Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1557: Film Company Plan

Quentin's script Yang Cheng hasn't seen it yet, but his recognition of Xiao Lizi's selection of the script and his brief description made him very excited.

Although New Era Pictures has a professional department responsible for reviewing projects, since officially entering Hollywood, Yang Cheng has personally decided on several major projects and has achieved good results.

Therefore, the company has reported 100% trust in Yang Cheng’s vision and decision. As long as Yang Cheng decides to invest in this large project, there will never be a second person in the company to stand up against it. .

Of course, this project is not in Yang Cheng's known memory. He does not have accurate box office data to rely on. Compared with the previous projects, he is not confident.

For risk control considerations, perhaps joint investment is the safest way.

And not so much investment in this project, it is better to invest in Xiao Lizi, so far, Xiao Li has not made a super bad movie to his bones, and his monoclonal antibody box office ability is unique, not to mention it. With Brad Pitt and Harley Quinn joining, this cast of cast is equivalent to holding three Kings in your hand. It is a crime not to stud.

Thinking of this, he said to Xiao Lizi, "Are you sure you are acting?"

Little Li hesitated, "I'm still making the final struggle. As I said, the consequences of designing Bruce Lee's clips are still unknown. I need to discuss with Quentin before making a decision."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Then I'm not in a hurry. I will make sure to invest after you make a decision. You know, I believe you more than Quentin."

"Oh, onman, you said that my pressure is unprecedented." Xiao Lizi said moved.

Yang Cheng smiled and patted the other person on the shoulder, "Relax and follow your own rhythm."

After a pause, he reminded again, "Remember to be careful of Ned. His grievances against you will not disappear for a while."

Little Lizi smiled bitterly, "I'm as careful as possible about Kate..."

He stopped talking, Yang Cheng shook his head, "I don't want to know or interfere with your affairs."

Little Lizi was relieved and said seriously, "Thank you buddy, I won't let you down."

Leave little Lizi's personal space for him to think about for a while. Yang Cheng returned to the villa and found that the two beauties had disappeared. After asking the housekeeper, they found out that they went out after breakfast.

Yang Cheng thought for a while and didn't go out at all, staying in the living room and calling Donna Lande.

Just in time for New Era Pictures to hold an internal regular meeting, Yang Orange connected the video and attended the meeting.

The theme of today's meeting is about the introduction of projects to be released next year. Generally speaking, the projects of the second year will be communicated and confirmed half a year in advance to facilitate the development of plans by various departments and avoid waste of internal resource conflicts.

Donna presided over the meeting, "Welcome the boss to join~"

In the video, everyone in the conference room looked at the big screen and applauded Yang Cheng dressed in Hawaii.

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, "Don't worry about me, continue the meeting."

Donna nodded, pointed to one of the vice presidents in charge of publicity and said, "You say first~"

The vice president stood up and came to the LCD TV, playing the ppt and said, "The first introduction is the movie "How to Become a Latin Lover" directed by Ken Marino. In the film, Salma Hayek and Mexican comedian who play the leading role and heroine respectively. Akhniod Boz.

"How to Become a Latin Lover" tells a man who makes a living by hooking up with an old woman, how he can regain the meaning of his family after ending a 25-year marriage. This film is tentatively scheduled to be released at the end of April next year, which is a pavement for summer vacation.

Next, there is a biographical film about the legendary rapper 2Pac, "Most-anticipated". It is currently progressing smoothly. It is filming and editing. It is expected that all production will be completed by the end of the year. I have a clip here. You can watch it~"

The vice president clicked on a video. The total production time of this film is not short, and new actors were selected to play 2Pac exclusively.

You can see from the short clips that the new actor and 2Pac are terribly similar.

The film is directed by Benny Bum, who has made music videos for famous hip-hop artists such as Nicky Minash, Bragging Daddy, and Aken, and should have a good appeal in the fan circle.

The simple investment is not high, and there is offline income, which should make a steady profit.

The film only lasts ten seconds, and there is no special effect subtitles. It will be played soon. The vice president said, "According to the current arrangement, the film will be available in the United States in June next year. It will take a long screening route to ensure a stable order. In the case of library profits, extend the screening period as much as possible."

The vice president looked around and saw that his colleagues had no problems before continuing, "The third project is a joint venture film. We filmed with Columbia Pictures. The other party is dominant. We have 40% of the share. So I hope that colleagues in the publicity department We can’t slacken our efforts because it’s not a sole proprietorship project. We can also make a lot of profits if we sell well."

The vice president made a reminder, returning to the topic, "This project is directed by Michael Costa and is called "American Assassin".

This film starring Dylan O'Brien, who once played the'Young Wolf', and the old Batman Michael Keaton, both young and old, tells how O'Brien played a young rookie who was frustrated because of the death of his girlfriend and was trained as an elite CIA agent. In the story, they will partner with Turkish agents to detect a war planned by terrorists in the Middle East, and Taylor Keqi plays the role of the terrorist boss.

When I was communicating with Columbia Pictures, the other party attached great importance to this project, which is one of the key projects for next year. "

Donna Lande suddenly interjected, "We are currently in the honeymoon period with Columbia Pictures, and this cooperation must be taken seriously."

The company’s preparation for the acquisition of Columbia Pictures has not yet spread. Only the top leaders know about it. Even the vice president does not know the inside story. Donna Lande reminded him with a more serious tone.

After that, the vice president introduced another film worthy of attention-"Miracle", which is known as the healing direction by looking at the name. It is adapted from the children's novel of the same name. His wife Jacob Trebre is going to play a handicapped boy with facial deformities.

The story describes how the boy struggled to integrate into the new school circle with the help of his parents, and Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson played his parents.

It is said that during the on-site shooting, the crew members expressed their snot and tears.

However, the shooting of this project has just started, and it involves the issue of the location. It is expected that it will not be possible to complete the filming and production until the first quarter of next year. Therefore, the publicity department can only temporarily schedule it to November next year. The Thanksgiving holiday schedule is more suitable. This kind of family story film.


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