Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1533: Chat 8 hexagrams

"Okay, okay, say something happy. I came here to relax, not to discuss work~"

Maybe it was because he felt that he was being ignored, Sol complained pretendingly.

Matthew used his old **** to respond to Saul's complaint.

Ok. . . Powerful and direct!

Yang Cheng said very cooperatively, "OK, let's talk something interesting, Sol, come and find a topic."

Sol seemed to be prepared, "on, as the behind-the-scenes boss of New Era Pictures, haven't you heard of the secret gossip?"

Yang Cheng was speechless. Since he entered Hollywood, countless people have asked similar questions. It seems that gossip does not distinguish between men and women, let alone poor or rich. People are born with curiosity.

"You should ask those female celebrities who have been chuang with you, they know more than me, after all, they have experienced a lot of battles~"

Matthew laughed hard, but he could see that he was smiling happily, "Well said, Saul, you should ask the flesh and blood, no one knows more than these female cousins."

Saul opened his hands. "I want to hear the gossip of the big stars~ For example, where did they cheat."

Matthew immediately said, "That's definitely a technical job. Believe me, these Hollywood stars have practiced the ability to get rid of stalking and find safe houses for safety.

They should not act, they should go to C~I~A. "

Yang Cheng nodded and said, "Matthew is right, but it is not so easy to hide from the sky, such as the big news that broke last year, Steve Crott and his lover.

When hiding his affair, Steve Klot seems to have overlooked the three most important points: location, location, and location. "

Last year, there were many big melons in the American entertainment industry, but the most interesting one was Steve Klott, the married 60-minute news column host and his legendary affair, a Harvard-graduated lawyer. Together on the cover of "National Survey".

This magazine disclosed a lot of text messages between the lovers-some were stimulating and some were cautious, which greatly satisfied the appetite of the people who eat melon.

For example, Clotte would remind his partner that in a Washington hotel where they met, they would look suspicious if they were dressed too brightly.

But unfortunately, when your name often appears in bold, tailors will always be especially considerate.

The public is always enthusiastic about the details of celebrity affair text messages-and the more seductive the better.

Especially for those stars who are in the scenes of paparazzi or passersby, or the 18th-line actors working in the small and incredible town of Hollywood, when they need to do something, they can’t be affected by everyone. When they know something, they must do everything they can to get rid of staring at them.

Practice makes perfect. As the number of times increases, their skills become more proficient, and they are still in the process of evolution.

Like a cheating expert, Yang Cheng pointed at the table at the table, “A correct dating place allows them to easily protect their secrets. Although surrounded by layers of the sprawling concrete forest of Los Angeles, Hollywood is sufficiently hidden. There are really not many restaurants and hotels, and in this kind of place, if you meet someone by chance, he happens to know another person who knows something about someone—the odds are too high.

It would be great if the lottery ticket had such a hit rate, and the world would be peaceful. "

His words made Saul amused.

Continued, "Unless the big stars don't mind meeting in a diving bar in Koreatown or a dirty hourly den.

Otherwise, it will no longer be hidden in hidden places. In the past, hidden parks in the valley were considered hidden, right?

But now that there are surveillance cameras, working in the park is no different from live broadcasting.

The bars on the West Bund or the snack bars in Echo Park are the favorite places for people who have just entered Vanity Fair in Hollywood. If you are dating here, it is better to contact the media for exposure, or at least have a good reputation for being bold. .

In short, it is no longer popular in Hollywood to cheat at high-end hotels such as the Peninsula Hotel, Four Seasons Hotel or Beverly Hills, because the risk of exposure there is too high.

Now, as far as I know, including private apartments, friends’ houses, short-term rental houses on rental websites, or simply taking a private jet to go overseas, such as Cannes, there is a perfect excuse for the film festival, even if you are with the wife of Comrade Guanhai Appeared in the camera together, there are also excuses to explain. "

Saul laughed, "I didn't expect you to have this habit~"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "What?"

Then he reacted and said angrily, "Asshole, do you want to listen to gossip?"

Saul raised his hand and said, "When I didn't say~"

"I personally think that the best place to cheat is to be on the film's location. One is that it is sufficiently secretive and closed; the other is that there are actors from the same group to cover, so it won’t appear too As long as you don’t do too much, Everyone opens one eye and closes the other. No one is idle and easy to break your secrets. After all, everyone belongs to the same interest group and there is no need to kill each other.

In short, the hotel is no longer a place where scandals can be captured, unless it is a large-scale banquet held at a high level, and there are many people coming in and out, it will not seem too suspicious.

In addition, social media and paparazzi have changed the way they get scandals in Hollywood, because now everyone is a photographer, outside the hotel, their SLR is useless!

Of course, the best secrecy measure is to not let the third person around you know that Michael Douglas was caught in bed in Beverly Hills by his fiancée and a friend in the 1990s. At this time, there was no rebuttal. With it, he can only catch it.

Who made him accidentally leaked the news and was known by his fiancée. In the end, it became known to all in the United States. This is what it deserves. "

Saul said dejectedly, "So it is difficult to have a big scandal now, because of this reason?"

"Yes, a wealthy first-line celebrity can completely buy an island, how to play and how to play, and no matter how bad they are, they can buy a secret house.

As for those little stars who are not well-known, they don't have the money to go out to be chic, so they can only find an equally hungry object in the crew like I said, and no one loses money. "

After a pause, Yang Cheng suddenly laughed, "Actually, you want to hear gossip. The NBA muscle clubs are where the scandals are. God knows why they didn't use up their energy on the court.

Believe me, just pick a first- and second-tier star, he has enough food for you to eat for a week. "


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