Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1556: Ghost's new project

"Have you decided to cooperate?" Yang Cheng asked.

Little Lizi hesitated, "I have read the script. There is no doubt that it is Quentin's usual style, but it involves some sensitive plots. I am worried that I will be frustrated in the market, so I haven't decided yet."

Yang Cheng grasped the key to the problem, "Sensitive plot? Religion involved?"

Little Lizi shook his head, "No, it may be related to Ru Hua."

Yang Cheng's eyes widened, "Ru Hua? Quentin is not an idiot, he wouldn't do this to offend the Z market, right?"

Little Li scratched his head, "No, no, he is not a prejudice against State Z, but a part of the movie, he ridiculed and satirized Bruce Lee. You know that Bruce is a symbol of the Chinese. I am worried that the Chinese world cannot accept this plot. "

As expected to be a little plum, with a very keen sense of smell, he knows who can offend anyone and can't touch anyone.

But Yang Cheng is not surprising at all. Quentin has always been a believer in Xiangjiang movies, and he has always implemented the doctrine of use. This is not the first time he has used Bruce Lee as a stigma.

In the film "Falling Water Dog", I borrowed a lot of bridges from "The Bloody Two Heroes", which is enough to show that Quentin is very obsessed with Eastern culture. In the past two years, Quentin has fulfilled his martial arts dream willfully. , "Kill Bill" two episodes came out one after another, allowing more oriental fans to know this movie ghost.

I also realized that this great director's unruly, blatantly used the superstars in the hearts of Chinese people as ramblings, which caused him trouble.

In Killing Bill, Quentin let Uma Thurman, who had shined in "Pulp Fiction", put on a Bruce Lee-style jumpsuit, picked up the RB katana, and started the killing of revenge.

When Uma Thurman waved the samurai sword in his hand and cut off his heads like leeks, the flesh and blood on the screen flew across the screen, and the picture turned black and white at this moment. When Yang Cheng was watching the movie, he almost thought he was Blind.

But even if it is eye-opening, it turns out that movies can still be made like this?

Before reading the script anyway, Yang Cheng thought it was a way of paying tribute to the magical changes similar to "Kill Bill". Although it is a very uncomfortable thing for Bruce Lee to put on the RB cultural symbol, but people. , Still need some entertaining spirit.

However, Xiao Lizi's worries made him think more, and the plot that made Xiao Lizi jealous is probably worth discussing.

"Can you show me the script?"

Little Lizi shook his head, "I didn't bring the script. I'll give you an dictation. By the way, before telling the plot, I want to emphasize to you that Quentin is going to invite me and Brad Pitt to co-star with Margot Robbie. The heroine, and Al Pacino will also play a role."

After Yang Cheng listened to this long list of names, the whole person was trembling. Quentin is going to do something, not to mention that Al Pacino is a combination of three leading actors, this movie is impossible. Explosion, at least at the box office at the beginning of the show, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

As for the future trend, Yang Cheng felt that as long as Quentin didn't kill himself, the hottest result should not be too bad.

After talking about the cast of the cast, Xiao Lizi began to tell the plot, but he asked, "The name of the project is "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", and the plot is also a very gimmicky, adapted from real people.

The timeline was placed in Los Angeles in 1969. At that time, American society was experiencing the rise of rebellious culture, ZZ was turbulent, the old film system and concepts were also being disintegrated, the television industry was booming, and the impact of new European films was like a wind. The heavy rain hit Hollywood at the time.

Just that year, a major event that shocked the world happened in Hollywood. One night in 1969, Jing Fang found five **** corpses in the home of the famous genius director Roman Polanski. "

Yang Cheng nodded slightly. He knew about it. Roman Polanski was also a frequent visitor to the Oscars and the world's three major film festivals. He was also one of Li's favorite directors.

Roman is good at digging out the evil of human nature and criticizing the crime of human nature in film creation, and is known as the "master of evil" in the history of film.

Xiao Lizi's voice continued, "It was Roman Polanski's 26-year-old wife Sharon Tate, who was conceived in June, who was murdered that night, as well as the mistress's friends and servants.

According to Jing Fang, the murderer's methods of committing the crime were extremely vicious. When they arrived, the body was hung in the air.

Later, under Jing Fang's investigation, it was discovered that the murderer was Charles Manson, the leader of the Manson family of the cult at that time.

The motive for the murder was most likely caused by Roman Polanski's work, because there was a description of a cult in his directed "Devil Infant", some of which may have caused Charles Manson's dissatisfaction.

Of course, there is also a saying that this is just a simple act of revenge against society by the cult.

But this is not important, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" is adapted from this story.

Among them, Pete and I are very likely to be arranged to play the actor and his stand-in who are struggling to become popular in Hollywood. Margot Robbie plays Roman's wife Sharon Tate who was killed in In the story, Margot and I are neighbors. "

Yang Cheng was surprised, "What's the matter with Bruce Lee here?"

Little Li smiled, "Bruce Lee was Roman Polanski's personal trainer. The pair of sunglasses he lost will become physical evidence of this murder. It may involve some plots that vilify Bruce, such as being knocked down by ordinary people and talking. Arrogance, bragging, arrogance, etc., of course there are also positive scenes."

Yang Cheng nodded and said that he understood whether this plot would cause strong opposition from Bruce Lee fans, or even opposition from the entire Chinese world, he didn't know.

In the eyes of Hollywood, as long as they can make money, their own boss can be black, let alone a star?

For the time being, the film’s loss of the Chinese market is regarded as an established fact. It is only shown in the Western market. Is it possible to recover the investment?

Just after listening to the list mentioned by Xiao Lizi, Yang Cheng knew that the investment in this project would not be small. At least half of the investment should be used to pay the actors and the rest can be used for production.

Judging from the quotation that Xiao Lizi has just received from Xiao Jinren, the investment budget of this project is conservatively estimated to be 80 million US dollars, leaving some room for surprises, and investing hundreds of millions of dollars is very easy.

How much box office does it take to recover the cost?

How can it get 400 million US dollars!

Quentin's style is definitely not a family movie. An R-rated category can't run. With an R-rated film, it is not easy to get a box office of 400 million US dollars under the premise of losing the Chinese market~

Seeing Yang Cheng meditating, Xiao Lizi couldn't help but said, "You can think about it seriously. I heard Quentin say that this is a script he has prepared for 5 years, and it is also one of his most important projects in history. The investment will not be small."


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