Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1534: Filipino

The ghost knew why Saul was so interested in gossip. Yang Cheng popularized it for him all afternoon, but he hadn't heard enough. If it weren't for Yang Cheng's determination to leave, he might be able to talk all night.

Dragging his slightly drunk body into the car, Saul leaned out of the window and waved at Yang Cheng vigorously, not to mention the trouble, Yang Cheng covered his face and didn't want to recognize him, it was too embarrassing.

"Boss, where are you going?" Andrew asked back.

"Back to Zhao Anqi's apartment."

On the way, Yang Cheng drank half a bottle of ice water, and his head became sober. He said to Hansen, "This time I'm going to the Philippines, I'm going to visit the local real estate market on the way, and you must be prepared for security."

His impression of the Philippines is still in the mess, of course, this does not prevent them from having more than 7,000 beautiful islands.

Hansen immediately said, "Boss, don't worry, I will bring enough people here."

Andrew also followed, "I have been in the Philippines for a while, how should I say, it is not as chaotic as the outside world imagined."

Yang Cheng became interested, "Oh? Tell me~"

Hansen murmured, "Boss, his knowledge is all derived from the female branch girl. After listening to his words, I promise you still know nothing about the Philippines."

Andrew raised his **** angrily, "Asshole, it's as if you haven't communicated with a Filipino woman in life. Maybe you have an illegitimate child in the Philippines, but you don't know."

Hansen looked at him with a smile and didn't say anything, but he muttered, "I just said that, once I get it right," he muttered the hair of the brash man.

"Can't you tell me?" Yang Orange said helplessly.

"Say, in my opinion, Filipinos are the laziest in the world. No one is lazier than many Africans. It has almost formed a culture."

Yang Cheng can't laugh or cry, "lazy" culture? Is this a derogatory term or a commendatory term?

Andrew thought Yang Cheng didn't believe it, and hurriedly said, "I mean it. Filipinos are generally lazy, and Filipinos will take the initiative to say that this is our culture.

Outsiders find it very strange, anyway, I was used to it during the time in the Philippines.

Of course, when I first started, I didn't think I could understand that there seems to be no nation in this world who would justly regard "laziness" as a culture, but the Filipinos are! They will also regard ‘laziness’ as a cultural heritage, and the next generation at high speed will continue to do so.

The best example is the 2012 Typhoon Yolanda, which caused a very serious disaster to the Philippines. Many people in the Philippines became homeless. The international rescue organization and the United Nations Food Program delivered a large amount of supplies to the Philippines. Carry out disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.

And I dare to bet with all my wealth that, to this day, the places where Yolanda raged must be exactly the same as a few years ago, except that there are no dead bodies.

It is said that the international rescue organizations were stupid when they arrived at the scene. Generally, people in the disaster-stricken areas have to settle first, and then provide food to ensure the minimum food, clothing and shelter. After ensuring food and clothing, they will start post-disaster reconstruction.

However, the Filipinos have carried the laziness to the extreme. The affected areas in the Philippines have not been rebuilt until now. Either the reconstruction funds have been corrupted, or the relief materials from international support have been corrupted. It is very happy for the Filipinos to eat enough. As far as the nation is concerned, since there is a place to live and you can still eat, why go to work? Why rebuild the old things? "

Yang Orange is dumbfounded, is what Andrew said true?

Looking at Hansen, he found this guy with a speechless expression and nodded, "Boss, what he said is right. I have a comrade in arms in the Philippines. Every time I call, he has to complain about how lazy the Filipinos are and are caught by the typhoon. The affected area still maintains its post-disaster scene, except for the removal of the body, the rest is almost unchanged."

Yang Cheng felt a pain in his head. Can such a country of lazy people really sell it after building a building? He expressed deep doubts whether those advocating the Philippine property market had never been to the Philippines at all.

Andrew added, "Although the Filipinos are lazy, they are very optimistic. Even if there is a flood, they can calmly soak in the water to play cards and eat without affecting their lives. This is where I admire the Philippines the most."

Yang Cheng suddenly found out that what she had just ordered seemed unnecessary. In a country so lazy, are people really taking to the streets to rob?

Even if there is, what can you grab?

Hansen laughed and said, "I really admire their attitude towards their country. As far as I know, Filipinos themselves have no feelings for their country. Many Filipinos with great skills go to work abroad and find ways to stay. People who immigrate to that country from that country and will no longer return to the Philippines in this life are unable to leave because their level is not enough and no one wants to leave without skilled immigrants."

Yang Cheng increasingly felt that the decision to investigate the Philippine real estate market was a mistake!

A group of people who don't have the technology to settle for the status quo, just want to live, will find a way to make money to buy a house?

What's more, the urban infrastructure is so poor, and there will be no foreign investors to invest.

Who is spreading the rumors?

Damn it~

Andrew nodded fiercely, "Yes, and they don't care about ZZ at all, or they can oppose any country at any time as long as someone pays.

The news report said that there were protests at the entrance of the Embassy of Philippine Z. I can guarantee that those who protest will not exceed 100 people at a time, and at least 80 of them were hired by rest Of the 20, 15 of them went to the protests, which is basically equivalent to spending money to behave.

The most ridiculous thing is that there used to be a local extremist organization in the Philippines, which found a group of Filipino college students to travel on the island of Country Z that the Philippines invaded. As a result, the budget was not well prepared and the college students had no money to return after arriving on the island.

The whole world knows this trouble, even the Filipinos know it, but they don’t care about it, and instead treat it as a farce after cooking! "

Yang Cheng found out that the two of them never complained about the Philippines in private, otherwise, how could they have such a tacit understanding, singing and reconciling, like cross talk.

This Hansen said again, "There is also the South China Sea issue that has recently been violent with Country Z. I can guarantee that 90% of Filipinos don’t care about the issue of competing with Country Z for islands in the South China Sea. For the islands in the South China Sea that were invaded by the Philippines, the attitude of the Filipinos must be: Don’t offend the powerful neighbor of Country Z. If not, give those islands to Country Z!"

Yang Cheng's eyes widened in disbelief, "Send?"

Hansen nodded, "Yes, it's just to send, because under the forced brainwashing of their country, the Filipinos themselves think that the islands belong to them, of course, many people think that they belong to country Z, and the ratio of the two is equal.

They would think, anyway, there are more than 7,000 islands in the Philippines, and it doesn’t seem to matter to send a few to country Z in exchange for peace.

And all the zheng parties in the Philippines are making a fuss in the South China Sea, mainly because they want the United States to participate. If they please the United States, they can get money and materials so that the Filipinos can live a more lavish life. This is the zheng customers in the Philippines. The fundamental purpose! "


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