Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1553: Not intentional (Happy New Year)

(Happy New Year to everyone, I wish you all a happy New Year holiday! O(∩_∩)O)

"Don't, don't say such seemingly easy words, you are not me, your wife is not asleep!"

With a scream, Ned threw the bamboo pole to the ground. It seems that he also knew that at Yang Cheng, he had no chance to attack Xiao Lizi.

Yang Cheng shrugged. He didn't deny Ned's words. He was not the party involved, and he was indeed not qualified to speak cold words.

But sometimes people always help their relatives and ignore them.

"Sit down, something to drink? Or you haven't eaten breakfast yet? I asked the restaurant to bring something over, and let's sit down and talk slowly." Yang Cheng was the master's consciousness and invited Ned to sit down.

It was an ordinary person who was already out of anger at this time, and I wanted to swim back to the United States in the sea.

However, Ned came from a big family, and he would never do anything unfavorable to him at any time. This was selfish and a means of self-preservation. When he calmed down, the cultivation and style of the children of the big family immediately showed.

In comparison, Xiao Lizi fell behind. The guy's hair was messy, the panic on his face disappeared, and his body was still stained with the smell left after he was over last night.

At first, Yang Cheng didn't pay attention. When he sat down, an unpleasant pungent smell rushed to his forehead through his nose.

"I suggest you take a bath, what do you think~" Yang Cheng said as softly as possible.

Little Lizi hadn't recovered yet, he was stunned for a long time, pulled up his collar and smelled it, and was disgusted by himself, "Um, take your bathroom and use it."

Yang Cheng pointed to the restroom in the other direction, "Use that one~"

When Xiao Lizi went to take a bath, the butler took the waiter to arrange breakfast in the dining room. Well, breakfast at two o’clock in the afternoon~

Said to Ned, "Let's eat together?"

On the surface, Ned seemed to have recovered his calm, but the fire in his heart was burning. He sat at the dining table sullenly and shook his head. "Jason, I know you. I hope you don’t participate in this matter. This is mine. Housework."

Yang Cheng took a sip of milk and licked her lips, "If you can negotiate a solution, I will naturally be happy, and I don't like to take care of other people's affairs."

This sounds so much like diplomatic rhetoric.

Ned sneered, "Of course, we are all civilized people, so naturally we will not solve problems through violence."

If it hadn't been for a bamboo pole on the ground, Yang Cheng would almost believe it.

"You love Kate very much?"

I thought I would get an affirmative answer without hesitation. Otherwise, why would Ned be so indignant to beat Xiao Lizi?

However, what was unexpected was that Ned hesitated. The hesitation and pause of less than two seconds made his next'yes' less credible.

Yang Cheng smiled meaningfully, "If I guess it's correct, there has been a problem with your marriage, right?"

Ned did not hesitate this time, nodded heavily, his gums were almost bleeding, "I admit it, but it all comes down to the bastard. Without him, our marriage would be very happy."

Yang Cheng said with a smile, "What did Leon say last night? It made you furious?"

Ned blushed instantly, "Don't let me repeat! This is an insult~"

Yang Cheng quickly raised her hand, "OK, don't get excited, when I didn't ask~"

After eating a sandwich to hide his embarrassment, Xiao Lizi walked out with his hair wiped, changed into a new bathrobe, and smelled of shower gel, at least not polluting the air.

"Sit~" Yang Cheng pointed to his right hand, opposite Ned.

Little Li didn't dare to look at Ned, no matter how he was confident with Kate, he was always guilty in front of his real husband.

Yang Cheng sits in the play and assumes the position of mediator and referee.


"Asshole, go ahead, how are you going to solve this?" Ned took the lead in attacking~

Little plum took a mouthful of juice, but the result was too strong and he coughed, "How do you solve it? I really didn't mean it~"

Ned leaned on the table and stood up. "You **** my wife. Tell me you didn't mean it?"

Xiao Lizi was taken aback, and explained again and again, "No, I mean I said this thing last night, I really didn't mean it, I took too much medicine, and I was overwhelmed. I want to sincerely apologize to you for this. ."

"No, I don't need your apology, what I need is that you completely disappear from Kate, never have any contact with her again, even if it is inadvertent contact in public places!" Ned yelled.

Yang Cheng is dumb, is this guy serious? He is ready to accept the fact of the green hat, and still want to put the hat on his head for the whole world to see?

This buddy is too open-minded, right?

What’s more weird is Little Plum. This guy looked embarrassed, “I’m afraid it’s difficult to do this. You also know that the entertainment industry is such a big one. It will always be encountered on various occasions. I can’t deliberately ignore it and be caught by the media. Interpret the broken friendship, right?

This is too deliberate~"

After speaking, he raised his eyelids slightly to see Ned's face that was about to become black, and he hurriedly made up, "Of course, I can promise that I will never meet Kate in private from now on."

Ned's face was a little slow, but his attitude remained firm, "No! It must be in any place, at any time, you can't meet, even if you see it in public, you must avoid it in time. This is my bottom line."

Yang Cheng shook his head helplessly. This is too naive. It is better to ask for some money. The little plum who has no money must concentrate on his work and make money, otherwise how to maintain his chic life?

As long as you concentrate on work, how can there be time to provoke Kate?

Isn't this Ned stupid?

Obviously, he was thinking too much. After Xiao Lizi's boss reluctantly agreed, Ned said again, "You have to help Kate get a big production project protagonist with a level of hundreds of millions."

Yang Cheng really doesn't understand this time, what is this guy thinking in his head? Just now he looked like he was going to die, how can he start helping his wife who cheated on him?

For Xiao Lizi, this is the sound of nature, and the problem that can be solved by the exchange of benefits is not a problem in his opinion.

He agreed, "No problem, leave it to me. If I'm not satisfied, I will change again. There is always a satisfactory role."

Yang Cheng always feels that the wind is heavy and the rain is I thought I could see a little red, but in the end I didn’t even lose a hair. It was boring, and the plot would be spit out~

Little Li Zi tentatively asked, "Can I go now?"

Ned was still sullen, indifferent to Xiao Li's words, staring straight at him, making Xiao Li fidgeting, and begging Yang Cheng for help with his eyes.

Yang Cheng coughed twice, "Ned, if you lose your breath, let Leon go back first. You don't have to look upset."

Ned didn't say that Yang Cheng had to wink at Xiao Li and told him to get out.

Little Lizi moved to the door a little bit, and saw that Ned really had no intention to stop him, and then ran out in a hurry. That figure was extremely embarrassed!

However, when Yang Cheng thought that the matter was over in this way, the matter reversed again, and Ned suddenly said, "Do you think it is so easy to let him go, I am stupid?"

List of chapters in high-speed text handwriting America, enjoying life

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