Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1525: Pattern is too small

Invest in Georgia?

Yang Cheng responded quickly, "I have investment in Georgia~"

Prince is a bit dumb, he is just a polite sentence, does the other party really have investments in Georgia?

Why doesn't he know?

Conrad guessed something, "Delta Air Lines?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Yes, Delta Air Lines is headquartered in Georgia. Is this my investment?"

Among the 50 states in the U.S., Georgia’s economic strength is impressive and ranks in the forefront, including Home Depot, UPS, Coca-Cola, and Delta Air Lines. The headquarters are located in Georgia. With the landing of these Fortune 500 companies, Georgia has We are confident to attract more new companies and small businesses to settle down and provide a favorable business environment.

Thanks to the efforts of the whole state, Georgia has developed quite well in the past few years. Even if the name is not well-known abroad, its capital, Atlanta, is well-known.

Prince is indeed proud of being able to serve as a member of such a large economically strong state.

"I heard Jason you bought Westinghouse Electric?" Prince asked.

Yang Cheng laughed, the news spread too quickly, the press conference hasn't been held yet.

"Yes, good luck." Yang Cheng said modestly.

"This is not luck. Westinghouse Electric is an old nuclear power brand and has a good performance in the civilian market. You can take it back from the RB people. You are like a hero."

Yang Cheng said with trepidation, "I dare not be it. I also consider it from an investment perspective."

Can anyone be a hero?

Prince raised his hand to adjust his glasses, and this one movement happened to reveal the watch on his wrist.

Richard Mille, shit, this old boy is not so honest on the surface~

Yang Cheng slandered in his heart. A congressman, who was also a plastic surgeon, even wore Richard Miller, and it seemed to be a limited edition.

This is worth thinking about.

Sure enough, after a few people didn't talk a few words, Prince showed an ugly face, "Jason, I heard that you have an airplane leasing company?"

Yang Orange didn't understand the other party's intentions, but just nodded slightly, "There is a family, not long after it was established, we need more support from everyone."

Prince smiled very happily, "Of course, help each other, just recently I need to run all over the United States, I need to rent a small business jet, but this discount..."

The words were deliberately not finished, leaving a tail for Yang Cheng, waiting for Yang Cheng to do the cloze problem?

Conrad turned his head and made a vaguely unhappy expression. Yang Cheng didn't say anything. Although he was also very uncomfortable, after all, taking the initiative to give benefits to others and asking for benefits from others are completely two concepts.

"Ok, I will definitely give you a big discount."

Yang Cheng pretended not to understand, and pretended to be generous to give a big discount. Prince's face was all green. Nima didn't play the card according to the routine!

Conrad was so uncomfortable that he wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh, his face was almost red like a monkey butt.

Yang Cheng gave him a white look, a gloating fellow.

Prince chuckled, and walked away for a reason, listening to his reason, "Someone asked him to go to the bathroom."

This reason is absolutely irrelevant. Junior high school kids don't do that anymore.

Before the person walked a few meters, Conrad couldn't hold back anymore, he just vented like a note on the toilet, and laughed endlessly, "Jason, good job, you know why we don’t want to invest in him. More resources, right? His structure is too small, he likes to take advantage of small gains, and will suffer a big loss sooner or later~"

Yang Cheng agrees with this point. People who like to take advantage of a small bargain usually have only the one-third acre of land in front of them. How can such a person succeed if he is lucky enough to succeed for a while, such as Pu Lins, things will come out sooner or later!

He shook his head, it didn't have much to do with him anyway, just because of this trivial matter, he broke the possibility of having a close relationship with Prince.

Next, Conrad led Yang Cheng to meet several senior councillors, some of whom were big figures who might enter the next cabinet. Yang Cheng's face was almost stiff this evening, although in his capacity , He can be on an equal footing with the other party, but he is still young after all, and his qualifications are not deep enough, especially in the ZZ field, and he has no outstanding performance, so everyone still treats him with the idea of ​​investing in the future.

In the short term, it is difficult to have deep cooperation with each other.

But when he and Santander were in contact, the relationship quickly got closer, which caught Conrad's attention, "I thought you were his bastard."

Yang Cheng couldn't wait to kick him to death. Have you ever seen a case where whites and whites were born into yellow people?

"I admire pure people, especially at this age, they can still maintain a pure concept, whether it is pretending or performing for profit, as long as he can do what he says, it deserves my admiration." Yang Orange's reason is unassailable.

Conrad didn't think about it any more, and nodded, "From a personal point of view, I am also very convinced with Mr. Santander. God knows how much temptation he refused."

"Speaking of Santander's failure this time is also a good thing, at least let him recognize the rules of the game, it is difficult for him to break the rules."

"Yes, I hope that next time, he can accept our funding. To complete his vision, he must first sit in that position."

The heroes see the same thing, no, no, it should be said that the authorities are obsessed with bystanders. Almost everyone knows things, only Santander broke into a dead end and refused to look back.

What a stubborn old man~

Not long after, David Koch stood on the stairs next to the meeting room and tapped the crystal wine glass gently. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad that everyone is here tonight. Thank you for your kindness. Support, and take this opportunity to hope that everyone can achieve what they want~"

The very brief speech made Yang Cheng a little uncomfortable. He thought that David Koch would still remember the past.

However, with his speech, this informal cocktail party was officially started, and the voices of loud talk came one after another, a bit louder than before.

David Koch came over, and Yang Cheng raised his glass, "Wonderful speech~"

"Ha~ I originally prepared a long speech, but when I stood on the stairs, I suddenly didn't want to say it. Everyone knows what I'm here for. There is no need to talk nonsense."

Yang Cheng nodded in a dubious manner, "You are right~"

"Meet new friends?" David Koch took a sip of red wine and asked with concern.

"Of course, Conrad took me around, knowing everyone I should know."

"That's good, there will be a private meeting in a while, so let's go with you."

Yang Cheng guessed that it was a conversation between several core members of their small group. Of course he was interested, but would he be eligible to join the party for the first time?


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