Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1537: The island is not lonely

Ammanpulo Resort has a total of 40 villas and cottages, all of which are based on the traditional Philippine stilt cabins. There are two luxurious suites inside. The interior decoration completely reflects the characteristics of Pamarikan Island: cobblestone washed walls , A table made of coconut shells, a Palawan basket rich in style, a big bed made of rattan headboard, through the glass sliding door of the room, you can see the sofa bench on the balcony outside the house, and the bedroom Half of the space is occupied by the marble bathroom, which can be seamlessly connected to the coconut grove by opening the door.

In addition, there are 29 single-family beach villas, all of which are equipped with hammocks and a hidden path through dense bush forests, which directly lead guests to the white and delicate beach.

If you have special needs, the hotel also has 4 tree houses on standby at any time. The tree houses are as high as the palm trees on the island. They are in the mountain-view room, and you can overlook the beautiful scenery of the island without barriers. The extraordinary sea view is unique and unique. The scenery is definitely an extreme visual enjoyment.

Of course, these are all introduced by the manager to Yang Cheng, "Boss, your luxury hill villa is ready. The villa is located at the highest point of the island, with a panoramic view of the rainforest. The bedroom is facing the endless blue sea with a vast view. Equipped with a private swimming pool and a 24-hour constant temperature system, even if you jump into the water in the early morning, you will not catch a cold.

In addition, if you need to have a meal, you can tell the exclusive butler at any time, and she will be responsible for the arrangement. "

Yang Cheng nodded, "Thank you, excellent work, I believe this will be a wonderful holiday.

Guests will arrive in succession tomorrow, and the reception work must be carefully checked to avoid negligence. "

The manager looked straight, "Boss, rest assured, we have already completed a number of records. Even if there is a tornado tomorrow, we will ensure that the guests arrive on the island safely."

Yang Cheng said, "You are responsible for arranging the security personnel I brought, plus the original security of the island, it should be enough to ensure the safety of the island."

Let the accompanying staff go busy separately, leaving only their exclusive butler on the island to accompany them and stroll around the island. Because there are rare people here, even if the resort is completed, Amman is trying to control the flow of people, and in order to keep as natural as possible The scenery, so there is little trace of development, except for very few buildings, the rest are lush tropical rain forests and crystal clear blue waters.

Passing by an independent hut, walking in with hands in pockets, and sitting on a deck chair on the terrace, the leisurely feeling rises instantly, sitting and enjoying the blue sky and the emerald blue sea, and the sea breeze is very relaxing.

There is a soft white sandy beach under your feet, so you can simply take off your shoes and step on them barefoot to relax completely.

As he looked around, he inadvertently swept the flashlight at the entrance, and couldn't help asking, "How to solve the energy demand on the island?"

The housekeeper smiled friendly, "Boss, Ammanpuro adhered to the principle of privacy and tranquility at the beginning of its construction, and kept guests away from worldly troubles as much as possible, so everything must be self-sufficient.

We have more than just our own transportation system.

We also need to generate electricity, clean up sewage, recycle scrap metal, make fertilizers and reforest, and install satellite receivers to watch international TV, surf the Internet, and make international calls.

Desalination plants are also planted on the island to ensure a normal supply of fresh water.

It is a pity that the airstrip has been damaged by a typhoon and is temporarily unavailable, otherwise it would be possible to receive VIPs 24 hours a day. "

Yang Cheng is very satisfied. It can be said that at the beginning of the design, Amman has already designed everything you can or even can't think of, and there will be a day when it is needed.

Standing up, Yang Cheng walked barefoot to the beach with his hands on his back. About tens of meters away was where the coral reef was. The butler behind obliquely said immediately, "Boss, over there is our diving shrine. The two-kilometer-long Pamarikan Island is surrounded by coral reefs over 5 kilometers. When the sun is clear, the sea visibility can reach 30 meters. Even if there is no sunlight, the sea visibility can reach more than ten meters. You can see the leisurely just by snorkeling. Swimming turtles.

And if you go to the southernmost point of the island, you can still see sharks. If you are brave enough, you can try to dance with the sharks. Please rest assured that our professional coaches will ensure your safety. "

Yang Cheng unexpectedly turned to look at the housekeeper, "Shark?"

The butler smiled and nodded, "Yes, because the water temperature and sunshine here are very suitable for shark growth, and because the coral reefs are surrounded by the water depth is limited, larger sharks will get stranded here, so only small sharks are here, such as young nurses. Sharks and lemon sharks form the most special sight on the island."

Yang Cheng dumbly, "Lemon Shark? These grumpy guys are not easy to mess with."

The butler is a beautiful mixed-race woman, who seems to be a legacy of the US military. She smiles with a pair of very beautiful dimples, meticulously curled up hair, and charming cheek curves, which makes her smile unique.

"Boss, lemon sharks rarely attack people actively. Of course, the premise is not to provoke them."

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "You can try it The steward can say that everything on the island is at his fingertips. Seeing that Yang Cheng doesn't seem to be interested in diving so much, he suggested, "You can try Trying windsurfing, we walked along the beach, at the end of the Blue Lagoon area, just in the windward zone, accompanied by gentle waves, is the world's best windsurfing holy land, from December to April of the following year, here During this period, the average wind speed can reach 20 kilometers per hour,"

Yang Cheng snorted, "Perfect harmony belt, but it's June now."

"But tropical cyclones have been frequented recently. According to the information sent by the weather station we cooperated with, the wind will reach the moderate level this afternoon."

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up. It's been a long time since she played windsurfing. Would you like to try?

Slightly moved, but the butler immediately proposed a number of alternative entertainment items, which made him a little difficult to choose.

Of course, he is also satisfied with the attentive service of the resort, even if he stays here for half a month, he will not be bored.

For example, you can go fishing when the weather is good. There are abundant marine resources here, such as deep-sea sea bream and grouper, spinefish, tuna, bonito and mackerel. There are hooks available, even if you are a novice and don’t know anything about it. Fishing is okay, the resort will not let you down.

Or you don’t want to exercise at all, you just want to lie down in a different place. It’s not a problem. The blue waters of the Sulu Sea are an excellent reason for cruising. The resort has a variety of boats to go to the surrounding uninhabited islands, and nothing is needed. Do it, lie on the boat and enjoy lazy sailing, sunset cruise, moonlight cruise, island jump cruise, and even arrange a private beach barbecue on the uninhabited island after hiking.

Again, only you can't think of it, no resort can't do it.


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