Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1530: Painful memories

Yang Cheng heard Saul mention his father for the first time, and it seemed that he had a deep friendship with the Mellon family.

Sol took the initiative to solve Yang Cheng's doubts, "My father used to follow Richard Mellon~"

Yang Orange was puzzled, "Huh? Richard Mellon?"

Seeing that Yang Cheng had misunderstood, Saul explained again, "Richard King Mellon, that is, Matthew's uncle, the third-generation head of the Mellon family."

Richard inherited the name of his father, Richard Beatty Mellon, the brother of Andrew Mellon, the second-generation leader.

Yang Cheng suddenly, it turned out to be like this, but as far as he knows, Richard King Mellon is not an outstanding business genius. He is more interested in military and rock and roll. Of course, there is a shortage of talent in the third generation. However, his cousin Paul Mellon was immersed in the art world all day long, and even he did not hesitate to donate his father’s inheritance and was unwilling to manage the family. Richard did a good job, at least to ensure the Mellon family continue.

Even if the fourth generation has no successor, and Matthew is such a strange prodigal, the Mellon family's face is almost lost by him.

Saul continued, "Later, my father didn't agree with Richard's ideas, or Richard only wanted to defend the city, never forge ahead. This is the point of my father's greatest disappointment.

So he accepted Rockefeller's invitation and joined Rockefeller's family foundation. After accumulating enough experience and capital, he jumped out and set up his own investment company.

Of course, because of past experience, the companies he invests in are all extremely traditional industrial companies. "

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "So you and Matthew have known each other since childhood?"

"Of course, he is my brother." Sol said with a pair of chicken breasts~

Yang Cheng asked again, "So you know the Mellon consortium and the Rockefeller family well?"

Sol began to stir the salad again, his movements were very skillful, while chatting with Yang Cheng, his movements did not stop at all!

"I don't know it, but I must know more information than others."

Seeing Yang Cheng's gossip look, Saul suddenly smiled strangely, "Aren't you here to listen to gossip?"

Yang Cheng licked her face and said, "But you asked me to come~"

Saul helplessly, "OK, what do you want to know? Say okay first, I only say what I can say."

"For example, the relationship between the two families? It is spreading outside, saying that the conflict between the two families is deep."

Sol frowned slightly. "There must be contradictions, but they are not as deep as the outside world. From the joint equity participation or control of some large companies by the Mellon family and the Rockefeller family, it can be seen that the two chose each other more. Compromise, advance and retreat together, and seek a win-win business relationship. After all, if the two companies really turn the contradiction into a struggle, only lose and lose. Even if one of them wins by chance, it is estimated that there will be no more legendary stories about them."

Yang Cheng nodded to express understanding, "Well, I know all of these, let's say something nutritious~"

"What is nutritious?" Sol didn't quite understand~

"Which companies are specific?" Yang Cheng reminded.

Sol was speechless, "I don't believe you don't know~"

Yang Cheng carried the rogue to the end, "Hurry up, yes, don't delay cooking~"

"OK, you won. For example, the company Amco Steel, Gulf Oil and the Rockefeller consortium appear on the list of three controllers at the same time, and the other is the Cleveland consortium;"

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "I know this~"

Gulf Oil is Mellon’s industry!

Sol continued, "Among the largest controlling shareholders of Westinghouse Electric, the Mellon family and the Rockefeller family completely occupy the position of absolute holding at the same time;

In the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, the Mellon Consortium and Rockefeller are also one of the four major controllers.

In addition, while independently controlling Rockwell, the designer and manufacturer of aircraft, missiles and rockets, the Mellon family and Rockefeller jointly control Lockheed Martin, the world's largest arms dealer. "

Lockheed Martin, like Westinghouse Electric, has long been a major contractor for the Pentagon and NASA.

"Then there is Bank of Mellon. You should know this better than me. The Bank of Mellon is basically held in the palm of your hand by Rockefeller."

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng and Saul heard a sigh at the same time, and saw Matthew stepping out from behind Yang Cheng, still holding a cane in his hand.

Yang Cheng got up to stroke him, but was stopped by Matthew.

After only hearing a sigh, he said with emotion, "In the past, I had always held a grudge against Rockefeller, thinking that they had taken everything from my home.

But then I figured it out. The real reason is that we made the wrong choice in the famous Watergate incident in history!

At that time, the Mellon family and the Rockefeller family once again appeared in the event as pros and cons.

The Chief Watergate Tong defeated McGovern, the candidate of the Donkey Party, by an overwhelming advantage in the election because of his victory in the Southern War and was re-elected.

However, just as President Watergate was celebrating with his supporters, a shocking scandal broke out. "

The general process is: in the general competition, in order to obtain information on the internal competition strategy of the donkey people including the chief security advisor of the party competition committee, sneaked into the Watergate Building in Washington The Office of the Donkey Party National Committee was arrested on the spot while installing a wiretap and secretly photographing relevant documents.

This was the first president in American history to resign due to a scandal, and the story of the Watergate incident that has been told to this day.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what the story is. Matthew walked over and sat down beside Yang Cheng, staring blankly at the front, and muttered, “The direct loser of that incident was not Chief Watergate or Like the party, but the Mellon family standing behind.

In the re-election competition, the Mellon family provided them with a ZZ donation of up to $1 million. Of course, after the master fell, the followers could only end with the gong, and the Mellon family’s incense in the power field was completely extinguished.

Contrary to the fate of the Mellon family, the Rockefeller family, who openly opposed the Watergate General Manager in the General Manager, has taken another step on the ZZ stage.

Nelson, who was re-elected three times as governor of New York State, was successfully elected as the vice president of the United States and became a hot ZZ star.

The Rockefeller family once again overwhelmed the Mellon family.

Since then, the Mellon family has officially embarked on a downward slide. "

Every time he talks about the past of the Mellon family, Matthew has a look of grief, but if he wakes up 20 years earlier, perhaps the Mellon family still stays in the sight of people.

It's a pity that he awakened too late!

Although he understands something now, he is already unable to recover. If he wants to take back Westinghouse Electric, he still needs to borrow Yang Cheng's hand to make wedding clothes for others!

sad! But it is also by fate~


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