Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1558: I never did

At the end of the introduction, as the finale project, an action comedy "The Killer's Bodyguard".

The film was directed by Patrick Hughes, director of "The Expendables 3", and starred by "Little Bite" Ryan Reynolds, Samuel Jackson, Gary Oldman, Salma Hayek and others.

The story is set in the 1980s and 1990s, when Reynolds's bodyguard was forced to protect a killer and finally toppled the corrupt dictator.

Similarly, because of the production of special effects, it is expected to be released before the end of the year. It is tentatively scheduled to be launched at the end of next year's summer vacation. The company has high expectations for this film and intends to develop it into a series of projects.

Therefore, this project will also receive the company's strongest resource promotion. Thanks to the witty words of the vice president, Yang Cheng also took this project in his heart and looked back.

At this point in the meeting, Yang Cheng didn't watch it anymore. Similarly, Donna Lande knew that Yang Cheng had something to say, so she simply left the meeting room and went back to the office to have a video call with Yang Cheng.

"Donna, I received the news from Leonardo that Quentin’s ninth film is in preparation, and the investment should be relatively high. Please pay attention to it. Once Leon is confirmed to star, our investment will follow up immediately. ."

I thought I had received the news very quickly. Who would have thought that Donna Lande would have known it a long time ago, and laughed, "Boss, Quentin has always been one of the directors that Hollywood pays more attention to. His script has just been released. The company received the news and was ready to cooperate.

I have already sent someone to follow up. As long as he formally establishes the project, there must be our investment. "

Yang Cheng is very satisfied with Donna's work efficiency and wants to be in front of everything. With such a subordinate working for herself, the boss can't be more comfortable.

"OK, let me rest assured~"

. . .

In the evening, the newly restored white sandy beach once again lit a bonfire, and Lao Gao was blazing with red flames, as if to burn a big hole in the dark sky.

Yang Cheng found Luo Yue who had just finished the essential oil massage, and stared at their skin that seemed to be broken by blowing a bomb. They gave it away as if for nothing, "Pretty, where did this beauty come from? Let other women live?"

Luo Yue sneered and laughed, Lin Ximan said with a look of disgust, "The love words I learned from, are all out of date."

"Go, go to the beach, the party continues~"

Different from the welcome party last night, today is the theme of swimwear, which is more like giving Victoria's Secret supermodels an opportunity to rehearse in advance. Who can beat them in terms of the display power of bikinis.

This is not when they all appeared on the stage wearing bikinis of different colors and models, the beach fell into a weird silence, all the men stayed, even the waves slowed down unconsciously, so as not to spoil the atmosphere.

Yang Cheng was naturally a member of the sluggish army, let alone him, even Luo Yue and Lin Ximan couldn't help being moved. Women blushed when seeing this group of stunners, let alone men.

However, Yang Cheng's self-control ability is relatively strong, mainly because his fiancée is on his side. He can't do too much. After eating nai, he finally moved his eyes, and then look at Luo Yue's whole body white. The conservative swimsuit feels a lot more cordial. It's better for her own woman, and her good figure is only for her appreciation.

Luo Yue felt a trace of scorching heat, and turned his head subconsciously, and saw Yang Cheng looking at him with a pair of pig brothers, and couldn't help but smile, "What are you doing, don't you look at the beautiful scenery in front, why do you see me?"

Yang Cheng said affectionately, "You are the most beautiful in my eyes. Other women are not as good as you. Why should I look at others?"

As soon as this hot, greasy, goosebumps love story came out, Lin Ximan directly exploded on the spot, "Hey, you two are too much, don't feed me dog food anymore. If you eat too much, you will vomit. !"

Luo Yue lowered his head embarrassedly, and Yang Cheng said shamelessly, "Love words are learned, but loving you is true."

"Oh~" Lin Ximan felt like vomiting.

Luo Yue couldn't stand it either, it was too numb, he kept rubbing his arms, "You are enough~"

That's how it was said, but the affection in his eyes almost turned into water droplets.

A joke is a joke. After a group of stunners scattered around and found their temporary partners tonight, the party officially began.

The DJ invited by Gaoxin set up a stage at the heights of the coconut grove. The effects were played out under their hands. The dynamic music was non-stop, like a catalyst, igniting the hormones of human restlessness.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is the night of the game, let's start the game? Makenoise~" The DJ turned into a host, holding a microphone and roaring, the deafening sound could even be heard several nautical miles away, and he was working there at night. The fishing boat heard it and thought something had happened.

The first game is relatively simple, called ‘I’ve never done it. . . ’

Everyone takes turns to use this sentence to say something that you have never done before, and those who have done it should drink alcohol consciously.

This game seems to be very civilized, but all kinds of weird things can be said in the mouths of people with open minds.

Of course, if you want people to drink, the simpler it is, the better. For example, ‘I never stayed up all night~’

Almost everyone in the room has to kill a Of course, David Ellison who said this was beaten up by the people around him. This grandson can’t speak his brain. If he didn’t stay up all night, everyone All go to be a monk.

Yang Cheng even shouted, "Everyone has a unified goal tonight-David Ellison~"

Xiao Lizi responded most positively, a model of the best damaging friend, immediately said, "I have never been together with three people~"

After speaking, he consciously drank a whole cup. Again, no one believed this. If he said that he had never been with three men, there was still a possibility of losing it!

But everyone knew that his target was David Ellison, so they let him go lightly.

David Ellison refused to accept, "Why not beat him, such an obvious lie~"

Another David Beckham smiled and made up the knife, "Because you aroused public anger first, drink it soon~"

David Ellison took a sip of grief and angrily, looked around the crowd, and found that he was the only one drinking, and he immediately cried out, "What good guys do you pretend to be? I don't believe that I'm the only one who has been a "three-person"~"

No one paid any attention to him, and the DJ was very sensible, so he immediately changed the subject and started the next round.

In this way, less than an hour after the game started, David Ellison fell to the ground and kept drawing circles. Seeing this, he would have two more cups. It is estimated that he would not wake up by tomorrow night.

Yang Cheng was worried that he would catch a cold, so he hurriedly asked the waiter to help send people to the room, and after playing, it would be bad if something happened.

The party will not stop because one person is drunk. The old bottle contains new wine, and various slightly improved games have been moved out. A few of them are too good to drink. They were carried back before they persisted for a few rounds. It is a pity that they are well-dressed. Victoria's Secret Angels, in the end, no one was favored. It was a waste and sin~


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