Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1529: Thor House

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng awakened to a burst of soothing but extremely loud music, rubbing her sleepy eyes, looking at the woman doing yoga next to Chuang with a vague expression.

Complained, "Eldest sister, it's 6 o'clock in the morning, what are you doing?"

Sitting cross-legged on the yoga mat, Zhao Anqi did not turn her head back. She stretched her hands together, straightened her upper body, raised her head slightly, and breathed in her mouth. If it weren’t for the sound of soft music, it would be beautiful to see this scene early in the morning. thing.

After doing several times in a row, he said quietly, "The plan for a year is spring, and the plan for a day is morning. We can't miss this great time."

Yang Cheng squinted her eyes and looked depressed, "You are revenge~"

The corner of Zhao Anqi's mouth raised slightly, "Oh? What am I doing to avenge you."

"Get revenge on me for scaring you last night~"

Anqi Zhao turned her head and snorted, "You were just shocked~"

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "It's always my fault, you can spare me. It's rare to get a good night's sleep."

Zhao Anqi was deliberately making fun, and she was also distressed by Yang Cheng, but Yang Cheng gave the steps to her, she immediately got off, "Then you go to bed, I will go out for a while, and buy you some breakfast by the way, what do you want to eat? ?"

Yang Cheng lay down contented, "I will eat whatever you eat."

. . .

I slept until noon, and ate a bit of cold breakfast. When I was about to stay with Zhao Anqi, a dull person called-Sol, this guy called as soon as he got his contact information. , I don’t know if something is all right.

Zhao Anqi snickered, got up to organize her clothes, and went to the kitchen to wash the fruits by the way, to make room for Yang Cheng to talk on the phone.

"Good morning jason~" Thor's hearty voice sounded.

Yang Cheng smiled reluctantly, "Good morning, what's the matter Saul?"

"I'm sad when you say that~"

The voice of Saul's grievance came, and Yang Cheng almost didn't cry. Is it popular for middle-aged people to pretend to be tender now?

It’s just a woman’s pretend, at least some people see, your big man is a bad old man, is it appropriate to put it here as an innocent chu man?

"Sol, I just finished eating~"

"What do you mean?" This man with his head full of Marvel, his brain circuits are so low?

That's right, otherwise can you like comics?

"If you use this tone again, I'm going to throw up~"

Saul laughed, "Ha, you are so funny Jason~"

"Talk to business~"

"OK, where are you first? Come out and see you, Matthew is there~"

"Huh? Matthew?"

"Uh-huh, Matthew Mellon, you didn't tell me that you know each other, it's too interesting~"

Yang Cheng was speechless. He also wanted to ask how these two people met, but it would be understandable when he thought that Sol's family invested in many traditional American industrial giants.

The point is that you didn't ask, should he say that he knew Mellon when he met?

But he was too lazy to argue with this guy, and basically no good results.

"I see, send me the address, it will be there in a while~"

I hung up the phone and apologized to Anqi Zhao who was in the kitchen, "I have to go there~"

Zhao Anqi said thoughtfully, "Go ahead, business matters, will you come to me at night?"

Yang Cheng said without hesitation, "Of course, I will come back after talking to them~"

"Okay, wait for you to have dinner together~"

. . .

Yang Cheng yawned all the way and arrived at the address sent by Sol, but Yang Cheng did not see whether it was a clubhouse or a restaurant after looking for a long time. There was neither a sign nor a welcome, which made him somewhat square and stood beside the car. Don't know where to go.

"Hey, man, here~"

Just as Yang Cheng was stunned and ready to call to ask about the situation, a person protruded from the window of the second floor apartment, waving Thor's Hammer at Yang Cheng.

Yes, the Thor's Hammer, which was engraved one by one, was swung in the air by Thor.

Fortunately, there is no Thor in this world, otherwise you have to be mad, a good god-level weapon, it is used as a handkerchief to attract guests, let alone, this guy puts his hair down, it really smells like an old bustard, and then post another one. The furry scabs are even more perfect.

"From here~"

Saul shouted again. Following his instructions, Yang Cheng entered through a small unit door and reached the second floor, the one with the door open.

It is very different from the exterior of the apartment building. The interior decoration of the apartment is like an industrial mansion, and it has a post-modern style. The main color of cement gray and the color of piano paint make Yang Cheng feel the cold breeze as soon as he enters the house. In fact, the room always maintains the best room temperature of 24 degrees, not to mention that summer is approaching, it is impossible to be cold when it is cold.

But the most memorable thing is that almost every corner here is filled with Marvel elements. As Conrad said, this is a Marvel idiot!

"Here, jason, we are in the kitchen~"

Before Yang Cheng had time to look carefully, he heard Saul's loud voice.

Passing around a floor-to-ceiling plaster statue, and seeing what Sol was busy living on the island in the kitchen, Yang Cheng asked, "What the **** is this? Doesn't even have a sign?"

Saul smiled triumphantly, "This is a place I specially use to entertain friends, where you can enjoy free time without, food, and even beauties, everything, you remember to look back Enter the fingerprint into the system, and you can come anytime you want to come later."

Yang Cheng was stunned, but he neither agreed nor refused, so he directly marked the part, "You cook by yourself?"

Saul opened his hands and showed off his semi-finished products. "Look, I'm half done. Believe me, my talent for cooking is something I'm proud of compared to doing business."

Yang Cheng smiled helplessly, "Well, I'll taste it in a while, right, where's Matthew?"

Sol's face was sullen, "In the room, you know that his health has been in poor health. This time I came to New York, and I was able to make the trip after having spoken good things to the doctor."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Then let him rest first and call him when the meal is ready."

"I think so too. If you sit down and take it yourself if you want to drink, I won't entertain you."

Yang Cheng picked up a bottle of beer and twisted it away, and gestured to the other party, "Don't worry about me, you are busy with you, why did Matthew suddenly want to come to New York?"

Sol is carefully adjusting the angle of the plate, "According to his statement, while still leaving, see friends more, so as not to suddenly become unconscious and leave no regrets."

Suddenly Yang Cheng didn't know how to answer the conversation, and took a sip of beer silently. Saul laughed and said, "Believe me, he has taken these things lightly, so you don't have to think too much."

"I didn't think too much. By the way, how did you meet?"

Saul shrugged, "You know, the Mellon family used to have a very large business, but as it became increasingly lonely, the shares that were originally firmly controlled in their hands began to be infiltrated by outsiders, and my father was with the Mellon family. The one who cooperates most closely."


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