You are very correct. This is why I actively participate in Xuan. I want to change, not for myself, but for the next generation of young people."

Yang Cheng replied calmly, "But have you ever thought about it, you have to sit in that position to be qualified to talk about change?"


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