Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1554: Capital has the final say (good for Chinese New Year)

"Do you think I'm so stupid to let him go so easily?"

Yang Cheng was so stunned that the bread crumbs fell to the ground before her mouth closed.

Ned sneered, "For me, things have already happened, and I can't let time go back and stop, so the only thing I can do is to stop the loss as soon as possible and make some profit by the way."

Yang Orange nodded blankly, Ned was right.

Wei Wei said sadly, "With this incident, it won’t be long before the news of Kate’s derailment will spread, and my reputation will also be damaged. If this is the case, it is better to plan ahead. The bad guys can’t let me back. Come and do it?"

Yang Cheng didn't understand, not pretending, but really didn't understand.

But when he saw the sinister smile on Ned's face, he couldn't help but feel the cold wind blowing, and a thought came up in his heart, "Little plum is going to be bad luck."

"Why are you telling me?" Yang Cheng asked puzzled.

Ned spread his hands, "Because I am not afraid of you helping Leonardo, he has a great position in the entertainment industry, but in front of capital, he has no power to fight back. You have to admit this~"

Yang Cheng nodded, of course he would not deny it, because he himself is a member of the capital camp, manipulating the lives and deaths of countless actors, no one knows the essence of Hollywood better than him?

Don't talk about Xiao Li. Back then, Michael Jackson, a national idol, had a status of one-on-one, and he was a wealthy family. Wasn't it finally played by Sony?

What's more, Xiao Lizi has not reached the status of MJ back then.

But when Ned was not afraid of helping himself, Yang Cheng was upset, what happened? You are the capital, am I not? Or do you think you can fly around in front of yourself as a Hollywood snake by relying on Virgin Atlantic?

"You should know that if Leonardo speaks, I will help."

Ned nodded indifferently, "Of course, I have to admit that the iron triangle of interests formed by you, David Ellison and Leonardo has the power to decide everything in Hollywood."

Knowing that you dare to say that, is there any other hole cards? Yang Cheng guessed in his mind.

"But, I don't have the ability to completely knock him off the altar, or the ability to cause trouble for him?" Ned's confident words made Yang Cheng instantly lose his language ability.

He admitted that Ned was right, it was impossible to kill Xiao Li, because with himself and David Ellison, Xiao Li had no worries.

But after all, the two of them are not Xiao Lizi's bodyguards, and it is impossible to protect him 24 hours a day. As long as Ned makes small troubles for Xiao Li from time to time, who dares to use him over time?

Hollywood is a group of egoists. It is their instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Who would be willing to use an actor who can always cause small troubles?

Anyway, Yang Cheng himself was not willing, even if Xiao Lizi had a good relationship with him.

This is really difficult. Ned is very accurate, just pinching Xiao Li's seven inches, he is sure that Yang Cheng will not fight Virgin for Xiao Li.

Yang Cheng sighed, "So you were ready to divorce Kate early in the morning. The offer you just made with Xiao Li is just to leave yourself a clean reputation, right?"

Ned nodded calmly, "All right~"

After a pause, Ned kindly persuaded, "I still said that. I hope you don't get involved. This is the matter of the three of us. When I breathe out, naturally I will not keep staring at Leonardo. And I admit that once you get involved, it will cause a lot of hindrance to me. As a result, my deadline for Leonardo will be extended indefinitely. This is not a win-win result."

Yang Cheng was helpless. Just now I thought this guy was mad, but now it seems that he is naive.

"I will think about it~"

"Of course, this is your power."

. . .

After Ned left, Luo Yue came out of the bedroom wrapped in a nightgown. Seeing Yang Cheng's frown, he stretched out his hand to help him stretch his twisted brows, "What's wrong?"

Lin Ximan held back for a long time, finally she had a chance to speak, Xiaozui said loudly, recounting the gossip she had just witnessed, Luo Yue opened her small mouth and said, "Leonardo Unlucky?"

Before Yang Cheng could speak, Lin Ximan lighted his head and said, "It must be unlucky. Kate's husband is not easy to provoke at first sight, and he also warned your family member not to intervene, it is no good."

"What warning, this is just a means for him to put pressure on, don't talk nonsense." Yang Cheng was annoyed, and said angrily.

Lin Ximan made a grimace, "Anyway, Xiao Li is dead this time, but I'm really surprised. It turns out that he really has an unusual relationship with Kate."

Yes, these two girls are not talking about anything else, they are starting to talk about gossip.

Yang Cheng scratched his scalp rather irritably, deliberately reminding Xiao Li, but after thinking about it, it seemed useless to remind him, Ned was obviously confident and prepared.

By the way, who invited Ned to come? He is very sure and certain that there is absolutely no such person in his invitation list.

Is it William?

Thinking of this, he thought he could discuss with William. If they were friends, could he persuade him?

For the sake of Xiao Li, Yang Cheng also broke his heart. Friendship is one aspect, and more of it is profit. To bind a Hollywood superstar, the profit space is quite huge.

We greeted Luo Yue and let them move freely after breakfast, and then went back to the room to change clothes and hurried out.

Inquired about the location of the villa where William was staying, and looked for it all the way.

When I arrived at the tree-top villa where William stayed, before ringing the doorbell, the door opened by itself, and then a young girl stepped out on high heels and swayed her slender waist. She was shocked when she saw Yang Cheng. Then he cast a wink and walked around him towards the beach.

And William was wrapped in a bath towel and stuck out Chiguo's upper body, his dense chest hair looked very irritating.

"You wear a dress first~"

William was also surprised, "Why are you here?"

"If you have something to do with you, you can quickly change your clothes, I'll wait for you~"

Yang Cheng entered the door without saying anything. Fortunately, the windows of the room were open to keep fresh air circulating, otherwise Yang Cheng would not have the courage to enter the door.

He cocked his heels like checkers, stepped over a piece of clothing and accessories to the sofa, carefully checked and confirmed that there was no wet map before sitting down.

When William came out after getting dressed, he asked bluntly, "Ned Rockroll was the one you invited?"

William naturally hadn't heard of the farce in the morning, and he nodded inexplicably, "Yes, you know that I have a good relationship with his uncle. I used to go to Richard's private island for vacation."

List of chapters in high-speed text handwriting America, enjoying life

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