Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1527: Viscount

The decline of U.S. steel is both accidental and inevitable. Alcoa is also the same. It only relies on trade tariffs to restrict foreign related products, but it cannot produce qualified products. The final outcome is the same-failure!

Of course, no matter what, Saul's family holds shares in these two traditional industrial giants, which proves that he has the confidence to sit here.

Unconsciously, he turned his gaze to another middle-aged man who was always smiling and silent. Unlike Sol’s toughness, this spring-faced man is more like a scholar, with a temperament similar to Eddie, gray and white. The curls are like Teddy.

Saul, who was sitting across from Yang Cheng, noticed his eyes and hugged Curly Teddy’s shoulders as if he was hugging his girlfriend, staring at Yang Cheng vigilantly, "Hey, man, Rose Mill is My people~"

Yang Cheng subconsciously wanted to believe it, but Yu Guang saw Conrad's smile, knowing that the other party was joking again.

The elegant man called Rosemere aroused Yang Cheng's curiosity when he opened his mouth. He only heard him put on an aggrieved expression and said, "Saul, you can't do this, I have a wife and children, you can't Destroy my family."

Saul's expression stiffened, like a little daughter-in-law who had suffered so much resentment, "Rosmere, you cold-blooded fellow."

Yang Cheng was curious not because of the conversation between the two, but because of Rose Mill’s accent. This pure Oxford accent, could it be from the Windsor family? Or the offspring of a nobleman who grew up in a noble house?

In the next second, Rosemere smiled gently at Yang Cheng, "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Yang, your "Sunday Times" has been very popular in the UK recently."

Yang Cheng was puzzled, but Conrad was enough, and stood up to help him solve his doubts, "Jonathan is the fourth-generation Viscount Rosemere, and he is half of you with you. The Daily Mail belongs to him. He has also made a lot of achievements in the real estate industry."

"Daily Mail"? Yang Cheng seems to have thoughts of acquiring the other party. He didn’t expect to meet the righteous master here. It’s really unexpected. As for real estate, he is not surprised. These nobles in Britain can maintain a high-quality life and possess People with hundreds of millions of property are basically engaged in work that is inseparable from real estate.

Switch to the Oxford accent which is not inferior to the opponent's standard, and respectfully said, "lord, it is my honor to know you."

Rosemere smiled shyly, "His Royal Highness has long talked about you, and he often praises you for having an elegant accent that comes out of your belly. It's so beautiful."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "His Royal Highness has won the award, Lord, I have to admit the fact that I once had the idea of ​​acquiring the Daily Mail."

"You're welcome, just call me Jonathan. There is no such thing as a noble here. In fact, everyone has thought of buying the Post. You don't mind.

Saul interjected impatiently, "I said you two, can you not use such a hypocritical accent, it makes people want to tear off their ears."

Rosemere spread his hands helplessly, "I don't know the American accent."

Yang Cheng still deliberately said in an irritating Oxford accent, "I will, but I really want to see what it looks like when you tear off your ears."

Sol covered his face and wailed, "Oh, damn, I'm the mascot of the small team, are you coming to grab my place?"

Everyone burst into laughter, not even knowing that the Koch brothers entered the door.

"What are you talking about? So happy?" David Koch said with a smile.

Sol pointed to Yang Cheng and said injustice, "This **** kid has taken my team's favor."

Yang Cheng raised his hands, "I am wronged, I have no interest in the mascot."

While talking and laughing, the atmosphere was harmonious and relaxed. As the Koch brothers took their seats, Charles said to Yang Cheng, "Do you know everyone? There are two other people who cannot get through today because they have important tasks. I will introduce them later. you recognize."

Yang Cheng nodded without saying a word.

Looking at everyone, Charles said, "Through this gathering today, apart from introducing Jason to everyone, there is another purpose to unify the goal.

This time, we will fully support Donald in the dark. "

Saul was impatient and puzzled. "He runs counter to our ideas. Why did he suddenly decide to support him?"

Charles glanced at Yang Cheng and smiled, "Thanks to Jason for reminding us that we should follow the general trend instead of thinking about changing our lives."

Several people looked at Yang Cheng thoughtfully.

David continued, "Actually, the object of support is not important. As long as he succeeds, he does not forget our efforts, that is enough.

And this time we are ready to support more of our own people into the cabinet. By then, even if Donald turns against the water or has a huge conflict with us, we will still have room for mediation and dealing. "

The Rosemere people didn’t say much, and said directly, “Leave it to me in the UK, and we will support it in public, paused, and said with worry, “But I’m worried about this person. Standing alone will bring his business thinking into ZZ. "

David directly said, "It has nothing to do with us. As long as we pass our proposal, for us, this investment is considered a success."

Saul nodded, "David is right, I fully support it, and it's not bad to send this upstart, at least he knows that the world is the capital in the end."

Yang Cheng glanced at Santander instinctively, and found that he squinted like a **** and Buddha, as if he could not hear.

This old guy became more and more mysterious. When he contacted at noon, he still felt that the old man listened purely and was unwilling to influence capital.

But now sitting in the capital bureau, there is no sense of discomfort, even Sol's blatant words are not moved, what is he thinking?

Yang Cheng was a little distracted because he was observing Santad, but David called him a few times before hearing it.

"What? Excuse me? I'm a little lost." Yang Orange apologized.

David resigned helplessly, "You have supported Donald in public opinion before, and we hope you can continue to maintain it."

Yang Cheng said without hesitation, "Of course, this will not change."

Thor teased, "It seems that you trust Donald more than we do."

Yang Cheng shook his head firmly, "No, no, I trust my eyes even more. If you have time, go to the bottom and take a turn, you will know why I said that."

Charles expressed support for Yang Cheng’s words, “Yes, after Jason reminded us last time, I sent someone to do a survey, and the results were surprising. The voters at the bottom of the society, especially the factory workers, supported Donald. It’s amazing, Thor, in fact, you should have discovered this phenomenon earlier than us."


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