Deeply involved with DHS?

Yang Cheng squeezed his chin. This was something he had never thought of. Now the four major violent agencies in the United States, DHS was established the latest, but it is also the most popular. It is always the most popular with the newly promoted concubines of the emperor. The truth is the same.

Because of the existence of DHS, the internal affairs department of the United States finally has an operational organization that can perform tasks, and no longer has to look at the face of the Ministry of State. Under the cultivation of countless resources, the strength and power of DHS has expanded wildly. Severely overshadowed the NSA's limelight.

As a result, many NSA employees are angry when they see the letters DHS, and they don't want to think that they also have an S on their heads!

But how could they think that it wouldn’t interfere with Yang Orange. He was thinking about whether he could pass the NRC. In the huge organization of DHS, a small intervention was not to gain power, but to leave a trick. Hands, once they can be used in the future?

While he was wandering around the world, Matthew continued, "The NRC will send at least two inspectors to each nuclear power plant. They can inspect anything at the factory anytime and anywhere, and the operator must not refuse.

Inspectors do not live in the factory, but must live in nearby communities. They cannot develop personal social interactions with nuclear power plant employees, and they must replace the resident nuclear power plant every 7 years.

On the surface, they are just ordinary employees of the NRC. They are also in the power plant to maintain health and public safety, and to maintain professional working relationships with the power plant and their employees under inspection. However, they also have an important job to monitor and analyze from time to time around the world. Nuclear activities! "

Yang Orange was surprised, "What do you mean?"

Matthew nodded affirmatively, "Yes, they all have received strict military and spy skills training, and they are stationed in various power plants. They are just a clear identity, especially the nuclear power plants built by Westinghouse overseas. Join as Westinghouse Electric."

Yang Cheng said in a deep voice, "Surface monitoring is safe, in fact..."

Matthew pressed his hands, there are some things that need not be said!

And the reason why he said these secrets was not just so simple to let Yang Cheng know.

"Jason, listen, wait for your people to take over the operation of the power plant, except for necessary work contacts, in private, don't contact them for the time being.

As long as you follow the rules, it won't be long before they will find you for help, such as helping them change their status to work in a nuclear power plant in another country!

At that time, it's the time for you to ask for conditions.

Don't worry. "

Yang Cheng didn’t ask why. Now Matthew is not going to harm himself. Don’t look at him before being serious, but he is a man who has lived for half a life. Some experience talks don’t need to know the reason. Just follow the old driver’s advice. !

Turning to, "By the way, Matthew, I may need you to help me recruit a group of old employees, especially the employees who were laid off because of the company's poor financial situation. I urgently need them to come back and help me.

After my people have passed the running-in period, the construction plan that was delayed before will soon be put on the agenda. "

Nuclear power plants are different from ordinary power plants. They have very high requirements for practitioners. The repeated training and internship process will cost a lot of time and money. It is not as difficult as training a pilot, but it is not much worse.

Among them, the most critical position is undoubtedly nuclear reactor operators. They must hold a federal license to operate or supervise reactor control. It takes at least two years to obtain this license to pass a series of NRC tests and certifications.

This is not enough. Operators spend one week in classrooms and reactor simulators for "retraining" every 5 to 6 weeks of work during the validity period of the license.

In addition, reactor operators must pass physical and mental health certification before they can take up their jobs. Not only operators, but all nuclear power plant employees must undergo background and criminal record investigations by law enforcement agencies before taking up their jobs.

Otherwise, once a person with a criminal history or a violent person is recruited, one day he will be mentally disordered and give the reactor a sudden, let alone the entire power plant, the city where it is located will have to follow!

Therefore, all protection and training measures are not excessive for nuclear power plants.

This is only the requirements of the grassroots employees, it is already so complicated, let alone nuclear power engineers, their requirements are undoubtedly higher and more stringent.

After graduating from a nuclear major, even a master’s degree or a doctor’s degree, you must first obtain a trainee engineer’s license, then work with a professional senior engineer for 1 to 4 years, and then take at least 4 years to obtain a professional engineer license to work independently. Note that only Being qualified to work independently does not mean that you can really be independent.

Many people who have strict requirements for their own future will spend more than ten years to test various professional nuclear engineering certifications. During this period, they will volunteer in relevant industry associations, such as participating in the standard assessment of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, saying yes Volunteers That is because the industry associations as non-profit organizations do not pay them wages, but the nuclear power companies where these "volunteers" work generally pay corresponding wages and travel expenses.

After all, every company hopes that the quality of its talents is high enough and the quantity is enough!

All of this is for one thing-safety!

Do everything possible and conditions to create a safe working environment is the eternal purpose of everyone in the nuclear power plant!

Not to mention people, even if it is a machine, you must be extremely careful. Pressing a button twice is a basic operation~

You should know that in the control room of a nuclear power plant, colorful knobs, joysticks and switch boards are hung on the wall. It looks very bluffing and makes people think that a wrong operation will trigger an irreversible nuclear disaster.

However, designers have long considered this problem. In nuclear power plants, there are multiple backup systems and solutions for any functional operation, and only when multiple systems fail at the same time can something happen.

And pressing a button twice is the first guarantee.

Lest any reckless man or drunk accidentally presses the button by mistake, causing unimaginable consequences.

Hearing Yang Cheng’s words, Matthew agreed without saying a word, “I have the files of the employees who were fired at the time in my hand, just considering that they may be used in the future, I’ll let them find them and give them to you later, and treat those old guys well. , They are not old enough to walk or eat."

"Of course, I will provide them with a good salary as long as they prove their ability and loyalty."

Matthew coughed twice, "You don't have to doubt their loyalty. They are all children of Westinghouse Electric. They will not do anything harmful to the company. Even if they were forced to dismiss back then, there was no complaint."


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