Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1526: Thor?

Yang Cheng grabbed Conrad and asked cautiously, "I will join your core meeting now. Will it cause dissatisfaction among the old members?"

He wasn't afraid to offend anyone, but he didn't want to get into unnecessary trouble casually.

Conrad shook his head slightly, "No, my uncle has already notified everyone that we will introduce new members tonight, and everyone's purpose is to make money, not to fight for power. Those who get together are people who yearn for freedom. You think you like freedom. People who are willing to tie themselves in the big dyeing vat of ZZ?"

Yang Cheng approved Conrad’s remarks and followed him to Koch’s private meeting room. When they entered, the Koch brothers had not yet arrived. Apart from him and Conrad, there were three old gods sitting there. It was there, and he found that Santander was among them.

It seems that the old man's background is still very deep.

The other two Yang Cheng didn't know each other, so they nodded as a greeting.

The meeting room is very quiet, everyone is looking down and playing with their phones, or doing business?

When Santander saw Yang Cheng coming in, his expression also appeared slightly surprised, and then he behaved very naturally, and beckoned to Yang Cheng, "Jason, sit here."

Yang Cheng sat down amidst the inexplicable expressions of the others, and cried respectfully, "Mr. Santander~"

"Pawnee, call me Pawnee. It seems that Charles and David are very important to you." Santander didn't seem too intimate, but gently shook Yang Cheng's hand.

Although Yang Cheng's acting skills are not completely natural now, it is enough to deal with laymen, at least no one else can see that he and Santander are acting.

"This is my honour. In fact, I have a pretty good relationship with Conrad. Maybe this is the reason?"

No matter what Yang Cheng and Santander say, everyone can hear the needle falling in the room, so Yang Cheng's words are very careful.

"Haha, everyone, let me introduce you to everyone~"

Before he could speak, there was a brawny man with loose hair like Thor. He laughed and said, "Old Bonnie, still use your introduction? Who doesn't know Jason Yang, who is in the limelight recently?"

Yang Cheng smiled politely, "I'm very low-key~"

One sentence amused several people, and Thor laughed especially happily, "This is the best joke I have ever heard this year, you are a humorous genius."

Yang Cheng was very innocent, spreading her hands, "I am really low-key. When do you see me running under the flash?"

Thor smiled and shook his head, "Yes, you are on the news, basically it is related to other people. By the way, forget to introduce yourself. I am Rector Sanchez, and my friends call me Sol."

Sol? Really Thor?

Yang Cheng didn't think it would be good to laugh directly, and said, "Because you look like Thor?"

Saul was "shocked", "How do you know?"

Yang Cheng reluctantly slandered in her heart, "I also know you are a joke!"

"It's nice to meet the hero who saved the world. By the way, do you have a hammer? I'm curious if I can lift Thor's hammer."

Thor raised his arms and bulged thick biceps. "First of all, you have to have such a muscle to be qualified to lift Thor's Hammer."

Yang Cheng found out that this guy is not only funny, but also a childish ghost.

Looks like this guy is 50 years old? How do you play like a child?

Santander couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Don't pay attention to this guy, his family used to hold Marvel shares."

Yang Cheng laughed, no wonder, it seemed that Thor had a great influence on his childhood.

Conrad also said, "Yes, if you have the opportunity to visit his house, it is almost a Marvel world. By the way, his family has shares in American Steel and Alcoa."

Yang Cheng was dumb, this buddy really has a wonderful connection with Thor.

However, U.S. Steel, like Alcoa, is dying, and the downfall of Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken!

Still the same sentence, how brilliant it was once, how lonely it is now, there are reasons for the times, but also for U.S. Steel itself.

However, Sol's appearance here today is somewhat intriguing.

We must know that the slogan that Donald chanted when he was competing for xuan was to impose high taxes on imported steel and aluminum products. As soon as this slogan was screamed, it immediately triggered strong opposition from home and abroad, but for American metal products For industry, trade unions, and local customers in the "Rust Belt" area, this is the woman of Chiguoguo, waiting for them to be pampered.

Donald has always wanted to revive the American steel industry because it helped him start a trade war. In his opinion, steel and many other traditional industries have suffered huge policy injustices in the past few decades.

I have to say that from the American point of view, his view on this matter is correct, but the root of the problem even goes back to when Donald was in elementary school. At that time, a disastrous situation in the American steel industry The decision directly led to the desolation of the next few decades, and even today.

At the end of World War II US Steel was the only one in the world, and there was no one who could truly be called a challenger.

At that time, U.S. Steel produced nearly three-quarters of the world's steel products. Its biggest competitors were RB and Germany, but their factories were in ruins because of the war.

If nothing else, in the foreseeable future, giants like US Steel seem to dominate the world.

However, the fact is quite the opposite. The European steel industry has risen, and the so-called unfair trade practices among the American population are not a factor at all.

At that time in Europe, perhaps because many factories were destroyed in the war, they had to find another way to find a way out. After all, the steel industry is the foundation of a country's development!

So they started experimenting with the idea of ​​spraying pure oxygen onto molten metal to turn iron into steel.

This method is called "alkaline oxygen blowing method". It was first tried in a small steel factory in Linz, Austria in 1948, but soon after the test was successful, the small steel factory grew into a giant!

In the following years, Linz has become an industrial mecca, because steel manufacturers from all over the world have personally visited this new process.

The most important thing is that the cost of building a steel plant using an alkaline oxygen furnace is 40% to 50% lower than that of a traditional open hearth plant, and the operating cost is also reduced by 25%. For businessmen, all the methods that can save costs are good idea.

As a result, the global steel industry followed suit with reforms. Unfortunately, the big steel companies in the United States were too proud to notice the development of Europe at all.

One step behind, step by step, from that time on, U.S. Steel has already been on the path of failure!


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