Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1524: The gang are all awesome

Conrad opened his mouth to the information of everyone present. When Yang Cheng asked for details, he directly said, "Bessie has been vigorously promoting the expansion of charter schools and education voucher programs, so that ordinary students can use taxpayer money to pay. private school.

Therefore, Bessie’s appointment is expected to be strongly opposed by public schools, which oppose her to use taxpayer money to establish private and religious schools. "

When the two of them were talking, they had already come to the front. Bessedworth had just ended a friendly conversation with someone. When he was about to drink champagne to moisturize his throat, he saw Conrad leading a strange and familiar face. , "Conrad, haven't seen you for a long time."

Conrad laughed and hugged Bessie face-to-face, "Yes, you are a busy person, it is not easy to meet each other."

Bessie's tone is not as tough as her looks, "You know that my biggest wish is to stop your mouth~"

Conrad said proudly, "It's more difficult than American football to win the World Cup."

Bessie is obviously an excellent customer, in public, they will never allow themselves to be rude.

Looking at Yang Cheng, "What is this young friend?"

Conrad pulled Yang Cheng over, "I was just about to introduce to you, our new friend, an amazing young man, you should have heard of him, Jason Yang, New Times Media?"

Bessie's smile became softer and softer, "It turned out to be Mr. Yang, as expected, as young as the legend."

Yang Cheng smiled very modestly, in line with Americans' inherent impression of Chinese people, "You praised Ms. DeVos, just call me Jason."

"You also call me Bessie, we will all be friends from now on."

This is both cryptic and straightforward. Anyone who understands it will understand it, and will not understand it for a few lifetimes.

The conversation changed, "What are you talking about just now? Can you share it with me?"

Yang Cheng thought that Conrad would make an excuse at random, but he was outspoken, "I'm introducing him to your background and also talking about the bill you have been implementing."

Silent, do you have something to say straight here?

Yang Cheng touched her nose with a slight embarrassment. Just about to explain, Bessie said sternly, "This matter still needs the help of the media. Our ordinary students have been treated too unfairly, especially in education that should be fair. On the one hand, we need the support of public opinion."

Conrad took over for Yang Cheng, "It's not anxious, the most urgent thing right now is to let you sit in the position of education, otherwise everything is nonsense."

Yang Cheng thought so too, and simply said, "Yes, and as far as I know, your proposal is bound to be strongly opposed by the teachers' union."

Bessie looked a little helpless, "This country wants to do something, but it will always be hindered. In fact, they are already taking action. People from the largest teachers union in the United States, the National Education Federation, have been criticizing me for promoting private ownership. And non-professionalization, and adopt the same solution to public education."

Conrad said nonchalantly, “You don’t have to care about those people’s ideas. It’s about your own interests. It’s weird if you don’t jump out to oppose it. You only need to focus on your own field. There will be no problems with the appointment."

Yang Cheng complimented, "You will be an amazing and passionate education advocate."

In fact, this is not a compliment. Through the conversation with Santander at noon, Yang Cheng has a new understanding of American education. Apart from other things, DeVos’s proposal will reform the American education system and break down obstacles. The guanxi system of youth development allows children in all families to have the right to choose world-class education and schools.

In this regard, her proposal coincides with Santad's idea.

"Thank you, I will try my best to be worthy of your praise." De Vos solemnly promised.

This is not a place for in-depth chat. The three of them stopped the topic tacitly and started a chat.

"I have the opportunity to sit there. My husband is also in the media industry. You should have a lot of common languages. By the way, my daughter is about the same age as you. You young people can also communicate more."

De Vos politely extended an invitation to Yang Cheng.

"Of course, I will definitely bother if I have a chance~"

Conrad joked, "Bessie, don't think about it, Jason already has a fiancee."

DeVos covered his head, "On Conrad, what you say will change in your mouth."

Yang Cheng could only smile and asked, "Is it convenient to ask where your husband works?"

Conrad said directly, "Google, her husband is a vice president of Google. You really have a common language to talk about."

I heard that Google is quite hostile to your Toutiao app, and your search algorithm has created a crisis for them. "

Yang Cheng took a sip of champagne and said, "Stop talking, we will undoubtedly enter the search engine market."

Bessedworth also shook his head, "Yes, Google has completed a monopoly in this field, at least from my point of view, New Era Media has absolutely no reason to enter a pool of stagnant water."

Conrad shrugged, "Then I don't know~"

. . .

Saying goodbye to Bessidworth for the time Conrad took Yang Cheng to the other corner of the living room and met Tom Prince. His face was very distinctive, and the sky was full. Fang Yuan is talking about this kind of person.

Who would have thought that he was once an orthopedic surgeon? However, he crossed boundaries and entered the zheng arena. Now he is a member of the Elephant Party in Georgia. He is a staunch opponent of Comrade Guanhai’s medical reform policy. He has publicly and violently criticized the other party for being flashy.

According to Conrad, this is a strong contender for the next term of the ZF Health and Human Services Department, but compared to his confidence in Bessedworth, Prince appears to be a little less confident.

While the other party was still chatting with others, Yang Cheng asked, "Don't you think about him?"

Conrad shook his head, "No, on the contrary, we have supported him for more than ten years, and he has brought us enough in return.

With regard to the medical reform bill for Comrade Guanhai, Prince has been at the forefront.

But he offended people too hard, and we fear that he will be severely sniped. "

Yang Cheng continued, "And you won't invest too many resources on him?"

Conrad patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder, "Don't think too much, let my father and uncle think about these annoying things."

Damn, this is a good shopkeeper, slippery than myself~

"Hey, Tom, how are you today?"

"Man, it was good, but it would be bad to see you~" Prince joked.

"It seems that beautiful women are attractive~"

"Of course~"

After a few jokes, Conrad introduced Yang Cheng to Prince.

Prince is worthy of being a guest, and said, "Welcome to invest in Georgia~"


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