Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1536: Just-needed room on Sunset Boulevard

On the second day of arriving in the Philippines, Yang Cheng appeared in Manila Bay, which was also the most important place for this trip.

Manila Bay is located in the southwest of Luzon Island. It is a very important natural harbour in the South China Sea. It is also the most eye-catching attraction and cultural center of Manila except Boracay.

It's a pity that Yang Cheng and the others came earlier, and they probably missed the most famous "Sunset over Manila Bay".

On the way here, Yang Cheng and the others passed by Manila. There is one of the most fascinating seaside sunset avenues-"Roxas" Avenue. This street is equivalent to Chang'an Avenue in the capital, wide and straight, and facing the "Manila Bay". , The scenery is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

If you come here to watch the sunset near dusk, you can enjoy the unobstructed view of the afterglow of the sunset pouring the golden light on the blue sea of ​​"Manila Bay" until finally watching the fiery red sun fall into the deep black inch by inch. The sea, you can realize what is called "the most beautiful than the red sunset" when viewing this scene.

It's a pity that the time schedule is relatively tight, otherwise Yang Cheng really wants to see what this beautiful scenery is praised by all the Filipinos.

Imagination alone is enough to make people fascinated.

Yang Cheng simply asked people to park and walked all the way with their bodyguards. The so-called "Zhengfan goes to the sunset, the west wind, the wine flag stands obliquely", in the pedestrian area on the side of the sunset road, there are countless open-air small bars lined up one after another, if it is sunset At that time, you can order a few cold "San Miguel Beer", grill some fish that can only be eaten in Manila, and enjoy the sea breeze leisurely. It is definitely a rare enjoyment.

With his hands on his hips, facing the sea, feeling the gentle breeze, he couldn't help turning his head to ask the guide, "Will you spend money to buy a small apartment here?"

The guide is a young man in his 20s. He is very energetic, and he can't see a trace of slack on his face. Even if Yang Orange doesn't speak much along the way, it doesn't affect his enthusiasm.

"Of course it will, but unfortunately I don't have money. If I have money, I will definitely buy one. Life on the Sunset Strip is what every Manila person yearns for.

Waking up by the sea breeze in the morning, leisurely go downstairs to have breakfast, walk and chat with friends in Rizal Park, go back to the room for a nap at noon, go to the pub in the afternoon, eat food and drink beer while waiting for the sunset.

This is life like heaven, I can't even think of it. "

Yang Cheng smiled. This is the truest voice of the young people at the bottom of the Philippines. He believes that this idea represents a considerable number of young people. That's enough.

The bar area is adjacent to Roxas Avenue, which is also the sunset avenue among the Filipino population. It clusters famous attractions such as Rizal Park, Intramuros, Philippine Cultural Center, Manila Bay, etc. It is also a gathering place for famous hotels, the United States The embassy and the former embassy of country Z are also on this avenue, and public security is also guaranteed.

According to the young guide, from time to time there will be various small bands and artists' hard performances, which are quiet and lively.

Coupled with the beauties who pass by you from time to time, Yang Cheng thinks that it is a good choice to stay here from time to time.

However, Yang Cheng's ideas will not be translated into reality. What he wants to live in is naturally luxury homes, but the luxury housing market is not mature in the Philippines, let alone developed, and there is no matching luxury management property.

Therefore, the development of luxury residential areas is not his first choice, maybe in the future, but not now.

His first choice is still a small-sized just-needed house with a certain holiday nature to meet the needs of those motivated young people and also give overseas investors a certain amount of space for screening.

To control costs and selling prices, Yang Cheng believes that making money should not be a problem.

By this time, his inner entanglement has disappeared. Andrew and the others said there will be, but not all, at least there are not a few young people who are willing to fight like guides, even if only 5%, based on the huge population base. This is also a pretty terrible number.

What's more, he was not ready to kill these people all at once. He always saves some soup for people to drink when he eats meat, otherwise it will cause anger.

I got the results I wanted, and I was in a very good mood. I spent a long time strolling along Sunset Boulevard. I found a pub at noon, tasted the specialties of the Philippines, drank two glasses of home-brewed beer, and sat on the water with satisfaction. The plane officially started this island party trip.

In fact, the island has its own small airport, but due to the recent frequent tropical storm damage, the airport has been suspended, and it can only be temporarily changed to a seaplane to the resort. Of course, this is also an experience.

Ammanpulo Resort is located on Pamarican Island, north of the Palawan Islands in the Philippines, facing the Sulu Sea. It is an island formed by a shallow coral reef.

The entire island is managed by Amman. In order to maintain the original original appearance of the island, there is only less than one-tenth of the development ratio. Under the designer's hands, Ammanpulo presents an extremely humble, simple and simple form , Every building on the island is almost intactly integrated into the natural landscape of blue sky, blue sea and beautiful white sand beach When Yang Cheng overlooks the island from the seaplane, he is immediately affected by that delicate Attracted by the soft white-sand beaches, the 6.5-kilometer-long winding coast of the island spreads out and embraces the entire undisturbed tropical rainforest.

In the clear Sulu Sea off the coast, there are offshore corals with faint lustre waiting for visitors.

This is a perfect sacred place to hide from the world, and Yang Cheng's heart is ready to move, and she is looking forward to this indulgence journey.

Because of receiving a direct notification from the boss, Ammanpulo Resort has refused to accept foreign tourists three days ago, and the entire resort is immersed in an excited and nervous mood.

The employees are looking forward to the arrival of the big boss, but at the same time, they are afraid of losing their nearly perfect job due to a slight negligence.

After spending three days in this mood, finally, they waited for the seaplane that the big boss took, cut through the sky, and slowly landed on the clear sea, bringing a long white wave.

All employees of the resort, led by the manager, went to the dock to greet Yang Cheng and his party.

Immediately after getting off the plane, the enthusiastic Filipino girl presented a circle woven by her hands before her feet were firm. The colorful colors represent the warmest welcome of the resort to every visitor.

Of course, Hansen and the others are indispensable. Yang Cheng brought a full six teams of bodyguards this time to ensure as much safety as possible during the party. You must know that there are many pirates here.

God knows if they will take a huge risk to break into the territorial waters of the Philippines. The guests invited this time can tie one casually, and they can wash their hands in a golden basin. In the face of huge benefits, the risk is a fart.

So Yang Cheng can’t help but think about it, play around, don’t make fun of Bundi!


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